Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 666 Voluntarily Quit A1

"The heart is narrow, even if this photo is deleted, she can be Mrs. Zhou just like Mrs. Zhou, so she can only delete the photo to deceive herself. Zhou Beicheng ignores her, and doesn't think about her own reasons... ..."

"What did you say!"

Her voice was actually not low, everyone around could hear it, Sun Menghan naturally heard it too, she got up angrily and pointed at the girl.

"You don't care what I say."

"Why do you say that about me!"

"Why can't I say that about you! You are narrow-minded, dare you show everyone what you are doing! Isn't it a photo of a black family! It's interesting, if your photo is blacked out, wouldn't they be a couple! You are not narrow-minded, what are you!"


Out of breath, she reached up and grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing! You still want to beat me! No wonder Mr. Zhou despises you. It's why you can't catch his eyes. Meng Yutang is a hundred times stronger than you!"

"Shut up! Nonsense! How is she better than me! How is she better than me! She is just a wild girl from the mountains! She was adopted! No one wants her now!

How can she be a little stronger than me! There is the Sun family behind me, what does she have! I can get into A1, can she get in! "

Meng Yutang was nothing more than a fool in their eyes.

"How do you know she can't enter! What if she did! Maybe someone else has already entered and didn't want you to know! Maybe that girl just now is!"

Hearing this, Sun Menghan suddenly laughed, his face full of sarcasm.

"If she can enter A1, I will write her name upside down! If it was her just now! I will take the initiative to withdraw from A1."

"You'd better not regret it! We have surveillance cameras here! Everything was recorded for you!"

"I keep my word!"

The two of them quarreled vigorously, but in fact, even the girl was pushed to say these things. Whether Meng Yutang can enter A1 is actually very clear to everyone, and this matter is like a fantasy.

Those who can be admitted to A1 need to be carefully selected. Which one of them can only enter after passing five tests.



Dou Qiaoan looked at the video on the monitor and smiled happily.

"It's interesting. My daily pleasure is to see what they are doing. Let me tell you that these girls are really powerful. They can quarrel every day. I thought that bullies only study and waste time arguing.

It turned out to be the same, where there are girls, there are wars.

But this girl is nice, and she still protects you. Do you know this grandson or something? "

The corners of Meng Yutang's lips also curled into a smile: "I don't know, Zhou Beicheng does."

Dou Qiaoan looked at her treacherously: "Are we really together?"

Meng Yutang looked at her and nodded with a smile.

"You are so mean, earning money from your future husband and not showing up."

Meng Yutang stood up, with curved lips: "He has a lot of money."

Then he turned and went to the small room behind.

Zhou Beicheng has already come up.

Someone was knocking on the door outside.

"Mr. Zhou is here."

Dou Qiaoan immediately sat up straight: "Come in."

Zhou Beicheng walked in and couldn't help but pause when he saw the person behind the desk.

But in two seconds, he walked in with a normal expression.

"Why aren't you surprised?"

Dou Qiaoan was stunned for a moment, which was completely different from what she had imagined.

Zhou Beicheng looked up at her: "There is nothing surprising."

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