Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1072: It's stubborn, do you still need to pick a day?

Shang Lingxiao never thought that the president would be so powerful, and directly asked Ruan Su to help them cook lunch. Ruan Su's craftsmanship is no ordinary craftsmanship.

Ruan Su randomly cooked a few dishes in the kitchen, and when the dishes were served, the president immediately sat down beside the dining table.

He looked in amazement at the small fried yellow beef in front of him, boiled vermicelli in shrimp soup, crab roe vegetables, golden pepper yellow croaker...

It also comes with a tomato nugget soup, which looks amazing.

The aroma of the food wafted in the sky above the restaurant, Shang Lingxiao took a deep sniff, it was indeed full of color, smell, and taste. He was already very hungry, and it was already more than one o'clock now.

It's almost time for dinner.

The president greeted the two of them, "Hurry up and eat, take a break after eating, and go to work in the afternoon."

Ruan Su didn't speak, but sat beside the dining table, just opposite the president and Shang Lingxiao.

She looked at the president's feasting and said lightly, "Where is the key to the file vault?"

The president was stunned for a moment, almost not choking, "What did you say?"

"I said, where is the key to the file library." Ruan Su looked at him and said word by word, "Don't you think I will become your exclusive free chef? The chef also receives a salary! If you If you want to eat the food I made in the future, it is best to give me the key to the file library, and I want to go in and check the information."

"Are you going too far? You actually threatened me? No one dares to threaten me! Ruan Su! Who gave you the guts!" The president slammed his chopsticks on the table and glared at him.

Ruan Su also put down her chopsticks, with a clear smile in the corner of her eyes, "Didn't you give it to me? You should understand one thing when you ask me to cook for you. I, Ruan Su, can rival the craftsmanship of a star chef. Is it so easy to agree to cook for someone who hates me?"

She paused and said, "I only make soup for the people I like, the people I love, and my relatives. Want to eat? Yes, you can exchange it for something."

"You! You're just mad at me. You don't want me to eat, don't you?" The president's eyes burned with anger, as if he was going to burn the ignorant girl in front of him to ashes.

"Xiao Su, how can you make your father angry when you eat well?" Shang Lingxiao quickly smoothed things out, "Hurry up and stop saying these words, okay?"

Ruan Su just glanced at him lightly, the handsome man looked anxious, as if he was worried about her.

But what she said directly blamed all the blame on her, as if she was the culprit.

And the president takes it for granted that he is the best person, the most perfect person. And she, Ruan Su, is the one who doesn't know the good and the bad, the one who will only make the president, the person in power, angry.

How ridiculous!

She couldn't help thinking that if Bo Xingzhi was here, he would definitely stand by her side unconditionally and support her unconditionally.

What she wants is not to be reasonable, and what she wants is not so-called winning or losing.

All she wants is support.

Shang Lingxiao estimates that he will never know the difference between himself and Bo Xingzhi for the rest of his life!

Ruan Su chuckled and looked at the president leisurely, "I just want the key to the file vault, I don't steal the files inside, why? Is there anything in it that I can't see? Or...I Not a staff member of the Presidential Palace?"

She originally wanted to get the key through Shang Lingxiao or Bo Xingzhi.

It's just... She thought about it later, all the flowers and grasses in the presidential palace can't hide from the president's sight, and the president will definitely know about such a big thing as she enters the document library.

He's not some sort of dazed authority.

So, she might as well ask him directly for the key.

The president was so angry with her for a while that he calmed down. He really didn't expect Ruan Su to hold back his big move.

And still want the key to the file library.

In the document library, there are many materials of M country over the years, including many state secrets, all in it.

How could he let Ruan Su in so easily?

What's more, she is just a temporary assistant.

At the very least, the people in the cabinet have to go to the archives.

But Ruan Su's cooking is really delicious, and he is a good person. He thought about it and said, "Well, if you insist on making lunch for me for ten days, I will let you in. But..."

"But what?" Ruan Su didn't expect him to let go so quickly.

"But you have to go with Ling Xiao, otherwise, I won't worry about you alone." The president smiled and began to pick up his chopsticks again, "Don't say, your dish is really good."

He just likes home-cooked stir-fry, he just doesn't like those big fish and meat.

"Tomorrow at noon, I want to eat your fried scallion pancakes, as well as hand-rolled noodles, and finally some soy sauce... delicious!"

Ruan Su frowned and stared at him, "Why are you still ordering food?"

"We all ask for each other now, so it's not too much for me to order a dish, right? I have to use my rights reasonably." The president ate happily, taking a sip of soup from time to time.

