Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1044: It's getting worse! Amputation!

masculine seductive!

Ruan Su couldn't help swallowing when he looked at his delicious appearance.


Although it was an old couple, the picture was still very eye-catching, and she couldn't help but take a second look.

However, just as she was about to withdraw her gaze, she met the man's deep smiling eyes.

She stared at her with eyes like torches, and she looked away from her eyes uncomfortably. I don't know why she suddenly thought of the ancient beautiful man who brought disaster to the country and the people.

If you wear another set of ancient clothes, it is a handsome ancient man.

Put on some war-damage makeup or something...

I dare not think about spreading my mind.

Ruan Su felt that she was going to have a nosebleed.

At this moment, she saw Bo Xingzhi walking to the closet, stretched out his long arm to open the door, and took a few sets of clothes from inside.

Ruan Su was shocked!

She widened her eyes in disbelief.

What was she thinking just now?

ancient beauty...

How did it happen in the blink of an eye? Is this man the roundworm in her stomach?

I saw Bo Xingzhi holding several sets of ancient costumes made of tulle in his hand, including men's and women's clothes, which were as thin as cicada wings and looked very elegant.

If you wear it... I don't know what the effect will be.

She heard the man's voice faintly sounded, "Try it? How about it?"

Ruan Su grabbed one of them and ran into the bathroom.

Too shy.

If she was a charming and seductive fairy just now, now she is a young fruit.

Facing a high-ranking man like Bo Xingzhi, she could hardly resist.

She never imagined that this man had prepared a costume!

Or put on a very **** costume that looms in the future.

The bright red tulle was draped over her body, and she walked out of the bathroom barefoot, making her waist thinner and thinner, and her exposed arms were white and shiny under the light.

Seeing that Bo Xingzhi's eyes darkened instantly, his dark eyes seemed to be on fire, and the flames were vaguely staring at her.

She stared at her as if she was about to be burned.

Bo Xingzhi came over with a low laugh, his hoarse voice whispered in her ear, "It's beautiful."

Saying that, he passed her and entered the bathroom as well.

Ruan Su pricked her ears and listened to the movement in the bathroom, she hurriedly shyly got into the thin quilt.

As soon as a small head was exposed, he heard the door of the bathroom being pushed open.

She couldn't help but look over and saw the tall and straight figure of the man come into her eyes.

The man's face is like a crown of jade, he can be called a jade tree, and his eyes are like cold stars.

Coupled with that ancient costume, it turned out to be fluttering like an immortal.

This is the first time she has seen Bo Xingzhi wearing such a fairy costume, which is obviously a very ... style, but he actually wears a fairy-like handsomeness, which is so handsome that it makes people mad.

It seems that he is a noble boy who came out of the ancient style illustration.

She just watched helplessly as the man took his slender legs and walked towards her step by step.

Finally, he stood by the bed and stared at her condescendingly.

The lights in the room suddenly dimmed, leaving only the wall lamp glowing with a warm yellow sheen.

Only then did Ruan Su realize... There was actually a big red heart on the roof.


Earthy romance is suffocating.

But suffocation was suffocation, which did not hinder Bo Xingzhi's hot emotions at all.

When his lips fell, she involuntarily greeted him.


Inside the jungle house.

Ye Yanli was urgently recalled, looking at the drones in front of him, he was a little irritable.

Can't you just stay in the hospital and accompany Xiaoqiang?

Why should he be called back because of these unmanned racks?

The butler smiled very gently and said to him, "I heard from Jane that you are good at maintenance? You used to open a maintenance shop in the countryside?"

Ye Yanli suppressed the irritability in his heart, "Xiaozhen is right, I am the repairer of home appliances, washing machines, etc. What's wrong?"

The housekeeper pointed to the drones on the ground, "Several reconnaissance drones here have broken down in the past few days, and I don't know what happened. Let's see if you can do it."

Repair drones?

Well, it's really not too difficult.

He picked up one at random and looked at it twice, "I repair home appliances. In principle, they should have something in common, but I don't know if I can repair it. I'll try it."

When the butler heard him agree, he smiled more gently, "Okay, let's see, if it can't be repaired, I'll take it to the city. This drone is quite expensive, and it's a consumable item that keeps breaking down. It’s not a solution either. But I keep billing me to buy a new one, and I’m afraid the owner will be unhappy.”

"It's not an easy thing to maintain such a big home!" The housekeeper said earnestly, "You can fix it, I'll do it first."

So annoying! So angry!

I don't know if Xiao Su has seen his message, or if Xiao Su has noticed the meaning contained in his message.

Can't you just stay in the hospital by yourself?

I have to come back and fix this broken drone.

