"I heard you say you want to marry me."

Meng Yutang looked at him and raised his eyebrows: "Is that what I said?"

Zhou Beicheng: "Yes."

"Then I set a time and you didn't hear?"

She looked closely at him.

Zhou Beicheng: "..."

"I heard, who are you going to marry? Send me an invitation? Do you think I've lived too long? En?"

If there is such a day, he might as well die now!

Watching him, Meng Yutang finally bent his lips and smiled.

"I also heard you say, afraid..."

He looked at her with pain and guilt in his eyes.

He held her hand, but was startled suddenly, and only saw the bandage wrapped in her palm when he looked down.

He jerked himself up.

Looking at the little blood oozing from her palm: "Does it hurt?"

Meng Yutang originally wanted to shake his head, but he was stunned for a moment and then nodded suddenly.


Zhou Beicheng looked up at her, and she leaned over to hug him gently.

"Uncle Zhou."


He put his arms around her waist.

"I can't take care of myself."

Zhou Beicheng's heart suddenly softened, and his heart ached beyond words.

"I'll take care of it... I'm sorry, darling, I won't scare you in the future."

He could almost imagine how uneasy and helpless a little girl who was so unwilling to reveal her heart would say such words.

"If there are any other injuries, show me."

Meng Yutang shook his head, rubbing against his neck, unwilling to let him go.

Zhou Beicheng tightened his hands and hugged her tightly.

He actually misses her a lot.

He could hear every word she said, and even feel her breathing beside him.

But he couldn't wake up, there was darkness all around him, he couldn't find his way, he didn't know where to find her...

But fortunately, he saw the light, and she was his light.

He took a deep breath, his nose was full of her breath, this feeling made him feel very content.

"Are you thirsty?"

"are you hungry?"

Zhou Beicheng looked at her serious look and nodded.

I'm afraid she'll eat as much as she's worried.

Meng Yutang nodded and asked someone to bring something.

But Meng Fu came before she called.

She knocked on the door and walked in.

"Tangtang, I heard that Mr. Zhou is awake, I have prepared some food for you."

Meng Yutang watched her put things on the table, and glanced at her after tidying up.

"You guys eat, I'll go first."

He turned around and was about to leave, not daring to wait for a moment.

Meng Yutang watched her go out, looked back at Zhou Beicheng, then turned to get him a bowl of porridge.

It is true that she has never fed anyone, and she used the wrong hand in the beginning, which was a bit awkward.

Seeing the smile on her lips, Zhou Beicheng just looked at her without saying a word.

Meng Yutang looked up at his smile.

"Laughing at me? Then do it yourself."

Zhou Beicheng didn't reach out to take it either: "I'm a patient."

Meng Yutang raised his eyebrows: "Me too."

Watching her, Zhou Beicheng suddenly reached out and took a spoon to feed her.

Before she raised her eyes, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her lips.

Meng Yutang's hands trembled, and the bowl almost fell out.


In the end, his Adam's apple moved, the tip of his tongue slipped over her lips, and his voice was low: "That's good."

Meng Yutang: "..."

Looking at the little girl whose ears were completely red, Zhou Beicheng raised his hand to take the bowl and began to drink the porridge spoon by spoon, with a smile on his face.

Meng Yutang: "..."

The more she stared at him, the deeper the smile on someone's lips.

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