This tomato pimple soup is also delicious.

The scallion pancakes made by Ruan Su were delicious, and the noodles... He also wanted to eat them very much.

Thinking about it, it's just a key, and then you can eat her meal for ten days at noon, which is still a pretty good deal.

And... with Shang Lingxiao following, she couldn't find any big waves.

The president's wishful little abacus crackled.

Ruan Su looked at him sarcastically, "You think it's pretty. Then I want to get off work at 11 o'clock."

"Yes, yes. No problem." The president nodded. "Hey, after so many years... no chef can compare to your cooking."

Shang Lingxiao was shocked to see the president agreeing to Ruan Su so easily.

He originally thought that Ruan Su would find him, and then he was embarrassed again, and finally gave her the key.

Use this key to get close to Ruan Su, and then he can refresh his favorability in front of her.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Su did not play cards according to the routine, and went directly to the president.

His plans were disrupted in an instant.

But it doesn't matter... He is also a good opportunity to get along with her in the file library.

Thinking like this, he gave Ruan Su some food, "Xiao Su, you should eat more. Don't argue about everything, just discuss it more. Do you think your father promised you?"

The more Ruan Su looked at him, the more unpleasant he became, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt that he was so disgusting and disgusting.

In the past, she really had the filter of a brother to him. Now the filter is broken into pieces.

She really doesn't know, is it that Shang Lingxiao has changed? Or he was too good at disguising before.

He is still the real him.

After eating, she worked in the President's Office for a long time in the afternoon, and finally it was time to get off work.

She grabbed her bag and left without saying a word.

The president glared at her. "What are you going?"

"It's time for get off work, why don't I go?" Ruan Su looked at him lightly.

"Don't you know about working overtime?" The president frowned. "I have a new document here, and you put it in the computer."

"I'm sorry, I have free time after work." Ruan Su raised her eyebrows and packed her bag.

The president was so angry with her, "I didn't even get off work, are you embarrassed to get off work?"

Ruan Su looked at him with her arms around her chest, "It's really funny how you talk, you just give me eight hours' money, and I'll cook for you at noon. You've already set the time to leave work, and I'm still here to work. Huh? I'm here to work, not overtime. So it's alright for me to get off work on time, right?"

"If you want to stay, you can stay and work overtime by yourself. Anyway, the entire M country is yours. You work overtime for your own country. You are too embarrassed to say that you didn't leave? What does it have to do with me if you don't leave?"

Staring at her slender figure, the president was so angry that his chest hurt. In the past, which assistant did he make overtime, how dare they not? Not to mention assistants, they are the old guys in the cabinet. As long as they work overtime, who dares not to work overtime?

Did she talk so much?

This is deliberately trying to **** him off!

He was about to speak, when he saw that Ruan Su had already pushed open the door and went out.

She's gone... She's gone like that...

The group of secretaries and assistants in the president's office outside the president's office saw Ruan Su carrying a bag and leaving...

They all have their mouths open wide. After so many years, they have never seen any assistant leave so early... leave the class on time.

Even Chen Zhu, the secretary general, watched Ruan Su's slender figure enter the movie and leave in amazement.

"Secretary-General, is she really gone? She just had a chat with the president in the office, and she really left?" A secretary said to Chen Zhu.

"That's not it, hurry up to work. She is the daughter of the Ye family, can you compare with them?" Chen Zhu said to others, "Hurry up and work, don't be in a daze."

The president sat alone in the office, sulking.

Are you not good enough for her?

She was so daring to let her share an office with herself, and she didn't give him face so much.

The group of secretaries and assistants outside, which one works at least until nine o'clock in the evening?


So annoying!

Ruan Su didn't pay any attention to the president at all. She went to the parking lot and drove her car back to Ye's house.

In the Ye family at this time, Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye looked around at the door of the living room from time to time, just to see if their granddaughter had come back from get off work.

"I'm back, I'm back!" the butler shouted as he ran into the living room, "Miss is back!"

Behind him, Ruan Su had just stepped into the living room and was changing slippers at the entrance.

Mrs. Ye hurried over to greet her, "Xiao Su, how are you going to work today? Did it go well? Did he embarrass you?"

Ruan Su changed her shoes and put down her bag, "It's okay, he won't embarrass me."

She also went to work in the hospital before, but she had never seen the old couple so nervous and worried.

She smiled and held Mrs. Ye's hand, "Grandma, I'm fine, is dinner ready? I'm a little hungry."

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