Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3164: Junya's emotions

However, the intimate atmosphere between the two people is still ready to come out.

Lu Yiyang sandwiched her with scallops. As soon as Junya was about to eat it, she saw everyone nearby to respect her wine.

"Junya, don't worry about today's affairs, let me toast you are free." The staff came up in waves.

Finally Liang Jialin, Ding Xiu and Wei Jie also came to Junya.

Ding Xiu patted Junya on the shoulder: "Junya, don't worry, the three of us will do a good job and won't let you take us for nothing."

"That..." Jun Ya really didn't react. Why are the three of them more honest and obedient than before?

"Junya, you are digging your heart out to the artist, we will not let you down." Liang Jialin drank the wine.

Ding Xiu and Wei Jie also finished two cups immediately.

Junya was a little embarrassed, had a drink, and said, "Everyone work hard together."

She was really embarrassed, she really took her heart out to Lu Yiyang, but for the three of them, she really didn't dare to say that she took out her heart and lungs. This glass of wine was a shame.

Lu Yiyang raised the corners of his lips and looked at Junya industriously.

Everyone was still drinking, Lu Yiyang took Junya and left first.

After going out, Junya smiled and bent over and said, "They came to toast me because of this? I don't know whether to cry or laugh."

"However, I blame you! What a joke you are not good at, you made such a joke! Did you know that I was almost scared to death by you!" Jun Ya pointed at him, her body shaking a little.

She was a little drunk. Although she didn't drink much every time, she still drank a lot because there were too many people toasting.

Lu Yiyang grabbed her waist, took out a bracelet and put it on her hand: "I was joking just now, because I wanted to wait until I woke up and give it to you. But there were too many people just now, and I changed again. Idea, I will give it to you now."

"Every year or festival, what do you send me something for?" Jun Ya laughed.

"Because this bracelet looks good, is there a good reason for that?"

Junya smiled more brilliantly: "Okay, I accept it."

She turned a little worried: "Then what about your scene? Wouldn't it be a remake tomorrow?"

"No, the one before this one is perfect. The last one I made up is just for you to make a joke."

"Scared me to death!" Junya patted her chest, "I really thought you just now, my heart stopped beating..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Yiyang hugged her, kissed her, and gave her all his passionate love.

Junya was drunk, fascinated in his embrace.

Lu Yiyang kissed deeply, churning her tongue, as if to rub her into his body.

Just now Junya's emotions exceeded his expectations. For the first time, he knew that he occupies such an important position in Junya's mind...

He took her into the car and asked her again and again in the car.

Junya was too tired and drunk again, and then fell asleep, with a satisfied smile on her face after falling asleep.

Lu Yiyang was about to pull her hand to leave, she seemed to be afraid of something: "Lu Yiyang, don't go..."

"I'm not going." He encircled her waist, Junya hugged his waist, her whole body was tightly in his arms, as if she was afraid that he would leave and that something might happen to him.

Lu Yiyang called the driver and asked the driver to take him home.

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