Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3235: I will show you more

On the day Uncle Meng was invited for dinner, Uncle Meng still appeared like a gentleman.

A very shaved suit, neatly ironed, a meticulous bow tie, and a straight back, just like a British butler in the movie.

"Uncle Meng!" Junya greeted him affectionately as soon as she saw him, "Please sit down. You are really younger and younger."

"Miss Jun is really polite."

"You call me Junya." Junya took him to sit down, "This time Yiyang's movie, you also have to help with the publicity work. Thank you so much."

"What should be done, what should be done." Uncle Meng also felt that he had not done enough. Logically, he could put more energy into it, which was stopped by Lu Yiyang.

Junya smiled and said, "Then I will toast you a cup."

Uncle Meng smiled and said, "Okay."

He likes Junya very much, with a carefree appearance and delicate thoughts inside, matching Lu Yiyang's face.

Uncle Meng looked at Lu Yiyang sitting aside with a smile on his face, and he couldn't help but feel relieved: "Yiyang, cherish it."

Lu Yiyang smiled indifferently, and Junya nodded clearly: "That is, the popularity is not easy now, so you must cherish it."

Uncle Meng and Lu Yiyang couldn't help but laugh, and Junya laughed along with them.

When Uncle Meng left, Junya said with a smile, "Uncle Meng is really nice."

"pretty good."

"He seems to know you very well?" Jun Ya asked curiously.

"He has been helping in the company since he was very young, and I am regarded as the one he grew up watching. I treat him as an elder."

Junya suddenly rolled her eyes: "Then I am considered to have seen your elders?"

Lu Yiyang rubbed her hair: "Forget it. When you are free, I will show you more."

"The ugly wife wants to see her in-laws, so nervous." Junya looked scared.

"I thought you were not afraid of it."

Junya shrank her neck: "Of course there are also things to be afraid of. If you have love, you will be afraid. If you are cold and unfeeling, you are really not afraid of anything."

Her words made Lu Yiyang's lips rise.

Junya was about to turn on her mobile phone to book a flight ticket. Han Yixue called: "Junya, I have arranged a job for Lu Yiyang. Come back."

Junya frowned: "Aren't we on vacation?"

"I have a job, of course I have to answer it." Han Yixue hung up unceremoniously.

Jun Ya has already taken the annual leave. Han Yixue is too much, right?

"Let's go back and take a look." Lu Yiyang said.

He was about to leave his job, and he didn't want to cause any trouble to clean up at this critical moment.

Junya complained a little: "I guessed it, because we are leaving, so Han Yixiao must want to drain our final surplus value. Most of them will take us some inexplicable work."

"The soldiers will cover the water and earth." Lu Yiyang was calm.

When they arrived at the company, Han Yixue was waiting for them. When she saw Lu Yiyang, she smiled and said, "Lu Yiyang, the company has picked up some advertisements for you, and we need you to shoot them."

"We have taken annual leave! Besides, we will leave the company soon!"

"Every day you are in the company, you have to follow the company's arrangements. How about, Junya, don't you want to go to court?"

Junya endured her anger: "What job?"

"Look at it yourself." Han Yixue threw the contract to Junya.

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