Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 723 'Little Wife' Is Jealous

Meng Yutang looked at the dead phone.


Shocked, she began to doubt life.

Zhou Beicheng never hung up on her, he always waited for her to hang up first.


love gone?

Although she was confused, the 'little charming wife' was obviously angry, so she still wanted to coax her.

She had a clear goal and went straight to the dream garden.

It was the wedding room of the two of them, and Zhou Beicheng named it Mengyuan.

She didn't drive either, she rode Dou Qiaoan's motorcycle in Jinyuan.

When she arrived, someone opened the door for her.

"Is sir back?"

"Madam, sir is in the study."

She rolled out of the car, handed them the helmet, turned and walked up the stairs.

Zhou Beicheng was not in the study either, so he came down quickly, and when he reached the second floor, he saw Meng Yutang come in.

Meng Yutang looked up and saw him.

She smiled and raised her eyes: "Isn't it our wedding room? Why is it your own home?"

Zhou Beicheng glanced at her, then turned and went into the bedroom.

Meng Yutang:?

He has a big temper.

He walked up the steps and chased after him, and when he opened the door, he saw his back.

He kicked the door up and walked over, hugging his waist from behind.

"What are you doing? Get angry and get angry. How come it's your own home. If you want to regret the marriage, you're going to get rid of me."

When the second half of her sentence came out, Zhou Beicheng was stunned.

Feeling his strangeness, Meng Yutang couldn't help curling the corners of his lips.

"I really don't want me anymore, then I'm leaving."

As she spoke, she really wanted to let go of her hand, but Zhou Beicheng grabbed her violently.

"you dare!"

He grabbed her hand and turned around, staring at her with his eyes, Meng Yutang who was caught off guard was suddenly pulled into his arms by him.


Everything she wanted to say was blocked by his kiss.

Meng Yutang was startled, this kiss was different from any other kiss in the past, it was a bit rough and full of possessiveness and aggression.

Meng Yutang was dazzled by his kisses, his legs went limp for a moment, and he hugged him tightly in his arms.


After finally taking the time to vaguely want to say something, who knows that he didn't give a chance at all, and all the words were swallowed by him.


When Meng Yutang was finally let go by him, his mind was blank.

He pressed his forehead against hers, and his voice was low and seductive: "Little villain."

Meng Yutang came back to his senses, raised his hand and hugged his waist tightly, the corners of his lips hooked.

"Can the little rascal stay in your own house?"

She choked Zhou Beicheng on purpose.

Zhou Beicheng smiled angrily, leaned closer and bit her lips fiercely.

"You still say!"

Meng Yutang laughed very hard.

"You said it yourself, then do you still want me?"

Zhou Beicheng clasped the back of her head, his voice was low and hoarse: "I'm not willing to let you go!"

Meng Yutang raised his chin and kissed the corner of his lips, turned his head and hugged him tightly, resting his head on his chest.

"I can't bear it either."

"Then why are you so angry, did I do something wrong?"

Zhou Beicheng raised his hand and sighed, put his hand on her back, hugged her, and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

There was still some grievance in the voice: "You neglected me, and you hugged someone else."

Meng Yutang:?

Hug others?

She didn't.

After thinking for a long time, I remembered a person.

Song Chuhan.

? ? ?

Meng Yutang couldn't help laughing: "Chuhan is a girl, can't it?"


With a firm voice, he got up suddenly and pulled her out of his arms to look at her.

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