Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 667: Big bosses mobilize collectively

Dou Qiaoan felt bored, got up and took the prepared things, stood up and walked over to Zhou Beicheng.

"This one belongs to the Meng family, and this one belongs to Meng Yutang."

Zhou Beicheng glanced at it and raised his hand to pick up the one from the Meng family.


Then turn around and leave.

Dou Qiaoan:?

"This, you don't want it."

She vaguely remembered that Zhou Beicheng's list at the very beginning was to investigate Meng Yutang, so why did she not want her now?

Zhou Beicheng stopped and looked back at her.

"No, I don't need to know what she doesn't want me to know."

He raised his hand to open the door, paused again, turned his eyes to the small door behind the desk, and then looked at Dou Qiaoan.


Dou Qiaoan couldn't help laughing: "You too."

The two kept secrets from each other, one didn't tell Meng Yutang, and the other didn't tell Mo Ting.

Zhou Beicheng came and left quickly.

Meng Yutang opened the door from the inside and leaned against the door frame to look at Dou Qiaoan.

Dou Qiaoan looked at her and smiled, then raised the object in her hand to her.

Then he raised his hand and threw it at her.

"It's busy in vain."

Meng Yutang looked at the things in his hands, and after a long time, he hooked his lips and smiled.

There are some things that I didn't tell him because it was difficult to speak. I originally wanted to rely on this, but it failed.

Dou Qiaoan looked at her: "Aren't you going to help me? I'm almost exhausted here."

Meng Yutang looked at her expression unchanged: "I'm a senior in high school and I'm busy."

Dou Qiaoan couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"It's this again! I think you're busy dating!"

Meng Yutang couldn't help laughing.

"I don't have time for two days."

Dou Qiao An was overjoyed and thought about the time: "Then next week! How about next week!"

Meng Yutang looked at her and nodded.

Dou Qiaoan watched her jump up and hugged her directly.

"Why do I think you have become more talkative after you fell in love?"

Meng Yutang: "..."

Turning to look at her lightly: "I was not good at talking before?"

Dou Qiaoan: "No! No! I didn't say anything! Hurry up, don't you still have to pick up someone?"

Meng Yutang watched her take his bag, turned and left.

After she left, Dou Qiaoan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he picked up his phone and sent a message in the group.

There are only four people in this group, except for ghost fire and M, the rest are there.

Sombra didn't tell Will-o'-the-wisp in the end.

[It's done, she will help me next week. When can you arrive. 】

Silt, Eagle: [The day after tomorrow. 】

Sombra: [I can arrive tomorrow. 】

Wu Mo: 【Are you sure you don't want to tell the ghost fire? Is this not so good. 】

Soi Ying: [I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it. 】

Wu Mo: 【If you don't tell her, she can't bear it even more. 】

Sesha: 【Tell him. 】

Eagle: [Don't hide from your own people what happened to the few of us together. 】

Sombra: [Okay. 】


Hei Ying: [Wu Mo, tell me. 】

Wu Mo: [? ? ? why me? 】

Soi Ying: [I dare not, go ahead. 】

Wu Mo: [...All right. 】

She silently turned her head to look for the will-o'-the-wisp.

Looking at the chat box, he also hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth.

【Baby ghost fire! are you there! There are some things I want to tell you...]

The will-o'-the-wisp was dealing with work, and after the phone rang, he dealt with the matter at hand before checking the news.

【you say. 】

Wu Mo silently talked about everything.

Twenty minutes later, the group of four turned into a group of five.

At the same time, several bosses are silently moving towards Fengcheng...

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