Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 684 If You Don’t Want to Marry Me, Just Say It

Mu Feng stepped forward quickly and pushed the two of them away.

"The child has made a mistake, so let's forget it. It's so late, let's go out first. You two must be exhausted from being so anxious. It's okay now. Let's go to rest first and take a walk."

After a few people left, the ward became much quieter.

Meng Yutang turned around and sat by the bed, staring at Zhou Beicheng.

I can't wake up with such noise.


Huo Yu'an and Mu Qing looked at each other.

"Why do I feel changed?"

Huo Yu'an nodded.

He raised his eyes and looked at Mu Feng: "Didn't you say that everything was broken? Why did it become a little softer?"

Shouldn't it be more ruthless and cold at this time?

Mu Feng scratched his head, not knowing what to say or not.

"It's just... maybe it's because we're in love..."


"with who?!"

"Zhou Beicheng."


The two stared at Mu Feng in a daze, and Mu Feng subconsciously took two steps back.

"Don't look at me like that, it's not me."

The eyes of these two people are going to eat people.

Mu Qing and Huo Yu'an looked at each other.

"So...we helped him deal with things outside...and he picked up our sister at home!!!"

"Depend on!"



Meng Yutang felt that his patience had really disappeared.

There seemed to be a huge black hole in her heart, which kept sucking away his patience, making her restless and anxious, and even wanted to cry...

She hated herself like this, and also hated Zhou Beicheng who hadn't woken up all this time, and even more hated this who made him become what he is now!

She stared at the time on the clock, it passed twelve o'clock.

She sat down on the chair and looked at Zhou Beicheng: "The time is up. Zhou Beicheng, if you don't want to marry me, just say so."

Her eyes are a little cold.

She got up a little angrily, sat on the edge of the bed, pinched his palm with her fingertips.

"I don't want to wait."

She really stood up.

But it didn't move at all, and it didn't mean that it was true to say something.

She, Meng Yutang, has been waiting for two days, dragging on tomorrow, and on tomorrow.

Even if it drags on, she will continue to wait.

She moved her fingertips, but was suddenly held by someone.

She was stunned for a moment, then turned her head, and saw the person lying on the bed, frowning slightly and opening his eyes to look at her.


She immediately turned around and pressed the call bell.

Lu Zhiqiu came quickly.

"Are you awake! Wake up, wake up!"

He rushed over and looked at Zhou Beicheng, and his eyes couldn't help turning red.

"He said it hurts."

Meng Yutang stared at him.

Lu Zhiqiu: "Of course it will hurt, it's normal, it needs to recover..."

He looked at Meng Yutang's eyes in the middle of his sentence, silently shut up and began to check Zhou Beicheng.

"It's okay, it's fine, it's recovering. Just wake up!"

He was also happy. He glanced at Zhou Beicheng and knew that he looked like a light bulb. He turned his head and ran out happily: "I'll tell Mo Ting the good news!"

After Lu Zhiqiu left, the ward became quiet, only the two of them were left.

Zhou Beicheng held Meng Yutang's fingertips all the time.

Zhou Beicheng watched her struggling as if she wanted to sit up.

"Don't move!"

Zhou Beicheng stopped, obediently and really did not move.

Meng Yutang looked at him and sat silently beside his bed.

"Say what you want to say, I'll listen, I won't go."

Zhou Beicheng looked at her with a pale face.

"Then we can't wait."

His voice was hoarse.

Meng Yutang looked at him raising his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on his lips: "I heard it, what else did I hear?"

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