Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1071: His selfishness! nausea!

Mrs. Ye frowned and looked at the housekeeper, "What happened? You were so panicked early in the morning."

"There's someone coming from the Presidential Palace!" The housekeeper didn't have time to catch his breath, "It seems that he is going to give the young lady some appointment letter."

"Job letter? What position do I want to hold?" Ruan Su looked at him strangely, "Where is the person?"

"Miss Ruan!"

At this moment, a deep male voice sounded at the door of the living room, and then a tall and straight figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

The man was wearing a suit, and there were two men behind him. He walked into the restaurant and stretched out his hand. The man behind him immediately and respectfully handed a certificate that looked like a certificate of honor into his hand.

The man took the certificate and smiled at Ruan Su, "I'm Chen Zhu, Secretary General of the Presidential Palace. This is the letter of appointment given to you by the President. I hope you can report to the Presidential Palace today."

"Mr. Chen? Hello." Ruan Su glanced at him lightly, "Which position is it, can you tell me easily?"

"It's to become the president's newest assistant." Chen Zhu smiled, "After Bo Shao went to the border, the president lacked a competent assistant. It happened that Shang Shao recommended you, and the president agreed that it was not bad. I hope you can cherish this. next chance."

To be an assistant to the president? Ruan Suke has no interest.

She still looked indifferent, "What if I refuse?"

"Mr. President, it's not that you have to be an assistant, but the reason for the recommendation of Young Master Shang. You can refuse if you want, but the consequences of refusing the president... I advise Miss Ruan to think about it. After all, if you accept this The appointment letter is also good for the Ye family." Chen Zhu handed the appointment letter to Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, you should take it. It's good for everyone."

Ruan Su looked at him calmly, motionless.

Chen Zhu laughed again, "Miss Ruan, I heard that you are looking for your mother? There should be a registration of missing persons many years ago in the archives of the Presidential Palace, as well as some new population files. These documents can be found by outsiders. can not see……"

Ruan Su took a look at Chen Zhu, "I didn't expect Secretary-General Chen to know a lot about our Ye family."

Chen Zhu still maintained a polite smile on his face, "That's natural. As the eyes of the president, of course I want to know everything. Miss Ruan, take it."

Chen Zhu's words really moved her heart, the file library... generally invisible to outsiders.

She looked at the appointment book for a while, then finally reached out and took it.

"That's right, we'll go first when our task is completed, and go to work at nine o'clock. Miss Ruan, don't be late." Chen Zhu left after finishing speaking.

There was silence in the restaurant.

Everyone was surprised by this.

Mrs. Ye opened the appointment book and looked at it, "Xiao Su, are you really going? Dealing with the president is not a good job."

"That's right, especially since he still has opinions on you." The old man Ye was also very annoyed, "What's the matter with this young businessman? What do you recommend you to do?"

"I don't know what medicine they sell in the gourd. We are the people, and the president is the master. We can't fight him, so I'll go." Ruan Su said and stood up and glanced at the housekeeper, "Uncle, you Send Jinghuai to kindergarten. I'll pack up and go to the Presidential Palace."

"Xiao Su, be careful about everything." Mrs. Ye warned her again worriedly.

"I see, grandma."

Ruan Su turned her head and smiled at her before going upstairs to change clothes.

At 8:50 in the morning, Ruan Su appeared at the presidential palace on time, and then handed the appointment book to the guard at the door.

After the guard saw it, she was released smoothly. She came to the president's office unimpeded, reached out and knocked on the door. After hearing "come in", she pushed open the door and walked in.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting on a leather seat in the spacious and bright office. After seeing her, he waved to her, "Come here."

Ruan Su walked over and stood in front of him, "Mr. President, why do you want me to come to work? To be an assistant? I may not be up to the job."

The president raised his eyebrows and looked at her up and down, only to see that a professional suit wrapped her graceful figure, and a pair of high heels on her feet made her taller and taller.

The temperament is noble and elegant, and a person looks beautiful and looks good in anything.

Even conservative business attire is very attractive.

No wonder Bo Xingzhi was fascinated by her.

"I just don't have an assistant by my side, you just meet the conditions, that's you."

"I don't know what my job is?" Ruan Su asked him coldly, "I guess you didn't ask me to come here to make me stand?"

"Haha!" Although the president didn't like her and thought she was annoying, he was very clear about her abilities and talents. "Organize the pile of documents, and file them all after finishing."

Bo Xingzhi was not there, so he wanted to rub her a little bit, let her use it for a while, and let her do these trivial chores.

These chores are simply humiliating her.

But Ruan Su did not have any complaints and started to organize the documents.

