Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1045: It was discovered that it was the Jing family's site!

A doctor replied behind her, "Okay, Dr. Ruan, I see, we'll schedule the operation right away."

The two men in black stood up with a hesitant expression on their faces. One of them couldn't help but say, "Doctor, does the operation cost a lot of money? If so, we don't have that much money."

It is impossible for the owner to spend a lot of money to save them.

Giving a knife directly is the master's best practice.


They took a sympathetic look at Xiaoqiang on the hospital bed, maybe in a few days they would lift Xiaoqiang's body and throw it into the sea...

They have lost count of how many companions they have thrown into the sea.

Xiao Qiang's eyes showed sadness.

He seemed to have seen his own future destiny.

He was able to stay in the hospital these few days, and it was the housekeeper's mercy.

If he reported it to the master, the master would definitely kill him without saying a word.

A person like himself is only worthy of living in a dark place where there is no light.

He looked at Ruan Su with a wry smile, "Doctor, I may not be able to cure it. We really have no money."

Ruan Su looked at him blankly, she clearly saw the desire to live in the eyes of this young man.

"There are medical loans and installment loans in the hospital. You can apply for this. It is important to save your life."

"Instalment loan? Can I still get a loan now when I see a doctor?" A man in black said with a trembling voice, "Xiaoqiang, don't worry, we'll apply now, and you can do the surgery."

Xiaoqiang nodded heavily, "Thank you, brothers."

He looked at Ruan Su again, "Doctor, I have surgery."

At night, he would personally beg the uncle butler not to tell the master about his illness.

If the master knew, he would definitely abandon him...

As long as the housekeeper hides it, there should be no problem.

Who doesn't want to live? Who the **** wants to die?

As long as this doctor cures himself, he is his great benefactor!

Xiaoqiang thought to himself in his heart.

Ye Yanli didn't know anything about Xiaoqiang's tragic experience.

At this time, not only the drone, but also the TV and the washing machine were placed in front of him...

They are all broken home appliances and electrical appliances in the yard.

Fortunately, it's all simple repairs, and the plane has been repaired. What are these small appliances?

He worked almost all day, and his back was sore from exhaustion.

I never imagined that one day I would become a worker who repairs home appliances.

He laughed at himself and stood up and hammered his sore waist.

When the housekeeper came over, he was drinking water, and when he saw these appliances that had been repaired, he was overjoyed, "Da Zhuang, I didn't expect you to have two brushes, which saved a lot of money for repairs."

"Housekeeper, this is what I should do." Ye Yanli said politely and modestly.

"It's not like Xiaoqiang, who will cause me trouble. He wants surgery, hey, I heard that the cost of surgery is quite high, and the owner will definitely not give the money for the doctor." The housekeeper said and sat next to him, " I don't have much money either, so he can find a way by himself. My ability can only help him hide it for a while, so that the master won't find out. "

"Wasn't his condition quite stable when I came back? Why is he going to have an operation now?" Ye Yanli looked at the housekeeper in surprise, "He's still quite pitiful."

"What's so pitiful, I can't live up to my expectations." The housekeeper scolded angrily, "Every day, I'm looking for trouble for me, or you are good, there is a skill that is better than anything else. What else can you do?"

"It's nothing, I can still write big characters. My grandfather used to be the teacher in town, so I practiced big characters since I was a child." Ye Yanli smiled embarrassedly, "What I write the most is During Chinese New Year, help the neighbors to write Spring Festival couplets."

"It's good to be able to write big characters! If you can write big characters, you can write them for our yard this year, so you don't have to pay for them." The housekeeper was even happier when he heard it. "I like a capable young man like you."

After chatting with Ye Yanli for a few more words, he left, but Ye Yanli sat there in deep thought.

I don't know how Xiaoqiang is doing now...

"Da Zhuang, Da Zhuang, see what delicious food I made." Xiao Zhen's cheerful voice interrupted Ye Yanli's thoughts.

He looked up tiredly and met Xiao Zhen's smiling face, "What's the matter? What did you do?"

"I've specially made the king **** soup for you. You drink it quickly, but it's nutritious. You are always on the night shift, so make up more." Xiaozhen brought a bowl of fishy soup and handed it to Ye Yanli.

"Bastard soup?" Ye Yanli twitched the corners of his mouth.

In the past, when I was at home, the kitchen would sometimes stew turtle soup, or fish soup...

It's just stewed without any smell.

"Yeah! Haven't you ever had one? Let me tell you, the **** soup is good and good for your health. This is the **** I caught from the river today. Don't worry, I washed it very clean." Jane was still very enthusiastic, but Ye Yanli had no choice but to take the bowl and drink it.

