Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 310: Xuehai is a big vest!

Everyone present was shocked when they saw the idol played by Jiang Xinfeng, picking up trash, being teased and despised by others.

Of these people present, some are entrepreneurs, some are big Vs, and some are big guide stars.

There are also Jiang Xinfeng's big fans, only fans. These fans can become big fans, naturally they are krypton fans, and they have done many support acts.

Without a little financial resources, it is impossible to achieve the status of a big fan.

Those who have been in the rice circle should know that the money in the rice circle is actually financial resources.

They were all deeply shocked!

Because Jiang Xinfeng squatted in the smelly garbage dump and pulled the garbage to the garbage station with a cart.

They were sitting in the cinema, as if they could smell the smelly smell through the screen.

His assistant is played by Bo Wenyu.

She had a dream of competing in the entertainment industry. She had a good voice, but she was framed and became deaf and dumb.

Because Bo Wenyu had experienced deafness before, he was very touching when he was dumb and then deaf.

The empathy was deeply transmitted to everyone present.

She is weak, she is helpless, she is just a small assistant with ordinary family conditions.

But she also has dreams.

In the end, Jiang Xinfeng became the actor, and his assistant healed his illness and became a popular star in the entertainment industry.

With his vigorous development, he has promoted the work of garbage sorting. Not only that, but picking up garbage has also become a fashion for the whole people.

Those who ridiculed him and framed them received their due punishment.

Everyone present, after reading it...

All deeply shocked!

Environmental destruction is terrible!

The scene from the beginning and the end of the world is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

People live on the garbage dump. In the end, idols die on the garbage dump. There is foul air everywhere and flies flying everywhere.

The black sky...

They don't even know how they got out of the cinema.

Those who looked down upon Yan Yidao, the directors and film critics who looked down upon all the creators before... just felt the burning pain on their faces.

His face was beaten and swollen.

This kind of film with far-reaching significance, especially the starring roles are well done.

They called Jiang Xinfeng a vase, and Bo Wenyu was a rich second generation who ran out to play... But now they feel that their previous self was really too superficial.

Jiang Xinfeng just kept picking up bottles at the garbage dump, pulling the garbage into the garbage collection station by truck after truck.

Just ask, which one of the popular little idols can bear the suffering?

There is also Bo Wenyu, the young lady from the Bo family, where she picks up trash with Jiang Xinfeng.

Which little flower can do it?

Previously, there were shooting highlights from the official blog of "Idol Love Picking Up Garbage" on the Internet.

They all sneered at that time, thinking that Jiang Xinfeng was making a show.

However... Chi Guoguo's face was beaten.

It was them who did not bow down their bodies that they considered noble to do this, obviously very simple little thing.

Ruan Su looked at these heavy "big men" and couldn't help but curled her lips. She stood up, walked to the center of the projection hall, picked up the microphone handed by the host, and said in a cold voice, " Now that everyone has watched the screening, they should have their own ideas in their minds. We did not create this movie to make money, nor for any other reasons. I, Ruan Su, just want to do what I want to do, then I just hope that everyone will pay attention to environmental issues."

"Thank you for participating in our screening. Our chief creative staff will give a small gift to all the media and audiences on the scene. It will be given by our starring actors, Jiang Xinfeng and Bo Wenyu. Everyone, please move the exit."

After she finished speaking, there was a staff from the cinema, leading everyone to the exit.

At this moment, suddenly!

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Ruan Su's eyes widened in shock, "Bo Xingzhi!"

She dropped the microphone and ran towards the man.

I saw the man standing up from the auditorium, his tall staggered figure, and crashed to the ground.

He made the loud noise, and his forehead hit the seat hard!

Those who have not left the audience can't help but look over here.

At this time, Ruan Su had already arrived in front of the man and held his unconscious body in his arms, "Song Yan! Go to the hospital!"

The man's forehead was hot.

Damn it!

Why did he burn so badly?

She has been busy with the movie recently and has not seen this man for several days.

How did he make it like this?


In the hospital.

Inclair frowned and said to Ruan Su, "It's still because of the high fever caused by his split personality. I may not be able to deal with this matter temporarily."


Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Inclair rubbed his hands and said embarrassingly, "This may have to find my teacher. He is an authoritative master in the psychology field. I have helped him treat him for so many years. Although he can be controlled, he cannot be cured. I still need my teacher to come forward."

"Where is your teacher?" Ruan Su looked at Enclave, "Since he can, I will go find him."