Seeing her accepting it so calmly, the president was stunned.

This is too flexible, right?

Ruan Su didn't pay any attention to him, such trivial matters as sorting documents were a waste of time for her.

But she still did.

Until twelve o'clock noon, the president and she had been working in the same office, when he heard her hands crackling on the computer keyboard, and he had a headache.

Seeing that it was twelve o'clock, she was still working.

Seeing him finally say, "It's time for lunch. Are you going back to the small building where Ah Zhi lived or to the restaurant? There is a restaurant here."

"I'll go to the restaurant." Ruan Su stood up and sat for a long time with a sore waist. After she finished speaking, she turned off the computer, picked up her mobile phone, and walked towards the door.

The president was in a hurry and stopped her quickly, "What, you don't go to work until 2:30 in the afternoon, don't you want to cook by yourself?"

Ruan Su stopped and looked at him suspiciously, "Why should I cook? I've been tired for a long time and I want to eat ready-made meals, but I don't want to cook."

The president was a little depressed when he heard this, swallowed and said, "You are my assistant now, my staff member, and my subordinate. What... I'm ordering you to go to my and your lunch now, just Go to Ah Zhi's small building. There is a kitchen on the first floor."

Ruan Su hooked her lips and looked at him, her eyes flashing with a hint of evil, she said deliberately, "But he has been to the border for four days, and there is no ingredients in the kitchen, right? Even the ingredients are broken, right?"

The president's old face didn't dare to look at her at all. He turned his head away, but the middle-aged man's face still showed a faint blush, "Then what... the servants have added new ingredients in the morning, you can do whatever you want."

Ruan Su would be a fool if he didn't understand. This old man clearly wanted to eat the food she made by himself, and the assistant was not an assistant, just to eat.

It happened that Bo Xingzhi was not at home, so he exercised his presidential power to bully her.

"Hurry up and cook, I'm starving to death." The president urged her again.

"Okay, let me cook. I don't want to deal with these documents in the afternoon. You can find other assistants." Ruan Su raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "Don't you still have an assistant? That assistant **** every day. The same with you."

"He... He's been a little busy these two days." The president put his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, "Oh, are you going to cook or not? How can I say that I'm also your boss, no matter what? I'm also Ah Zhi's father, is it so difficult for you to cook me a bowl of rice? have to eat it yourself."

When Ruan Su saw this impatient look, the smile on her lips deepened, and her eyes flashed with a strong evil intention, "You can eat if you want! Why don't you just wait? It takes three to five minutes to cook and it's OK. Is that right? Also! Are you begging others to cook?"

Now it seems that what Shang Lingxiao recommends, the real purpose is that he wants her to cook.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and the president said unnaturally, "Come in."

Then Shang Lingxiao pushed open the door and stepped into the office. As soon as he came in, his eyes lit up. He didn't expect Ruan Su to be so attractive and attractive in a professional suit.

The temptation of a lively uniform is right in front of you.

His amazed eyes stayed on Ruan Su for a few seconds before he looked at the president, "What do you want for lunch today? I'll go to the restaurant to prepare it for you."

"No need, no need, Xiao Su will cook for me in person later." The president couldn't help laughing when he talked about this, "Xiao Su's craftsmanship! That's not ordinary, wait for you too. Don't go to the restaurant, just go to Ah Zhi's small building with me."

Ruan Su: "..."

She didn't agree at all, did she? She didn't even promise to cook for three people, did she?

But Shang Lingxiao looked at her very happily, "Is Xiao Su really? It's great, I rarely have the opportunity to taste Xiao Su's craftsmanship, so I'm always jealous of Ah Zhi!"

"Let's go." The president said and stood up. "There are all kinds of ingredients in the refrigerator. You can do whatever you want. I'm not picky eaters. Ling Xiao, how about you?"

Shang Lingxiao also quickly said, "I'm definitely not picky eaters."

Ruan Su had no choice but to chase ducks onto the shelves and was forced to follow behind them.

The three of them came to the second-story building where Bo Xingzhi lived.

The servants cleaned the house early and greeted them when they came back, "Miss Ruan, shall I help you? What do you want to do?"

Ruan Su glanced at her, "You can cook the rice first, and I'll do the rest myself."

"Okay." The servant hurried to get the rice.

Shang Lingxiao sat on the sofa with the president. He looked at Ruan Su, who was wearing an apron in the kitchen, and his eyes turned deep. He really miscalculated and pushed Ruan Su in front of Bo Xingzhi.

It's so hard to separate them now.

This time Bo Xingzhi went to the border, he must seize the opportunity. He recommended Ruan Su's selfishness because he wanted to get along with her more.

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