Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 724 Coax the 'Little Wife'

"You still call it so intimate? Do you know each other very well?"

Meng Yutang couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw how jealous he was that he couldn't distinguish between men and women.

"I don't know you well, I know you best!"

"Isn't she a girl, you can also eat girls' jealousy."

Zhou Beicheng turned to look at her silently: "Didn't you delay me for a long time because of Lu Zhiqiu?"

Meng Yutang: "..."

It seems to be...

She smiled and leaned over to hug him: "Then I won't do it in the future. I will only hug your waist from now on, okay? If you like me, I will call you that, okay?"

"North City~North City~North City~"

She looked so cute, Zhou Beicheng couldn't bear to be angry anymore.

Seeing that he finally had a hint of a smile, Meng Yutang raised his arms and jumped on him directly, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Zhou Beicheng was afraid that she would fall, so he subconsciously raised his hand and hugged her.

She hung on him like a koala.

"Don't be angry, okay?"

Zhou Beicheng didn't speak.

She bent down and kissed his forehead.

Then kisses fell one after another, kissing Zhou Beicheng's face one after another.

He finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Meng Yutang looked at him and smiled, and he laughed too.

"How did you get here? Driving by yourself?"

He just got mad and completely forgot about this.

Meng Yutang's driving skills...

Fortunately she arrived safely.

Meng Yutang deliberately angered him: "Well, I will drive."

Zhou Beicheng looked at her with a serious expression, and raised his hand to pat her buttocks.


He looked into her eyes and said seriously: "Even if I am angry, I will still go to you, just wait."

Meng Yutang looked at him with lowered eyes: "No, our Mr. Zhou also needs to be pampered, and I will come to you."

Zhou Beicheng looked at her so softly that it was unbelievable.

Holding her in my mind has already begun to examine myself.

"Sorry, I hung up on you first."

Meng Yutang looked at him with a smirk on his lips.

"I feel sorry for me, then, do it again."

Zhou Beicheng looked at her suspiciously: "What?"

She hugged his head, moved closer, and said in a low voice, "I like that kiss just now."

His heart suddenly became confused, and his voice was hoarse: "You want to seduce me again..."

Meng Yutang kissed him before he finished speaking.

However, he was more than happy to accommodate this request.

But he obviously overestimated his self-control.

When he put the person down on the bed, he wished he could not stop.

It was the same scene again, when he regained his senses, Meng Yutang's shirt had been taken off by him and thrown aside, leaving only the close-fitting shirt, which was pushed to his chest by him, and the underwear and underwear inside were exposed. In front of him, when she looked at him, her eyes were blurred, and even her eyes were fatally seductive to him.

He stood up abruptly, flipped the quilt over to cover her, and then raised his hand to cover her eyes.

Meng Yutang:?

She could feel Zhou Beicheng hugging her through the quilt.

There was no sound at all, only the sound of his panting, which seemed to be trying very hard to restrain himself.

Meng Yutang was a little distressed.

"Beicheng, we will get the certificate soon, I don't mind..."

She didn't want him to be so abstinent, but he himself is too demanding, but every time he sees her, he still can't control it...

And it doesn't mean you can't hold back too much...

Meng Yutang blushed a little, and silently wanted to reach out his hand, but he hugged her a little tighter, buried his face in her neck and kissed her twice, and finally spoke in a hoarse voice next to her ear with unsteady breath...

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