Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 645 Why is she still alive

The moment Wu Bai raised his eyes, he turned his head as if covering up.

But Shi Yi still saw it, especially Shi Xiao also looked up.

His eyes froze for a moment, then pushed Shi Huiting away and walked over.

"I go first."

Wu Bai wanted to leave, but Shi Yi raised his hand to hold his shoulder and sat down.

"and many more!"

Shi Yi stared at him, raised his hand and squeezed his chin violently.

"Shi Xiao! Look up! Look at me!"

Shi Xiao turned his head to look at Shi Yi without emotion.

Wu Bai, however, kept moving uncooperatively.

"Mr. Shi! Let go! Shi Yi! Let me go!"

"Say! Who are you!"

Shi Yi has scarlet eyes, no matter how much he dodges, he can still see his face clearly!

This looks exactly like Shi Xiao!

The strength in Shi Yi's hands intensified in vain, wishing he could crush Wu Bai's jaw.

"You! Let me go!"

Wu Bai violently punched Shi Yi in the face.

After all, he was a few years younger than Shi Yi, and his strength was not light, as if he had vented all the resentment in his heart.

Shi Yi staggered and fell to the side.

"Dad! Are you okay!"

Shi Huiting rushed over to support Shi Yi.

Blood oozes from the corner of Shi Yi's mouth.

Looking up at her, he suddenly raised his hand and pushed her away.

Shi Huiting didn't expect that she suddenly lost her center of gravity and fell backwards.

Pain came from behind her, she looked at Shi Yi with tears in her eyes, and called softly: "Dad..."

Shi Yi didn't even look at her.

He stood up and stared at Wu Bai.

Wu Bai stared at him not to be outdone.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to show weakness.

"Meng Ting asked you to come? Is this what she wants to talk to me?!"

Every word in his voice spit out like a nail.

[A stranger is here in the ward, and dad is here too, mom, come quickly! 】

When receiving such a text message from Shi Huiting, Meng Ting will rush over no matter how many things go wrong.

Her heart was pounding.

Stranger and Shi Yi, she was worried that the stranger was Wu Bai, but she told Wu Bai not to appear without her information!

But when she walked in, she saw such a tense scene.

Shi Yi glanced at the door and saw her.

Meng Ting's heart sank, Shi Yi walked over.

Wu Bai seemed to have noticed something, but before he could react, Shi Yi raised his hand and slapped Meng Ting on the face.


Meng Ting staggered from the beating and was caught by Wu Bai.

Shi Yi turned around and walked out without stopping.

Meng Ting was still a little dazed.

Shi Huiting looked at the scene in front of her and didn't know what was wrong.

Shi Xiao stared at the front indifferently with dull eyes.

"Tingting, they..."

Wu Bai is still a little shocked now, but it is impossible for him not to think about these two faces.

Meng Ting seemed to be so stimulated that she turned her head and looked at Wu Bai: "They have nothing to do with you! Why are you here! Didn't I tell you before that you don't come without me!"

Wu Bai looked at her and frowned: "Didn't you ask me to come?"

Meng Ting: "When will I..."

She paused suddenly, turned her head and looked at Shi Huiting suddenly: "Hui Ting, have you ever sent me a text message?"

Shi Huiting looked at Meng Ting's blank face: "I don't have one."

Meng Ting's face suddenly turned pale.

who is it!

"It must be Meng Yutang! This little bitch! How much has she done behind our backs! Why is she still alive!"

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