Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3477: Unique candidate

As the second largest investor in Roche Group, if it withdraws its capital, the entire crew will not be able to operate, will be severely disrupted, and will greatly affect the process.

Within a short period of time, where can the crew find another suitable investor?

As soon as this remark came out, Yao Junkun and the entire director team changed their faces.

The reporter is also a bit pity. Lu Yiyang is acting in a costume drama for the first time. Is this going to be pornographic?

They quickly took a look at Lu Yiyang. The Taishan collapse on Lu Yiyang's face remained unchanged, and the reporter could not figure out any thoughts of him.

Luo Yifei smiled and looked at Junya: "Junya, I am not an unreasonable person, I just want to be innocent. If you don't give me this, how can we invest in such a big drama?"

The people in the director group are also pulling their hearts. Regarding people, they are all willing to choose Lu Yiyang.

But if the investors want to withdraw, even if Lu Yiyang is chosen, without the money, the show cannot continue to be filmed.

"Miss Ye!" Yao Junkun looked at Ye Yushi for help.

He knew in his heart that divestment was nothing more than a threat from the Luo family.

If Ye Yushi came forward and said a word, the Luo family might not withdraw its capital.

Although the divestment has an impact on the crew, it also has an impact on the investment of the Roche Group.

Seeing that they all showed a hesitant look, Luo Yifei couldn't help but smile: "I want so simple, can you really not be satisfied?"

Junya licked her lips and smiled, glanced at Luo Yifei, at Father Luo, and at Lu Yiyang.

Lu Yiyang nodded gently.

Junya turned to Yao Junkun: "Mr. Yao, you and the director team, sure and definitely will use Lu Yiyang as the male lead, right?"

"This is certain. The makeup photo is set, everything is arranged, and Lu Yiyang is also very involved in the recent scenes. In our case, he is a unique candidate." Yao Junkun and Director Zheng also spoke highly of Lu Yiyang. .

Luo Yifei curled her lips: "Without money, what's the use of having a male lead?"

"Miss Luo, we don't apologize for what we did not do wrong. Do you really want to divest?" Jun Ya looked at Luo Yifei.

Luo Yifei was stunned by the question, she really did not consider withdrawing funds.

The divestment is nothing but a weight to threaten her.

Investment and divestment are all related to the company's interests, and she couldn't breathe this time, so she asked her father to stand on her side.

Would she dare to divest?

"Miss Luo, Mr. Yao and Director Zheng insisted on using Lu Yiyang, are you sure you want to divest?"

"Withdraw!" When asked by Junya, Luo Yifei gritted his teeth, "Didn't I say that earlier? Either apologize, or let you leave, or withdraw!"

She thought with all her heart that this would scare Junya and Lu Yiyang back.

She glanced at Lu Yiyang, originally intended to threaten him with her gaze, but with only one glance, she was so scared that she withdrew her gaze...

Junya and Lu Yiyang looked at each other: "Everyone has heard that Miss Luo really made up her mind to divest this time. Because with the withdrawal, the current investment is far from enough for the shooting of Xinming. So we have already Contact the new investor and re-inject capital. Go out of this conference room, and the crew’s work can return to normal."

"Really?" Director Zheng's eyes went straight, it was hard to imagine that they had won such an investment.

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