Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3149: If you really want to beg, come back by yourself

Junya and Lu Yiyang rushed to the hospital, smiling, sitting in the corner crying.

Seeing Junya, she rushed over and hugged her: "Junya, my grandmother is very bad. The doctor said that surgery is needed, but the doctor is not sure that it can succeed...I really don't know what to do."

"What's the problem?" Junya comforted, "You talk about it first and see if there is any way."

"The doctor said it was a heart problem, but the grandmother herself was older and her organs were too old, and the condition was a bit bad, so they said that the operation is not promising." Smiled and cried and said, "But other big hospitals, basically I don’t have a bed. I can’t transfer my grandma to the hospital..."

Junya heard this and said hurriedly: "Don't worry, I will help you ask."

Nodded with a smile.

Lu Yiyang was also on the side, holding Junya's hand: "Do you want to help?"

"I have a friend, in the best national hospital, I think of a way to ask." Jun Ya said.

Lu Yiyang nodded: "If it doesn't work, I will also ask a friend."

Junya grew up in Jingzhou City, and her father held an important position. It's not that she didn't know her. It's just that since she broke with his father for so long, many of her former friends and relationships have broken up.

But in order to laugh, she decided to go all out and called an uncle of her former family friend: "Oubo, I'm sorry to disturb you so late."

"It's Junya? Is there anything wrong with you?"

"I have a friend who has a heart problem and wants to be transferred to your hospital, but through normal channels, there are no beds. Can Oberber let us live in first?" Jun Ya pleaded.

"Junya, in fact, your father has been thinking of you all the time. Since such a big thing has happened, why not talk to your father first? Do you want me to transfer the call to your father?"

"I still don't need Oberber, can I ask you to do this?"

There seemed to be a bit embarrassed over there: "Junya, it's not that I don't help you. If you don't tell your father about this matter, I won't be able to get through here. Look, or am I coming to pick you up?"

Just as Junya was about to refuse, the phone of the people over there was snatched, and then a somewhat sharp, familiar to strange voice came over: "Junya, you really don't want this house, right?"

It's my father's voice!

Jun Ya suddenly frowned, and his father's voice turned stern: "Since you got out, don't even think about using my relationship to do things! If you really want to ask someone, come back by yourself!"

After speaking, the phone over there hung up.

Jun Ya was stunned for a moment.

She came to Xiaoxiao and looked at her pleadingly, "Junya, is there any news?"

Junya is really a hundred people who don't want to pay attention to her father, but looking at the smile in her eyes, she feels she can't refuse.

"I have to wait a while. I'll go to a place first." Junya said, "When I come back, grandma can definitely go to a better hospital."

"Yeah." Xiaoxiao nodded trustingly.

Junya walked out: "Lu Yiyang, you can give me a favor."

Lu Yiyang grabbed her wrist: "Where are you going?"

"I want to go home, see my father, and ask him to find a big hospital and let the smiling grandma transfer in. Although I don't want to go back, Xiaoxiao is my best friend, and I can't just watch her. Regardless of."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Lu Yiyang got into the car and asked softly, "Aren't you willing to see him?"

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