Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 309: Passed the trial and was praised by name! How to contend?

Huo Jiliang really didn't want to care about this stupid old woman if it wasn't for her mother and her sisters.

Everything was messed up by her alone.

The word-of-mouth has become extremely bad before the movie is released.

Especially this old woman is still spitting everywhere, doing this kind of tasteless best thing.

Huo Jiliang felt weak in his heart. He was so angry that Mrs. Fu couldn't get out of anger.

Just because of that poor blood relationship, if there is no poor blood relationship.

If his subordinates did such a thing, he would have abolished each other long ago!

How can you still allow the other party to complain about BB here?

He glanced at Madam Fu a little irritably, "If the box office is not good, we will lose a lot. Auntie, you must do this for you, and you must do it well for me."

"What's the matter?" Madam Fu was anxious. How can I manage so much.

"I have a piece of information here. If you follow the above operations, you will be successful. At that time, our box office will skyrocket. If we don't believe we can't win the movie of Ruan Su. As long as we win, there will be a steady stream of real fans running into the cinema. Going to the movies and worrying about not earning money?"

As Huo Jiliang said, he took a file out of the drawer and put it in front of Madam Fu.

Madam Fu reached out and took it, "What is this?"

"Auntie, go back and show it to my cousin, and he will help you operate together. All the steps are not expensive, but the benefits brought are absolute."

Huo Jiliang's voice is full of bewitching, like the devil who lured Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. "Auntie, can I still harm you? It's not all for making money."

He paused and said, "I'm so angry that the Xie family treats you like that. Auntie, as long as my cousin and you help me do this, I will definitely help you deal with the Xie family. Xie Yuan, an old fox, will occupy the city. He has been in this position for too long. Does he really think that position is his ancestral career? Can he sit for a lifetime?"

"A Liang, what do you mean?"

Mrs. Fu suddenly raised her head and looked at the gentle and handsome man in front of him. The man's eyes were filled with ruthlessness, and he saw his lips curled up with a smile, the corners of his lips almost overflowed.

"Auntie, as long as you are a person, you have weaknesses, and if you don't have weaknesses, you have to create weaknesses for him. I don't believe that Xie Yuan is incredibly clean as an official, and he always has loopholes. As long as we catch...I don't believe he won't dismount! It's time for him to reposition those young people!"

Looking at Huo Jiliang's vicious and vicious appearance, Madam Fu felt a cold back.

But soon, the hatred of the Xie family replaced everything.

As long as the Xie family is down, let's see what kind of waves the little **** Li Zhuoyan can turn out.

The Xie family slapped her in the face, which was a shame for her life. No one in the whole circle knew about her being humiliated by the Xie family. As a result, she did not dare to go out for a long time, nor did she dare to attend the gathering of the wife's circle.

She hated the Xie family deeply, and she even wanted to shatter her body to Li Zhuoyan.

There was a deep hatred in her eyes, "A Liang, I will listen to you, I will do what you tell me to do."

"Okay, auntie, go back, just tell your cousin..." Huo Jiliang attached to Madam Fu's ear and said softly.

Mrs. Fu kept these words firmly in her heart, "A Liang, don't worry. Yinli is my son, he can only listen to me."

"Auntie, I'm waiting for good news."

Huo Jiliang smiled as the spring breeze was blowing, the sullen look just now, as if it wasn't him.

"A Liang, I'll go back first."


Mrs. Fu had just left the Huo Group, and had just stepped out of the lobby on the first floor, and was about to pull the door to get into the car.

As a result... the app push for watching movies on mobile phones released a new message.

Before she could get in the car, she clicked on the notification, "The producer of "Idol Loves Picking Up Garbage" has decided to show it this Sunday! The first movie theater has been scheduled!"

Madam Fu went black and almost fainted.

"Idol Loves Picking Up Garbage" has edited everything so quickly, and is also released for screening?

How could Ruan Su get everything done so quickly.

You know, the release of a movie requires editing, submission for review, distribution, license, and...

In short, all the processes are very many, and it takes a lot of time to complete the process.

How did Ruan Su do it?

Mrs. Fu opened the door with one hand and sat in.

Her face is very ugly, bitch!

When it was released at the same time, there would definitely be competition, but she didn't expect Ruan Su to order the screening one step ahead of her!

She had just read this push message, and another push came.

This push turned out to be pushed by Weibo!

It turned out to be the latest news released by the State Administration's official Weibo.