But the man had to bow his head under the eaves, thinking about the tracking and positioning chip implanted in his ankle, he had to give up.

Seriously looking at this drone, he is flying a plane, and he can repair those planes in the sky department, let alone this simple drone.

It's just trivial.

It's just that if he can fix it too easily, the old butler of the housekeeper doesn't know if he will doubt him.

Thinking of this, he had to slow down and repair it slowly.

It wasn't until late evening that he repaired a drone.

The housekeeper sent someone to check, and he was very happy when he saw that he had actually repaired one.

The housekeeper was overjoyed when he heard the report, "This kid is not bad, he is a useful guy."

He didn't fix the broken drones until late at night.

It was only now that he realized that there was not only surveillance in this house, but also drones in the sky monitoring everything in this dense forest.

This is simply too detailed.

If he wants to find a breakthrough, it is even more difficult.

But... he looked at the video footage in the drone and began to study it.

I don't know if there is anything useful in this video.

He watched it for a long time and didn't find any special scene in this video. He was suddenly disappointed. Forget it, go to sleep first, and talk about it tomorrow.


early morning.

Sunlight poured in through the gaps in the curtains, and onto the faces of the pair of people on the bed.

Ruan Su's eyes were itchy from the sunlight, she raised her jade arm and rubbed her eyes, then slowly opened her sullen eyes.

Misty eyes glanced at the window, it was a sunny day.

As she thought about it in her heart, she felt the man's long steel-like arms around her waist.

Even when he fell asleep, he clasped her waist unconsciously, as if he was afraid that she would escape.

She turned her head away, her eyes fell on the man's handsome face, long eyelashes covering his eyelids, restraining the cold and alienation of the day, and looking a little soft.

Either way, it's a flawless face.

Enough to drive anyone crazy.

"We meet every day, why? Can't you see enough?" The man's hoarse voice sounded abruptly in the morning, startling Ruan Su.

She stretched out her fingers and hooked the man's chin, "What? I don't think my man is good enough?"

She lowered her head and placed a kiss on the man's lips, "I can look at it any way I want."

As she was talking, her phone suddenly rang.

She grabbed the phone on the bedside table and pressed the answer button, "Hello."

It turned out to be a call from the hospital. She was a little surprised, "what's the matter?"

"Dr. Ruan, do you still have any impression of Xiao Qiang in the hospital? I don't know why, but his condition suddenly deteriorated in the first half of the night last night. Not to mention the festering pus on the injured foot, the bones are afraid of amputation."

"Amputation? Are you kidding me? Isn't it okay? It's just an ordinary injury, why did it suddenly become like this?" Ruan Su felt a little weird, "Okay, I'll go to the hospital right now."

Bo Xingzhi also sat up, a dignified look on Junmei's face, "What's wrong?"

"A patient's condition has deteriorated. I'll go to see it now." Ruan Su got up and rushed into the bathroom, the sound of rushing water came out.

Seeing this, Bo Xingzhi didn't dare to delay and got up quickly.

About half an hour later, a black car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and Ruan Su jumped out of the car and ran towards it.

This Xiaoqiang is not her patient, nor is he from the Department of Hematology.

But since the hospital called her, it seemed to be a very difficult problem, and everyone knew that she was a good surgeon.

When she hurried to the conference room, she found that many colleagues were already waiting there.

The dean's expression looked very solemn, "Since Dr. Ruan is here, we will start the meeting next."

The meeting lasted for about an hour, and Ruan Su did not expect that Xiaoqiang's physical condition would be so bad.

"I am afraid that only Dr. Ruan can perform this operation. Whether to remove the necrotic area or directly amputate, what do you think of Dr. Ruan?" The dean looked at Ruan Su, "and we also found it on his ankle. Strange phenomenon. The reason why he deteriorated is because of this thing."

Ruan Su looked down at Xiaoqiang's medical records and the results of this morning's examination, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"A foreign object? I need to see his feet in person."

After the meeting, Ruan Su brought several doctors and nurses directly to Xiaoqiang's ward.

Just like yesterday, there were two men in black guarding Xiaoqiang in the ward.

Xiaoqiang's expression was much more haggard than yesterday.

Seeing Ruan Su coming in, he struggled to sit up, "My leg...isn't it okay?"

"I'm afraid it will be amputated. This is the worst case. If I can just remove the necrotic tissue, I will try my best to save your leg." Ruan Su said and reached out and touched his injured ankle.

There were no protrusions to the touch, nor any foreign body sensation. It doesn't look any different.

However, it is the necrosis of the surrounding tissue caused by the thing inside...

"Prepare for the operation as soon as possible. I need to open him up to determine whether the operation should be amputated or removed."

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