Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 929: Just a fight

"Yes, everyone really can't see the quality of the rough stone. But..." Yun Wei lowered her head to think for a moment, and said, "I heard from Grandpa before that after a treasure mine is opened, some rough stones are always good. The more the merchant rushes to the front to find the big piece, the more likely it is to get a good product. Therefore, what he left by himself is likely to be the rough stone he got when a treasure mine first opened. Most of the stones given to us are the stones that we got on some mountain."

When Lu Zhanting thought about it, it did make sense, and said, "In this case, let's see what tricks he wants to play."

"Okay." Yun Wei smiled sweetly and placed her hand in Lu Zhanting's palm.

She also gave Yun Lan a look, signalling Yun Lan not to worry.

After Grandpa Zhang and Mrs. Ming finished reading these rough stones, they basically didn't see the reason.

But no matter what, they would not allow the people of Gersburg to send a few broken stones, just wanting Mingyu to reopen trade with them.

But they can't offend these people with strong people's morals, so as not to bring disaster to civilians.

Old man Zhang cleared his throat and said, "Mr. President, these rough stones sent by the envoy of Gersburg are incalculable, and they are likely to be invaluable. So we dare not accept such precious things casually."

The implication of not accepting things means that if the trade with Gesburg should be reopened, it still needs to be discussed, and Gesburg will not be given this opportunity directly.

Mingyu said with a smile: "In this case, I think so, without merit, we do not dare to accept such an expensive gift."

The envoy of Gesburg immediately said with a smile: "Mr. President, these things are just our minds. Don’t your country also have an old saying, "Send a goose feather gift for thousands of miles is not worth the person." ?"

The old man Zhang smiled and said: "Our country s also has an old saying, no merit is not rewarded, so you can't just accept such an expensive gift."

Everyone saw Elder Zhang and Mrs. Ming and tried their best to resolve this incident, and their attitudes changed again.

Mingjianuo was also happy. Grandpa and mother behaved like this for the country. For a while, whether the position of the president is mother or Yun Lan is really unknown.

"Everything has been moved, is it possible for me to move it back again?" The envoy of Gesburg looked like a wild meat, and when he smiled, he felt a bit fierce.

He really made it clear that he wanted this thing to be done, so he used these tattered things to fool people.

Father Zhang and Mrs. Ming tried their best to show that they wanted to suppress this matter.

However, even though they are professionals, they have not used any professional appraisal skills. They are nothing more than fighting with the envoy of Gersburg.

The scene was deadlocked for a while.

Here, Lu Zhanting's subordinates have secretly gone to the place where the envoy of Gesburg is staying and found another rough stone he placed. He really brought another rough stone, only to persuade Mingyu to reopen the trade between the two countries. , Just to sell these rough stones.

Subordinates took photos and presented them to Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei.

Yun Wei looked at these photos intently. Although the rough stones placed in the envoy of Gersburg's own residence were not top-grade, they were much better than the ones he brought here.

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