Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 195: Live streaming to eat shit? Eat!

In the women's bathroom.

Ouyang Xing was lying on the edge of the sink and began to retching.


Then Huo Jiliang, who followed up, saw her vomiting uncomfortably, and couldn't help raising his hand to pat her back, staring at her coldly, "What's wrong with you? Why did you vomit for no reason?"

Ouyang Xing's heart tightened, she lowered her head and pulled a paper towel, and wiped her mouth.

She firmly squeezed the paper in her hand, forced herself to calm down, suppressing her nervous nerves, and then raised her eyes to look at Huo Jiliang, "Maybe the stomach is uncomfortable."

Huo Jiliang looked at her with cold eyes, "If the third aunt is uncomfortable, this is the hospital, so it's better to check it now."

Ouyang Xing's face turned pale, and her throat became dry for a while, "No, I'll just take some medicine."

"Ouyang Xing, don't challenge my patience." Huo Jiliang suddenly leaned on the wall with one hand, blocking her between her chest and the sink, her face sinking, "Why is your face so ugly? Did you do something wrong? thing?"

Under Huo Jiliang's extremely shocking gaze, her scalp became numb. Qiangyan smiled, "Where is it, how is it possible? You have to look at everything in the company before I do it. If you really did something wrong, you would have fired me a long time ago."

She is afraid of him!

Very scared.

Deeply afraid.

Huo Jiliang could clearly feel Ouyang Xing's trembling body.

He retracted his arm, and his thin lips plugged the woman's lips suddenly, "Auntie... Are you afraid of me?"

"I, I didn't!" Ouyang Xing Qingli's face was still smiling, but her heart was already raging.

If Huo Jiliang finds out that she is pregnant, she will definitely not end well.

"Aren't you pregnant?" Huo Jiliang's icy eyes fell on Ouyang Xing's still flat belly.

Ouyang Xing stood in place as if struck by lightning.

She straightened her neck stiffly, looking at Huo Jiliang with a pale face, with a firm tone, "No, how could I be pregnant?"

Huo Jiliang wore a self-cultivation black suit, which made him handsome and charming, and his feminine features were now full of the scent of shady birds.

"Third aunt, you had better not conceal something from me. Otherwise, my know best."

Ouyang Xingse shrank and lowered his eyes, not daring to look at him.

"How could it be? How could I hide it from you?"

Huo Jiliang retracted his arms against the wall, and squeezed her chin tightly with a big palm, "Better not!"

She concealed the panic in her heart, "Dad's operation is about to begin... Let's go quickly."


Father Huo suffered multiple fractures on his body, so the operation lasted for a full five hours.

Always standing in front of the operating table for surgery, when Ruan Su heard the sound of the end of the surgery.

Several assistant physicians and nurses couldn't help but sit down on the ground, "Ah, I'm exhausted."

"It's finally over. What's the matter with this old man? What are the bones broken into, no wonder Huo Shao can't find a famous doctor to treat him."

"This has to be done by our Doctor Ruan. The bones are all broken into scum and must be reconnected. If the connection is not detailed..."

Ruan Su Qingli looked at the tired and paralyzed colleagues on the ground, and couldn't help but hook her lips, "Everyone, cheer up, do all the aftermath work, and push the patient to the ICU for observation for 24 hours."

"Okay, Doctor Ruan."

The little nurses had to stand up from the ground again and do the aftermath work.

"Everyone has worked hard, I invite everyone to Lacrosse in the evening." Ruan Su finished speaking and stepped out of the operating room.

There was a cheer behind him.

"Ah! Lacrosse!"

"Doctor Ruan is mighty!"

Ruan Su pushed open the door of the operating room and saw Ouyang Xing sitting on the bench.

She holds a tablet computer in her hands and is doing official business.

Hearing the door opening, Ouyang Xing stood up to meet Ruan Su, "Doctor Ruan, how is my dad?"

"The operation was very successful. It just takes a period of recuperation." Ruan Su took off his mask and took a breath of fresh air.

She is a little tired and is about to go back to the office to rest.

Just when I heard footsteps, a woman's harsh screams sounded, "Huo Si, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you inform us about such a big thing as my dad's operation?"

"Eldest sister..." Ouyang Xing turned her head, and just said, "Pop!" With a loud clap, the sound of applause rang in the silent corridor.

"Bitch, shut up! You're a cunning thing, you deserve to be called my sister-in-law!" Huo Zhi glared at Ouyang Xing fiercely. "Who doesn't know that you have a leg with Huo Si."

The middle-aged woman is Huo Zhi, the eldest of the Huo family.

Behind her was the Huo family’s eldest brother, Huo Qi and Shen Qi, and Shen Qi pretended to pull Rahuozhi, "Eldest sister, Kyoko is now also a member of our family, and she is also the third daughter-in-law. You always have to give her a little face outside. ."

Ouyang Xing only felt a burning pain in her cheeks. She covered her red and swollen left face, and no longer had the spirit of being in Huo’s company, biting her lower lip aggrievedly, but she was stubborn not to let the tears fall.