"Miss Ruan...My teacher is in Country M. He has been retired for a long time. A few years ago, he hosted a retirement banquet. Since then, he has decided not to undergo psychotherapy again."

Ruan Su heard the embarrassment in Inclair's words and immediately reacted, "Is there any hidden feeling in this?"

"Yes... Back then, my teacher was framed and forced to retire. Because when he competed with the vice president of the M State Psychological Hospital for the president of the Psychological Association, his children were affected... After he divorced, the children followed him Life. The deputy dean’s tricks were nasty and sent someone to kidnap his child and make him withdraw from the competition. He did withdraw from the competition, but it was too late. The child was very smart, and escaped from the deputy dean, and was escaping. On the way, I was in a car accident... passed away. He blames himself very much."

"So I decided to never see a doctor again? Withdraw from the psychology world?"

Ruan Su sighed. He didn't expect the teacher of Inclair to have such a story.

"Where is the vice president now?"

"He succeeded in becoming the president of the Psychological Association. The two kidnappers went to jail, but the mastermind was the president! My teacher is depressed every day, and the child's mother also hates him, resenting why he robbed him of custody in the first place. Can't take care of the children."

"Very well, I see." Ruan Su nodded.

"What did you know?" Inclaus didn't understand her meaning a bit, his eyes were lost.

Ruan Su hooked his lips, "The wicked are only rewarded."

On Weibo at this time, on the WeChat public account.

A large push.

"It is thought-provoking and shocking! "Idol loves to pick up trash", did you pick up trash today?"

"The true love is to give everything to protect the environment. I was deeply educated after watching this film."

"A good movie is thought-provoking. Have you seen Jiang Xinfeng who picks up rubbish?"

"Miss Bo Jia not only eats, drinks and has fun, but also picks up trash."

"It's worthy of praise! Idol loves picking up trash and it's worth watching!"


The praise is almost overwhelming, everyone was just curious before.

Now it has become a craze across the Internet. There are several hot searches on the Weibo hot search list all about this movie.

And since everyone knows Ruan Su is Mrs. Bo.

"I'm Mrs. Bo" this Weibo account was almost exploded by @.

Whether it is a netizen or a fan...

But... Ruan Su just looks motionless, and doesn't make a single move at all.

The fans and netizens who hooked her almost collapsed.


Mrs. Bo has nearly 100 million fans now!

"I'm Mrs. Bo" account, if it was first registered, because of the effect of Bo Xingzhi, it had millions of followers.

Now, after everyone knows that Ruan Su is Mrs. Bo.

Fan value has risen sharply.

"My idol heroine Ruan Su! So this is your Weibo!"

"Su Ruan Su Ruan Su Ruan Su! Finally found the base camp."

"Ahhhhh! Su Susu, love you, love you."

"I am the only one who wants to know, is Xue Haida the screenwriter of "Idol Loves Picking Up Garbage"?"

"I heard that Xue Haida is as famous as Master Su, and they are both well-known talents and beautiful ladies!"

"Xuehai is huge!"

"Is it the wrong way? This is under Su Suda's Weibo, why do you want to post Xuehaida?"

"Because... Xue Hai is too mysterious, I want Su Su to introduce it! How did she find Xue Hai and asked Xue Hai to write the script!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xinfeng directly forwarded this fan's message under Ruan Su.

And attached a sentence: "I also want to know, Sister Su, how did you find my idol Xuehai Big! Kneel and beg to see you!"

Ruan Su... This person did not read Weibo at all.

Because she is preparing to take Bo Xingzhi to M country to treat his mental illness.

On a private jet.

The beautiful and unparalleled woman sat on the seat, and beside her was the man who had fallen into a coma.

The man's face was flushed abnormally, and he was obviously feverish.

"I have used the anti-fever medicine, why is it still feverish?" Song Yan looked at Bo Xingzhi with some worry.

While sitting down, he handed a bottle of water to Ruan Su.

Ruan Su faintly looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and the plane was driving smoothly.

"I don't know about this disease. I got off the plane and sent him to a nearby hospital. I'll send someone to find the old gentleman." Ruan Su understood Song Yan's feelings. After all, he had been with Bo Xingzhi for many years.

"My teacher used to have friendship with the Earls Mansion. I don't know if he will attend the birthday banquet of Mrs. Ye from the Earls Mansion." Inclair yawned. "He has been retired to the countryside since he retired. I have no contact with him. The way... How about I go to the earl's mansion to find out?"

Earls Court?

It seems to be... the earl's mansion where Ruan Fangfang and Li Meixing were recognized?

Ruan Su frowned, it was really a narrow road.

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