"Unexpectedly, I saw a movie that burned my heart this year, that is, "Idol Loves Picking Up Trash"! When it was submitted for review, all the reviewers of the State Administration of Justice had watched it and found that whether it was editing or plot, There is absolutely no need to make any more deletions! It is the fastest film that has passed the review in recent years, and there is no one! The spirit and belief it promotes is what we modern people lack! Give it a thumbs up! Like @我是Mrs. Bo!"

Madam Fu collapsed.

The official blog of the General Administration of the People's Republic of China even named and praised Ruan Su's film?

But the "Angels and Demons" she invested in has just been submitted for review.

What did she use to fight against Ruan Su?

Madam Fu had mixed feelings in her heart, and a deep jealousy emerged in her heart.

"Madam, are we going home or where?" the driver asked her quietly, observing her face.

"Go home." Mrs. Fu's mind was all over the trial and was praised by the General Administration... She was about to collapse!

Netizens are boiling.

After the Weibo of the General Administration was posted, many people were particularly curious.

"How red is this movie? It was so praised by the General Administration."

"I'm also curious, what's so good about picking up trash?"

"Begin to hesitate to go to the cinema... Which one to choose? I heard that "Angels and Demons" will be released too!"

"I still like Jiang Xinfeng!"

On the hot search on Weibo, netizens discussed happily.

I am full of expectations for the movie "Idol Loves Picking Up Trash".

At this time, Ruan Su was organizing a screening event.

She has been very busy these days and has no time to do other things.

Wait until the day when the show is on.

She wore a sky blue suit and was tall, with a pair of white high heels on her feet.

There is a strong atmosphere of a woman in the workplace.

She was already beautiful, and she put on a delicate makeup, magnifying all the advantages of her facial features, and actually compared the female stars of Bo's Entertainment abruptly.

The show is divided into five shows, and every audience is full of seats.

All the movie reviews on Weibo, the WeChat official account on V, and the big V on a certain sound are all invited to participate in the screening activities.

Not only that, there are also artists from Bo's Entertainment, some big directors and producers in the circle.

Even some of Jiang Xinfeng's big fans, and only fans in the lottery, all came to the scene.

There are also some well-known media who rely on their media work permits to enter the site to watch and improve some real-time reports.

Ruan Su can be said to have done everything.

A well-known director in a circle sat in the second row and snorted coldly, "What's so interesting? Isn't it just a show made by traffic?"

His voice was loud, as if he had deliberately said it to Ruan Su and other creators in the first row.

"Director Wang, I was invited to come here anyway. Forget it," the other leading director said, "It's just a free movie."

Some well-known film critics were also a little boring, "What else can be filmed by directors like Yan Yidao? Box office poison."

"Yes! The actor is not professional, a newcomer, and an idol, can he act?"

The other one answered.

These people are not embarrassed at all, the voice of the big thorn is full of contempt for this movie.

Bo Wenyu was so young that he wanted to scold someone when he stood up.

But Ruan Su raised his hand and held her down, "Don't be angry, the movie will begin soon. Don't you want to see how you perform?"

Bo Wenyu was a little aggrieved, "Sister-in-law, I knew they were like this a long time ago, so I won't invite them."

Ruan Su smiled, "Don't worry about it."

Jiang Xinfeng was unhappy, and he was suffocated to death. This was his first time making a movie and his first time as a male lead. He was very uncomfortable because of being badly sung by others.

"Director Banquet, are you not angry?"

How old is Yan Yidao in the end, and has experienced the trough and sadness of life.

He smiled indifferently, the clouds were calm and gentle.

"The world insults me, scolds me, hurts me, it doesn't matter, they will only make me grow a steel heart, in this impetuous circle, we should take it lightly."

When the two young people heard this, their irritability seemed to be relieved suddenly.

When the screening started, the audience in the five movie theaters saw the movie at almost the same time.

With the appearance of subtitles, the mystery of "Idol Loves Picking Up Trash" was slowly unveiled.

In the future time and space.

When the earth’s environment is destroyed.

When the environment is polluted, when all the ecological chains are destroyed.

The earth is gradually going to extinction.

When the last idol lost his applause, he lost his fans. He is the only one left on the earth in the world. An idol who was well protected by his family, company and fans, he lost everything. He stepped out of the protection circle and walked out. What I saw was a barren world, with **** everywhere, decay everywhere, and insurvivability everywhere.

He also died on the garbage dump in the end.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself crossing.

I wore a place where birds and flowers were scented, and I wore a world that is still very beautiful.

He found himself wearing a little idol. The time is the 21st century, and the earth at this time is still very beautiful and very good.

So from the future into this world, he began to pick up trash personally to protect the environment.

Many people laughed at him and scolded him, but he remained unmoved. There is only the little assistant by his side, and the little assistant helps him.

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