Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3165: I can't sleep well if you are not here...

The driver was specially responsible for picking up Lu Yiyang. Seeing that Junya and Lu Yiyang were so close, he couldn't help but take another look.

"She was drunk."

The driver came out just after midnight, and nodded clearly.

When he arrived at Lu Yiyang's residence, he carried Junya directly upstairs, put her in the bathtub, and took a bath with boiling water.

Junya was a little drunk: "Farewell, let me sleep..."

"Hey, feel better after washing." Lu Yiyang coaxed her patiently.

Rinse her well, scrub her well, Lu Yiyang's phone rang.

He took a look and picked it up: "Uncle Meng."

"Second Young Master, I am downstairs in your residence, can I come up?" Uncle Meng asked gently.

"Come up, please." Lu Yiyang did not object.

In the c royal family, every member of the royal family has a personal butler who is responsible for managing all those who serve and take care of the member.

Uncle Meng is Lu Yiyang's personal butler. He is knowledgeable and polite. Seeing Lu Yiyang grow up, Lu Yiyang has always respected him like an elder.

Lu Yiyang opened the door, and Uncle Meng appeared at the door, dressed in a suit and bow tie, decent and gentleman.

"Uncle Meng, how did you think of coming here?" Lu Yiyang smiled, grinding coffee beans and making coffee for Uncle Meng.

Uncle Meng said, "Let me do it, Second Young Master."

"You came all the way, but I still trouble you? Please sit down and make a cup of coffee, I will do it." Lu Yiyang smiled.

Uncle Meng sat down and said, "I heard that you have entered the show business circle, so I came here to take a look. The king and queen may not be relieved."

"So Uncle Meng is here to learn about my life, or to persuade me?" Lu Yiyang grinds coffee beans, calmly and gracefully, without rushing.

Uncle Meng laughed: "Your parents are worried about you, so they have to want to know. But you also know that they have always respected you, so how can they persuade you to do anything at will? Besides, the entertainment industry is not an illegal circle. How can they persuade you? what?"

Lu Yiyang followed with a smile: "It's my villain's heart, saving the belly of a gentleman."

"Second Young Master, are you okay?" This is what Uncle Meng worries most. As a member of the royal family, his every move is very concerned.

It's just that he is in country s and he is not well-known in country c. It is better, but it is hard to guarantee that he will attract national attention in the future.

"How are you thinking about the marriage? Are there suitable candidates for the photos I sent you before?" Uncle Meng asked with a smile.

The coffee smelled, and Lu Yiyang was about to speak. The door suddenly opened. Junya in cool pajamas swayed out: "Lu Yiyang, where are you? You are not here, I can't sleep well..."

Junya was really worried about Lu Yiyang tonight. Now she was sleeping in a daze, and found that he was not there, she followed out, and she didn't expect that there was one more person in the room.

Lu Yiyang took her into his arms and concealed her too cool pajamas, and whispered: "It's all right, I'll be with you."

He shrugged at Uncle Meng and smiled.

Uncle Meng was surprised, and then laughed, but with a question, he seemed to be asking which girl it was.

Although Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei are very enlightened, if the status of the girls is too low, there will be big problems.

Lu Yiyang pointed at the door, motioned him to leave first, and told him later.

Uncle Meng had no choice but to stand up, okay, the second young master is now an adult, and he has a close relationship with him, so he had to leave first.

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