Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 194: Spit it out after eating mine! Clean up the scum!

When the two men approached.

Bo Xingzhi's expression became colder and colder, and his powerful deterrence shocked everyone.

He looked down at Ruan Su in a white coat next to him, "Are you injured?"

Ruan Su shook his head.

Huo Jiliang's venomous snake-like eyes swept toward the disheveled, messy Ouyang Xing, and there were several strands of hair pulled down by Huo Zhi lying on the ground, shocking.

Ouyang Xing didn't dare to look at him, she must be very embarrassed and ugly now... She couldn't help but subconsciously raised her hand to cover her red and swollen left face, selfishly not wanting Huo Jiliang to see her ugly and embarrassed look.

"Do you know how much money the third aunt made for Huo's? Do you know how much effort the third aunt made for Huo's reputation?" Huo Jiliang's lips outlined a cold arc, "The old man is still lying in the ward, Are you here right here? I will put my words here today. Whoever looks down on Ouyang Xing is just looks down on me!"

Ouyang Xing raised her eyes in shock, staring at Huo Jiliang.

He... what did he say? How can it be? He would actually protect her?

He sneered and raised his eyebrows and squatted down. He looked like an evil spirit from hell, holding Huo Zhi's chin, "Sister, which hand did you hit her?"

"I...I..." Huo Zhi was almost out of breath due to the stench in the basin, and he nauseated, not knowing how many times he vomited in the basin.

"Can't tell, are you? Then both hands were chopped off." Huo Jiliang waved, and another group of people in black rushed from the end of the corridor. A man held a long knife in his hand and walked to Huo Jiliang. In front of Shiba.

Without saying anything, he grabbed her hand and raised the long knife high.

"No! No! The fourth child, I was wrong. I will never trouble Ouyang Xing again, the fourth child! Are you not afraid that your dad will trouble you?" Huo Zhi screamed like a pig, her eyes He stared like a copper bell, and was covered in cold sweat.

An unpleasant smell came from her lower body.

Ruan Su couldn't help frowning.

Huo Jiliang retracted his hand, "Counseling, I was scared to pee."

He got up, a man immediately handed him a neat handkerchief, he took it lazily, and wiped his hands.

Just when Huo Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and thought Huo Jiliang was going to let her go, he suddenly heard the man quietly saying, "Cut it!"

flutter! Screamed.

Hand up the knife and drop.

One palm rolled down the corridor.

"Ah! ——" Huo Zhi screamed, hugging his severed left hand, looking at the bald wound, at this time the blood surged crazily.

The blood dripped down her clothes, dripping continuously to the floor.

Ouyang Xing was so frightened that she couldn't help but stepped back several steps.

She looked horrified at Huo Jiliang, who was like an evil spirit.

For the first time, I clearly felt Huo Jiliang's terrifying and cruelty.

Huo Qi and his wife also looked at Huo Jiliang with pale faces, "Devil, you are simply a devil!"

Huo Jiliang turned a deaf ear to the abuse and fear of others. He turned his head and looked at Bo Xingzhi not far away, "Bo, how about my explanation?"

"Since Miss Huo has no hands, she doesn't need to eat the feces." Bo Xingzhi's eyes were cold, "Dare to question that she is not a doctor and is living too impatiently. Or do you think that Mr. Huo's life is too long?"

"Dr. Ruan's name, don't you go out to inquire about it, the first person in surgery, is it called for fun?" Song Yan raised his foot and kicked Huo Qi again, the Huo family's rubbish!

"Huo Shao, Huo Cong insulted my woman the day before yesterday, and Miss Huo Dai questioned my woman again today. Do you Huo family really treat our Bo family as a vegetarian?" Bo Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at the Huo family in a cold voice.

Huo Zhi was so painful that she was about to faint, and she couldn't say a word. She had already lost a hand, so what else does she want?

Bo Xingzhi, a frightening existence, the real Jiangcheng boss, the method is cruel and cruel.

Compared with him, Huo Jiliang, the so-called young master of the Huo family, can only stand aside.

Even if he stood there on his handsome face, there was still no change, but the content of the exit made everyone tremble.

"Huo Shao doesn't know what you want?"

For the first time, Huo Jiliang was forced so face-to-face.

All thanks to these rubbish!

He had an ugly face and a gloomy expression, "Huo's is willing to give Dr. Ruan a 3% share for compensation."

"There is no need for the shares." Ruan Su, who has been silent, finally raised his eyes to Huo Jiliang, "Huo Shao, how about donating another 30 million to the foundation of Master Su? It is used for the construction of the orphanage. I know that many children in welfare homes across the country are living very hard. The welfare homes do not have financial resources, so why don't they arrange for some fresh graduates from the welfare homes to work in Huo’s?"

Ouyang Xing bit her lip and brushed her hair to make her appearance look better. "Dr. Ruan, the Huo Charity Foundation can also do these things. Why should Dr. Ruan make such a move?"

