Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3150: Real people are much more handsome than the cover

"Yes. To be honest, I haven't seen him in five years."

Lu Yiyang was surprised: "So long?"

"Yes, since my mother passed away, my relationship with him has been a bit delicate. Later, after my stepmother got married, she was fine, but... the son my stepmother brought in once intended to plot against me, so I took him I was injured. Not only did my father not help me, he scolded me, saying that I was deliberately picking things up... Since that day, I moved out and never went back." Junya smiled bitterly, "to Now, he still feels that everything is my fault. If I go back and ask him for help this time, he will let me admit my mistake first."

Lu Yiyang frowned slightly, pulled the car over, and wiped her tears: "Then you want to go back?"

"Yeah, you can't just smile. You also know how difficult it is to enter the good hospitals in Jingzhou City. Some people make appointments for many days, and they can't even get their numbers... People I know before have them Relationship, once you contact those people, you still live under his shadow." Junya said helplessly, "I don't know what other way besides begging him."

"I suddenly remembered that I had a friend in that hospital. I'll try." Lu Yiyang couldn't bear her sadness.

"Okay? Will it be too troublesome?" Junya knew that this matter was not easy to handle.

"I will try." Lu Yiyang said.

He got out of the car and immediately made a call to go out, saying that he was trying, but he was sure.

Soon, the subordinates called back: "Mr. Lu, it's done, you can move in now, VIP suite."

When Lu Yiyang came back, Junya looked at him expectantly: "Can you?"

"Okay, a room has already been booked."

"It's great!" Jun Ya couldn't help but said.

"Then let's go back." Lu Yiyang didn't want her to go home and be wronged.

"Good." Junya herself was even more reluctant to go back.

There was joy on her face, but there was also a trace of melancholy, as if she had become a little confused because of remembering the past.

Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand: "Come here."

She was thinking about things and leaned in quietly.

Lu Yiyang rubbed her head into her embrace, and put her chin on her hair, a warm embrace, dispelling all the sadness in her heart.

When she returned to the hospital, Junya hurriedly told the story to Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, let's transfer to grandma immediately."

"Okay!" Xiaoxiao was very happy, and suddenly felt strength.

With the help of Lu Yiyang, Grandma Xiaoxiao's transfer went particularly smoothly.

The doctor checked her and told Xiaoxiao: "The operation will be available in a few days. The problem is not big, but enough money must be prepared. In this way, the patient's treatment effect can be guaranteed with a greater probability."

"Money is not a problem." Junya immediately replied instead of Xiaoxiao.

She has saved a lot of money from her work in the past few years, and it has never been a big expense. It is perfectly fine to lend Xiaoxiao.

Smiled and looked at Junya gratefully: "Junya, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

"We are the best friends, you're welcome." Junya looked at Lu Yiyang, "In fact, Lu Yiyang arranged for you in the hospital."

Xiaoxiao only noticed Lu Yiyang and said in surprise: "I know Lu Yiyang, he is the one who took the cover with Mo Zheng last time. The real person is much more handsome than the cover! Is he working with you now?"

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