Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3236: Undesirable ads

Junya looked around, and the more she watched it, the fire became more intense. Three no mask ads, male hospital ads, and infertility ads. It was really a loss to Han Yixue to figure out that Lu Yiyang was going to make money. This was clearly going to be ruined. Lu Yiyang!

Huazhuo Entertainment can take advantage of this to collect a large advertising fee and make a large sum of money on Lu Yiyang. After all, he is now worth a lot!

But at that time, what feedback will Lu Yiyang get? That would be catastrophic!

Without waiting for Junya’s objection, Han Yixue has already taken out her mobile phone: “Junya, hurry up, we have officially announced it, and we’re waiting for you to finish your work!

"You have officially announced it? Han Yixue, what is in your mind?" Jun Ya asked loudly, "Destroying an artist, in your eyes, is such a thing without blinking your eyes?"

"Junya, don't forget, this is work! I just do my job well, what's wrong?" Han Yixue looked at Junya high up.

She smiled and looked at Lu Yiyang: "Yiyang, with Junya, you can only receive these jobs, but with me, it's completely different."

Lu Yiyang looked at her coldly, stretched out his hand to hold Junya: "Junya, let's go."

"But those jobs?" Jun Ya was really angry, and her whole body was about to burst into flames.

As a broker, she also blames herself for failing to protect Lu Yiyang's rights.

On the Internet, Lu Yiyang was almost scolded to death, scolding him for picking up messy ads for money, not cherishing his reputation, scolding Junya for using him to make quick money.

Fortunately, these fans are in the mood of hating iron but not steel, not really hating him, but for a better road in the future.

Even fans will consider Lu Yiyang, but Han Yixue only knows to squeeze his popularity.

After getting in the car, Junya hurriedly turned over Lu Yiyang’s contract with Huazhuo Entertainment. She remembered that she had planned his contract carefully at the time. At that time, Han Yixiao was not optimistic about Lu Yiyang, and there was no card contract terms, all of which were Signed as Junya said.

Junya remembered that she repeatedly confirmed that she would not let Lu Yiyang pick up advertisements that shouldn't be accepted.

Sure enough, she quickly turned to that one. It was in the supplementary clause. The word was a bit small, but it was true.

"Lu Yiyang, I turned it over! They have no right to persecute you like this!" Jun Ya sent the contract to him, "Look, I really considered this!"

Lu Yiyang smiled: "Okay, I will let Uncle Meng and hand it over to a lawyer."

Lu Yiyang called the lawyer, and Jun Ya breathed a sigh of relief: "Han Yixue's mess with the contract, just wait for the defendant!"

Uncle Meng received a call from Lu Yiyang and sent four lawyer letters in one breath, one to Huazhuo Entertainment, three of which were given to the three non-mask ads, the male hospital, and the infertility hospital.

Of course, these three companies will definitely not give up for a while. After all, they signed an advertising contract with Huazhuo, and they didn't care about the relationship between Lu Yiyang and Huazhuo.

Therefore, under the arrangement of Lu Yiyang, Uncle Meng directly passed the black materials of these three companies to the relevant departments. There are various black-box operations in Sanwu, Andrology, and Infertility Hospitals, as long as they report it. , Their nasty things can't hide.

Soon, the three of them were unable to protect themselves and fell into the mud pit under investigation.

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