Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3478: Don't regret it

He knows that Yao Junkun is currently seeking new investment for Junya and Lu Yiyang, but just one day is not enough to get new investment.

And how did Junya and Lu Yiyang achieve such a powerful resource in such a short time!

Junya nodded: "It's true."

Yao Junkun stood up: "I don't know which company it is?"

"Phoenix Yufei International Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. is willing to take over from Roche Group and give a new investment of 200 million!"

200 million, twice that of the Roche Group!

In other words, "Xin Ming" can be filmed according to my own ideas without any worries.

"Phoenix Yufei..." Yao Junkun remembered, this is the extremely mysterious, but also very big new company.

Two hundred million is really a lavish shot.

This investment is not only more than Roche Group, but also directly crushed Ye's Media.

Luo Yifei suddenly panicked: "No, we don't really want to divest..."

"Miss Luo, you just said that you want to withdraw capital, but now you can't withdraw. Is this a joke?"

"I...I just..."

Luo Yifei began to hesitate.

Father Luo stood up and said, "The little girl is fooling around, how can this investment be withdrawn?"

"Mr. Luo, we, the entire crew, and the time of so many reporters are not something you can afford to delay. If you make a fool of yourself, how do we count our losses? This time I am fooling, and will we be fooling next time? We were delayed for one day this time, what about next time?"

"Junya, the investment is not just a matter of talking. Withdrawal and reinvestment will consume a lot of manpower and material resources. I think, this time, this is the end." Luo's father holds the identity of an investor. Presumably, if you say it yourself, you can still calm the place.

What's more, he didn't really believe in what Junya said to win new investment, but Junya's attitude was too tough, and he didn't want his daughter to hit the south wall again.

"Mr. Luo, you can't withdraw this matter if you say it, and you can't withdraw if you don't. Phoenix Yufei's lawyer and the responsible team are already at the door. Mr. Yao, what do you mean now?"

Yao Junkun really disliked the actions of the Roche Group, and said lightly: "I have no problem, just follow the lawyer's plan. I am most disgusted in my life. Some people use official business to do their own selfish desires, delay other people's affairs, and waste. The energy of others."

"Mr. Yao!" Father Luo stood up majesticly, "Don't forget, we have always been your investors, this time you want us to divest, and then cooperation in the future will probably not be so easy to talk about!"

"The partner I want to talk about is by no means half-hearted and hesitant, nor is it such a way to take self-interest over everyone's normal affairs!" Yao Junkun also changed his temper.

Father Luo was really forced to the extreme this time.

The reporters all around witnessed this incident. If he said it again, his face would have been lost.

He stood up and dropped a sentence: "Then you don't regret it!"

Then walk away.

"Dad!" Luo Yifei hurriedly followed.

Seeing that things did not develop as he thought, Ye Yushi was very boring, stood up and huffed away with his public relations team.

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