Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 821: Drug in coffee

Mrs. Ming couldn't help laughing: "You, you are so confident."

Mingjianuo smiled and said, "I'm your daughter. But... Brother Ting didn't give me a chance. Sometimes I even want to get him drunk and cook raw rice into cooked rice. But I am President’s daughter, I’m afraid that bad public opinion will even affect my father’s reputation at that time, so..."

Mrs. Ming whispered, "Do you really have such an idea?"

"Of course, I don't believe it. I still can't find my goodness when Brother Ting sleeps. What's good about Yunwei? I have everything she has, but Brother Ting was blinded by her fox, and I can't find it." Ming Jianuo said angrily.

Mrs. Ming lowered her voice: "Why, let's do this on your father's birthday tomorrow, when there are many people."

When Mingcano heard that his mother was willing to help herself, she couldn't ask for it: "Mom, are you really willing to help me?"

"You are my daughter, who am I not going to help you?" Mrs. Ming has no choice now. The cold life of tomorrow will always be a time bomb, and it might explode sometime.

At the moment of the explosion, her bones must be wiped out.

Seeing Ming Ye Leng's current posture, he is not too intimate with himself. It is not his son, that is always impossible to unite.

If you don't give Mingcano a strong backer as soon as possible, no one will be able to keep the mother and daughter.

Only by letting Mingjianuo and Lu Zhanting be together can they better keep their positions.

Mrs. Ming said in a low voice, "Usually when Lu Zhanting comes over, your father always wants to talk to him about work matters. It must be the same tomorrow. When they talk, I will personally deliver coffee to Lu Zhanting, in the coffee. Give the medicine and I will watch him drink it myself. As for can pretend to be Yunwei. Lu Zhanting has face blindness, although I don’t know whether his face blindness is deep or shallow, but you pretend to be Yunwei It’s not too wrong. As long as the guests see you together, Lu Zhanting will have to be responsible to you. After all, you are the president’s daughter, and Lu Zhanting must give you an account of your reputation."

"Then why should I pretend to be Yunwei?" Mingjianuo was very aggrieved, "I don't want to be like her."

"You are stupid, you pretend to be Yunwei, and Lu Zhanting does things beyond the rules to you, you can explain that he admitted the wrong person and forced you. Otherwise, who would believe that Lu Zhanting was in such a situation? I would do something like that to you? If someone knows that we are drugged, will we, mother and daughter, have a face?" Mrs. Ming said reproachfully.

Mingjianuo suddenly expressed joy: "Mom, you are right. This is really fine. When I clamor for him to be responsible, he will have to be responsible."

"Yes, he can only divorce Yunwei when that happens," Mrs. Ming said.

"Mom, you have such a good way, why didn't you say it earlier?" Mingjano said aggrievedly.

"This is a risky move. How can we take such a move as a last resort?" Mrs. Ming said, "You used this method to force him to marry you. Such a thing happened, Lu Zhanting must know in his heart, we It can only make him suffer a dumb loss, but he must be uncomfortable in his heart, and the lives of you two will be buried in the future."

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