As soon as he took a sip, he almost fainted due to the stench.

It smells so bad.

But he didn't want to hear how Xiaozhen was here at Rosso, so he had to drink while holding his nose.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome! The rest of them don't have this kind of treatment." Xiao Zhen smiled and looked at Ye Yanli. Recently, he seems to have gained a little weight, and the edges and corners of his face are not so clear. Ten pounds is more rounded.

It's good to make him a fat man. The fat and round one must be very cute.

Still too skinny.

She feeds Ye Yanli like a pet.

Seeing that Ye Yanli had finished drinking the soup, she turned and left with satisfaction.

Seeing her leave, Ye Yanli finally couldn't help rushing into the toilet and vomited wildly.

So **** disgusting, so **** disgusting.

He had never had such a bad soup in his life.

But he knew that if he refused, Xiaozhen would definitely try to persuade him and let him drink it.

He didn't want to listen, and he didn't want to listen to her nagging like a monk reciting scriptures for a minute.

He glanced at the sky, it was getting dark, and another day passed.

When will he be able to leave here? It's like being in jail, day after day.

At this moment, a man in black rushed over, panting, "Da Zhuang, the housekeeper called you!"

"What's wrong?" Why is this housekeeper doing so much? It's dark today, what's the matter?

"It seems that the air conditioner in the laboratory is broken. Come and have a look."


Ye Yanli's eyes lit up, wondering if the big guys who were doing the experiments were there.

It would be better if it was there.

He suddenly became interested, "Okay, I'll go over now."

Normally, no one is allowed in the laboratory, Ye Yanli thought to himself as he walked.

He rushed all the way into the laboratory, and sure enough, he saw the housekeeper shouting impatiently, "It's getting hotter and hotter today, what if the air conditioner is broken? How can I keep them working?"

"Really, I shouldn't have bought these miscellaneous brands of air conditioners for cheap in the early years, I'm mad at me!"

While calling, he instructed two men in black to disassemble a cabinet air conditioner.

Ye Yanli calmed down and walked over, "Why is the air conditioner suddenly broken?"

"It's probably too old, it's an old machine." The butler's expression softened a little after seeing Ye Yanli. "You repairman, hurry up and have a look and see if it can be repaired."

"Okay." Ye Yanli took a look around the lab, but he didn't find the big guys doing the experiments.

The laboratory is empty.

Ye Yanli: "..."

Are you off work?

"Young Master Jing, don't worry, fix it right away, and you can come and do the experiment." At this moment, the housekeeper answered a phone call, and Ye Yanli couldn't help but look over with a respectful voice.

"Okay, your teacher will take good care of it."

"It's estimated to be ten or twenty minutes. It won't take too long."

Master? The last name is Jing?

Ye Yan's heart trembled slightly, and he knew best what the surname Jing represented.

So this mansion belongs to Jing Sa?

Damn it!

It's a **** narrow road.

Why did he just end up in Jing Sa's place.

No wonder the housekeeper Xinglai has such a ruthless style.

It turned out that there was a scene above.

It's just that this young master Jing is which young master of the Jing family?

Ye Yanli thought to himself in his heart, but couldn't figure out who belonged to the Jing family.

There doesn't seem to be any scholar in the Jing family who likes to engage in scientific research...

When he repaired the air conditioner, he deliberately made ink marks.

No matter how the housekeeper urged him, he moved very slowly, "This air conditioner is quite big. I haven't repaired such a large air conditioner before. I'm not sure if this is the fault. It will take some time."

The housekeeper was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot, "Do you know that the young master will come over later? Young master, you can't afford to offend you."

Ye Yanli said, "Okay, okay, I'll try to be faster."

But the movement is still slow.

After about half an hour, finally, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Has the air conditioner been repaired?"

A man's voice sounded at the door, Ye Yanli looked towards the door and saw an unfamiliar face, he had never seen this man at Jing's house.

Among the juniors of the Jing family, there are many who are handsome and attractive, but the one in front of them seems to be exceptionally blessed. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looks gentle, which is completely different from the arrogant temperament of the Jing family.

A very clean and fresh man.

"Young Master Jing, you're here." The housekeeper quickly greeted him respectfully, "The air conditioner will be ready soon, just wait a moment."

"It doesn't matter, he repairs his, I'm busy with mine." Jing Shaojiu said lightly, and then said to the housekeeper, "Can you invite my teacher over? I always want to ask her for advice."

"Okay, okay, no problem, I'll send someone to invite her over now. It's just that she's not feeling well recently, and maybe her mental state isn't too good." The housekeeper quickly bent over and said, "I hope you won't be angry then. , don't feel bad."

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