Sure enough, he was hiding himself.

He kept the good things for high prices, and used the bad things to fool people in the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If Yun Wei could not directly see the molecular structure in these rough stones, no one would be able to expose his conspiracy directly, and could only fight with him.

Yun Wei looked at the photo, and when she turned to the last one, she found that the rough stone on this one was very different, and she felt that there should be a very good jade inside, and it was a very top-quality jade.

Only by relying on a photo, she can't assert.

But this also made Yun Wei couldn't help being very surprised.

She whispered a few words to Lu Zhanting, and said: "Ting, you go and find out what the president has to do with Gersburg."

"Okay, I'm going now." Lu Zhanting immediately walked towards Mingyu and whispered a few words to him.

Mingyu listened to Lu Zhanting's whisper, and constantly looked towards Yun Wei.

Soon, Lu Zhanting returned to Yun Wei and said: "Mr. President meant that the foreign trade with this Gesburg must be reopened, otherwise the entire civilian population adjacent to Gesburg will suffer. The stable relationship between the two countries is the most important."

Yun Wei nodded, she could understand what Mingyu meant.

As a superior and supremely powerful person, you must consider all aspects, rather than blindly radical or tolerant.

Lu Zhanting continued: "However, he also said that if there are no good things that Gersburg sent, then with the things he sent, country s agreed to reopen the trade, which will be detrimental. The national prestige of country s. Therefore, I will certainly not agree to the request of the envoy of Gesburg just by relying on these things."

"I understand." Yun Wei whispered a few words to Lu Zhanting's ear.

Lu Zhanting showed admiration on his face and walked towards Mingyu again.

In the end, Mingyu nodded to Yun Wei.

Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Ming are still fighting with the envoy of Gersburg.

Yun Wei suddenly spoke indifferently: "Mr. Envoy, you want to ask country s to reopen the foreign trade cooperation relationship between the two countries for you, and country s does not refuse to agree."

"Yun Wei, I'm already talking to Mr. Envoy, don't talk nonsense." Mr. Zhang said immediately.

"Then have you come up with any results?" Yun Wei asked back.

Grandpa Zhang was startled, and the envoy of Gersburg was tired of talking with Grandpa Zhang, and immediately said, "This is Miss Yun, right? What do you want to say? I listen carefully."

"That's the case, Mr. President said just now. You want to reopen the foreign trade cooperation relationship between the two countries. It's not impossible." Yun Wei said with a smile, "Right, Zhan Ting, Zhan Ting also listened to Mr. President's expression. What does this mean?"

"Yes." Lu Zhanting said loudly, "However, we think the items sent by Mr. Envoy are too expensive and we don't want them. If we change the batch, we will immediately agree to open cooperation between the two countries."

The envoy immediately asked: "What is it for? What do you want?"

"Mr. Envoy, you give us the rough stones in the room you are staying in, and we will agree." Yun Wei stood beside Yun Lan and said generously.

The envoy was obviously taken aback, and did not expect Yun Wei to say this.

The rough stone in his room was obtained in a mine, and the rough stone placed here was randomly found on the mountain.

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