"Chairman Ouyang, Huo's doing things... To be honest, I don't feel relieved." Ruan Su curled his lips, his delicate face exuding a fatal brilliance.

"The last time Bo Wenyu was deceived, if it weren't for President Ouyang's handling of crisis public relations well, maybe...your charity foundation no longer exists, right?"

Which pot does not open and which pot.

Ouyang Xing's face turned pale, and then lowered her head.

Originally Ruan Su rescued her just now, she was grateful.

It's just that... the ways are different, and the camps are different... then it's even more impossible.

Huo Jiliang said coldly, "Since this is what Dr. Ruan meant, thirty million plus arrangements for work."

Bo Xingzhi didn't understand what Ruan Su meant, but as long as Ruan Su said, he unconditionally supported it.

Ruan Su lazily raised his hand and yawned.

Drowsiness hit her mind, and she almost fell asleep on the spot.

Staying here to watch the Huo family's tearing B, it really took a lot of effort.

She turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly heard a man's low voice behind her, "San Aunt!"

Ruan Su looked towards Huo Jiliang and saw Ouyang Xing, who had been staying next to him, swayed and fell to the ground, and between her legs...a stream of bright red blood was spreading down her thigh... …


Ruan Su rushed over without saying anything, and said to Song Yan, "Call the nurse, call the assistant physician, hurry!"

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps.

Ouyang Xing was lifted up by several nurses and doctors.

Ruan Su grasped Ouyang Xing’s wrist and said with a heavy face while pulsed her, “The patient is likely to have a threatened abortion, so he should be pushed to the ultrasound room immediately. Notify the director of obstetrics and gynecology to prepare for the operation at any time!”

"Yes! Doctor Ruan!"

The scene seemed to be in turmoil, but under the command of Ruan Su, the treatment was carried out in an orderly manner.

Huo Jiliang, who had been staring closely at Ouyang Xing’s face, felt nothing but thunder after hearing the word "abortion".

He looked at the unconscious Ouyang Xing in shock, and it took him a while to react.

"Miscarriage? What did you say?" He grabbed Ruan Su's arm and stared at her in horror, "How could she be pregnant!"

He questioned her before Mingming, and she said that her stomach was broken. How can you get pregnant now? Child, is he going to be a father? Is he going to have a baby? He will still have children in his life? How can it be? No, it's impossible! Huo Jiliang closed his eyes in disbelief.

"I have practiced Chinese medicine, and she is indeed Ximai." Ruan Su glanced at Huo Jiliang, pushing him away and chasing him towards the B-ultrasound room.

"Master...what shall we do now?" Song Yan glanced at Bo Xingzhi cautiously, and Master hurried over. As a result, Miss Ruan didn't kill him so much.

Be as busy as you can.

So ignoring the young master...

Is the young master going to be angry again?

"What else can I do? My wife, pampering!" Bo Xingzhi looked at the direction of Ruan Su's disappearance, and sighed slightly, "What should I do if she is so busy and tired? Song Yan, you go now..."

"Yes, I know." Song Yan heard the words and hurried to do it.

Gee, master, is this getting the hang of it? Have you started taking the petting route?


Five o'clock in the afternoon.

At the entrance of the City No. 1 Hospital, a truck with the three characters Tongquetai drove in slowly.

After a while, several dining cars were lifted from the truck.

Each dining car is filled with an assortment of exquisite dishes.

This dining car was pushed into all floors and rooms of the hospital.

Whether it is a doctor or a nurse, whether it is a patient or a family member.

Everyone has an exquisite three dishes and one soup from Tongquetai, plus dessert snacks.

"Oh my God! What's the situation? Why does Tongquetai send us food?"

"Tongque Terrace is a restaurant second only to Lacrosse! I heard that it is an industry under the Bo family."

"Oh my god, have you heard about it? President Bo came to the hospital today, and someone scolded us Dr. Ruan, President Bo is angry!"

"I saw Mr. Bo's special assistant, Song Special assistant! He is directing the dining car!"

Ruan Su was sorting documents, but the office door was knocked.

"Please come in."

She said lightly.

With a creak, the door was opened, and a gurgling car sounded.

Ruan Su raised his eyes in surprise and saw a thin line of suit and leather shoes pushing in a dining car.

What is this man playing?

"The senior and senior staff of Tongquetai will serve you well." The man's low voice echoed in the office.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows. "Sorry, I asked a colleague to go to Lacrosse."

As soon as her voice fell, the phone on the table rang, she answered it easily, and before speaking, there was an excited voice from her colleagues, "Ahhhhh! Doctor Ruan, Mr. Bo sent the Tongque platform to everyone in the hospital. Let’s get together another day!"

The excited voice almost broke through the phone.

What kind of overbearing president operation is this?

Everyone in the hospital...that means...

Including patients, family members?


She reluctantly put down the phone and looked at the tall and handsome man in front of her with star-like eyes. This man always didn't play cards according to the card and did things that she couldn't understand.

"Bo Xingzhi, you...what are you doing?"

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