Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 822: I do not care

"I don't care! As long as I can be with Brother Ting, I don't care!" Mingjianuo said immediately.

The thought of Lu Zhanting's handsome face as perfect as a Greek sculpture made Mingcano's heart hit.

In the entire Jingzhou City, who didn't know that Lu Zhanting was both talented and handsome, and he was unparalleled?

Lu Zhanting was originally the dream lover of many young girls. The number of women who wanted to climb on his bed was like a crucian carp crossing the river.

It's just that no one has any good opportunities.

The same is true for Mingcano. Now that Mrs. Ming gives her such a good opportunity, it is simply the opportunity she has dreamed of. How could Mingcano refuse it?

Mrs. Ming also nodded. The benefits of marrying Lu Zhanting are obvious. With his current identity, he is admired by all people.

In the future, he has a promising future and will definitely become the most powerful man in the entire Jingzhou City.

No matter which woman it is, she can conquer such a man, and she can enjoy countless abundant resources and obtain the supreme honor.

Although Mrs. Ming knew that using this method to make Lu Zhanting submit, it would definitely make Lu Zhanting extremely unhappy at that time.

But he was upset and unhappy, he still had to marry Mingcano.

If he wants to marry Mingjianuo willingly, there is no better way than this.

Feelings, just wait for them to cultivate after marriage.

In the hearts of Mingjianuo and Mrs. Ming, each thinking about their own things, both showed different light.


The next night, it was Mingyu’s birthday party.

The birthday banquets of people in the upper class are often opportunities to connect between powerful and powerful people.

Mingyu’s birthday banquet is naturally due to a large number of people, and all of them are from extraordinary backgrounds. They are all famous figures in the city of Jingzhou. In the whole country, the light is too big and will affect the situation of the industry.

But even among such characters, Lu Zhanting is the most dazzling one.

He is in a dark blue suit, which sets him off even more distinctively. Standing in the crowd, a head higher than an ordinary man, his gestures exude incomparable charm.

His domineering, his self-confidence, and even his polite and alienated attitude attract people to approach him, but it makes people afraid to be too close to him.

Surrounded by powerful and extraordinary figures.

But Yun Wei stood beside Lu Zhanting, not inferior at all.

She is wearing a skirt that is slightly conservative compared to other girls, but this conservativeness actually outlines her perfect curve, giving her good figure a glance.

Moreover, her actions and manners are very generous, and when greeted with Lu Zhanting, she is also completely polite and courteous, neither humble nor overbearing, she is completely like a lady. People who don’t know will not think she is just the Yun family The jewelry came out, but she felt that she was more suitable for the atmosphere and temperament of the entire Hanlin Palace than Mingjianuo.

Mrs. Ming and Mingjianuo secretly watched Lu Zhanting and Yunwei. They saw that Yunwei was wearing clothes of a certain brand, and his hair was just a little bit perm, which looked a little natural and curly, very attractive.

Although Yun Wei was already dressed very low-key, she still became the focus of the audience.

Many well-dressed ladies and ladies are also dwarfed by her.

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