She took a deep breath and looked at Huo Zhi neither humble nor arrogant. "Sister, what did I do wrong? Make you so angry?"

Huo Zhi sneered, "Dad is doing such a big operation, Huo Si busy does not notify us, you also do not notify? Who gave you the courage to let you hide this matter?"

Since Huo Jiliang has taken control of the Huo Group, he has suppressed several other brothers from the Huo family to the point of breathlessness.

Only Ouyang Xing became Huo Jiliang's right-hand man.

The other siblings had long seen Ouyang Xing displeased. Now that Mr. Huo is seriously ill, they don’t even know.

Now that I heard the wind, I came immediately, of course, I have to pick a soft persimmon.

Sprinkle all the qi on Ouyang Xing's body.

Ouyang Xing looked at her humiliatingly, "Dad's operation, I follow Mr. Huo's instructions. If you want to be filial, you can stay in the hospital from now on. The third child is still at home, I will go back first."

When she said that she turned around and left, Huo Zhi grabbed her hair and pulled her back.

Ouyang Xing's scalp was aching, and she held Huo Zhi's hands tightly, "Sister, let go! Let go of me!"

She was dragged in embarrassment, and the high heels on her feet were also knocked off, but all of this was no match for the scalp tingling.

"Bitch! How many men have you hooked up secretly? Huh? You just sat in the position of foundation chief?" Huo Zhi was jealous of Ouyang Xing.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Huo Charity Foundation, she was salivating, but she did not expect that the fat difference would eventually fall into the hands of Ouyang Xing.

In the past few years, the rest of the Huo family can only take care of themselves like squatting in a nursing home. Only Ouyang Xing has been in the Huo family and has gained the trust of Huo Jiliang.

People like the Huo family had long seen her displeased.

At this moment, it is also taking the matter of Mr. Huo's operation as a starting point to make things difficult for her.

Ruan Su has been watching with cold eyes, she has no affection for all of Huo's people.

But at this moment, seeing Ouyang Xing actually being so insulted by Huo Zhi, she is not a Virgin, nor is she overflowing with sympathy.

She frowned slightly, stepped forward, raised her hand to hold Huo Zhi's wrist, "Miss Huo Da, the hospital is not a place where you spoiled, please don't affect other patients' rest."

"Who are you? How old are you? I teach my younger brothers and sisters, what do you do?" Huo Zhi's wrist hurts so much, she can't help but let go, grab Ouyang Xing, and shake off Ruan Su's hand. .

"This is the hospital. Elder Huo is my patient. It affects the patient's rest. You can afford to take the responsibility?" Ruan Su stared at her coldly.

Huo Zhi rubbed his scratched wrist while staring at Ruan Su, his heart trembling slightly, what a beautiful woman! She turned out to be the doctor in charge of the old guy? How can it be? Lie!

"What are you bragging about, there is a doctor as young as you? If you are the attending doctor, I will live to eat shit!" Huo Zhi sneered, with disdain in his eyes.

Suddenly, dozens of black-clad bodyguards rushed out from nowhere, and they were well-trained at a glance. They were astonishing and eye-catching.

The headed man was holding a pot of dark things in his hands. Huo Zhi hadn't seen it clearly yet. Several of the black bodyguards had already swarmed and restrained her.

Song Yan kicked her knee and made a plop.

Huo Zhi knelt straight in front of Ruan Su.

A black pot was thrown in front of her, "Miss Huo, please."

Huozhi's well-maintained face, who was clearly over forty years old, almost fell from the foundation with fright. She looked terrified, "Who are you? What are you doing? In broad daylight, you want to What are you doing? Do you know who I am?"

The contents of the black basin were disgusting.

There was a foul smell, which was disgusting.

Huo Zhi was pressed against the basin by the black bodyguard, and he was about to post it up.

She pressed her mouth tightly, her eyes widened! Tears kept rolling in her eyes.

The rest of the Huo family watched this scene in shock.

Where did these black bodyguards come from?

The first thing that reacted was Huo Qi. Without a word, he rushed over and wanted to rescue Huo Zhi from the man in black. However, his three-legged skills couldn't move the man in black at all.

He shouted angrily, "Big sister, this is my big sister, if you really force her to eat shit, Huo Jiliang will not let you go!"

"Really?" A cold voice with a hint of sneer, the tall man walked and asked the feminine man next to him, "Huo Shao, why do you want to not let me go?"

The feminine and cold voice followed with a three-point mockery.

"Bo always joked. A group of trash that can't make it to the table is not worthy of my gaze."

Huo Qi widened his eyes in shock and looked towards the source of the sound.

From the end of the corridor, two men with the same tall body but different qualities walked slowly.

Both of them are in black suits, but the thin line has a cold face, noble and elegant, with one hand in the pocket, and a strong aura. No matter where they go, they are the focus of attention.

In contrast, Huo Jiliang was a bit inferior, that feminine face that was three points more beautiful than a beauty, revealing layers of viciousness.

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