Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 646 I Heard You Miss Me

Meng Ting gritted her teeth.

When Shi Xiao heard the familiar name over there, he suddenly turned his head.

He pinched the bed sheet tightly with his fingers, his eyes were bloodthirsty red, staring at Meng Ting's direction without saying a word.

Meng Ting turned around, ready to look for Shi Yi.

Wu Bai followed closely, leaving only Shi Huiting and Shi Xiao behind.

Shi Huiting turned to look at Shi Xiao in a daze.

The words Meng Ting said before she left were still in her mind.

Meng Yutang!

What did she do again! ! !

Shi Huiting didn't know what to think.

He turned around and walked out angrily, leaving Shi Xiao alone still half-sitting on the hospital bed staring at the white wall.

I don't know how long it has been.

There were footsteps outside the door, and he walked in slowly and unhurriedly, standing by Shi Xiao's bed the whole time.

There was no sound, no voice to speak, Shi Xiao turned his eyes after a long time.

Facing those familiar eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He clenched the bed sheet tightly with both hands, and stared at the person standing by the bed with red eyes.


Meng Yutang was standing beside his bed, with her hands in her pockets and a hat on her head. She raised her hand to take off the hat, looked at Shi Xiao, with a vague smile on her lips.

She raised her eyes indifferently: "Brother, I heard that you miss me very much."

Shi Xiao looked at her, his eyes still bloodshot, unable to speak a word.

Meng Yutang sat down slowly and looked at him.

"I heard that my parents are going to divorce. It seems that you are having a bad time."

she is laughing.

Shi Xiao looked at her without blinking.

"It's a pity. Mr. Shi gave you this name.

What do you mean by him. A generation of heroes? "

She smiled, just like when she hadn't left Shi's house, it was so sweet that it melted my heart.

But when Shi Xiao looked at her, he just felt a chill in his heart.

"He probably didn't think of it when he named you. You are not his son."

Shi Xiao stared at her with wide eyes, his dry lips opened and closed, trying to say something.

"You should have seen it, your biological father. He just came here.

How about we do the math, if you are his son, since when did Meng Ting make Shi Yi's head turn green. "

Shi Xiao looked at her in disbelief, his face was pale, and he moved with difficulty.

"No! No!"

Meng Yutang raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Yes, I think so too."

Meng Yutang took out her hand and stacked a piece of paper in her hand, and she slowly unfolded it.

"This paternity test result must have been faked as well."

As soon as she opened it, Shi Xiao suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

The last column is 99.9999% likely

Shi Xiao's mind seemed to explode.

He raised his eyes abruptly, the girl in front of him was still smiling, his heart hurt like being slaughtered by countless knives.

The one in front of him looks like a demon, laughing and studying how to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Shi Xiao's mind kept showing Shi Huiting and Meng Ting cursing her.

They were looking forward to her death, but the devil is a ghost from hell after death!

"Brother, I heard that the Shi family is about to go bankrupt. Can you still afford such a luxurious ward in the future? Can you still afford to live in a house like the one before? By the way, your legs are already useless, and you will use a wheelchair in the future. Is there anyone else to serve you? If a person has something too late..."

She didn't continue talking, but Shi Xiao's imagination would never stop thinking about it.


Will his future life be like that!

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