Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 547: That incense is poisonous! poison!

Chi Xiaoxian was full of jealousy when she heard it. Why should Li Zhuoyan be able to match such a good man and pursue a man with a good status.

But he is a child who comes out of the disaster area and lives on subsidies?

The more she thought about it, the less it was, but she didn't dare to show it.

I'm afraid that Mrs. Xie will hate her when she notices it.

She has a well-behaved look on her face, and she looks very cute. She looks very nice and cute, but she deliberately made such a cute look, which is very pitiful.

"Aunt Xie, I saw that after Miss Li and Shao Xie made it public, there were a lot of people scolding both of them on the Internet..." She originally wanted to say that the influence was particularly bad, but she paused.

There is also a hint of care for them in the words, "I'm really afraid that Miss Li will see a bad mood. Those netizens are too much."

She was testing, testing the reputation of Mrs. Xie and Xie Yuan for Li Zhuoyan and Xie Jinyan... After all, she suddenly changed from a goddaughter to a future daughter-in-law.

This is somewhat embarrassing.

Mrs. Xie didn't think much about it. She smiled dignifiedly. Today, she wore a maroon red house suit, which looked very grand, and with her dignified smile, she appeared more generous and loving.

"They are not related by blood, so they scold whatever they want. They just say they are sour if they can't eat grapes."

Xie Yuan also laughed, and a glimmer of Li Mang that was difficult to catch flashed in his eyes, "Yanyan and Ayan are a match made in heaven. This daughter-in-law can enter the door of my Xie family, and it is my Xie family's blessing. Save the side. Those nonchalant women always want to miss Ayan. Although Ayan is not very good, she has a good relationship with women."

This is very clear.

Even with a hint of beating.

He had no objection to Chi Xiaoxian, but the woman always inquired about Xie Jinyan over and over again, which made him unhappy.

A picture of a young girl who is still stinking still wants to play mystery under his eyelids.

Really treat him as a superior person for nothing?

My wife believed in her.

"Yeah, Yanyan has a relationship with our family Ayan." Madam Xie turned on the phone and looked at the award-winning photo of Li Zhuoyan. "One is Yan, the other is Yan, this...their names are all in pairs."

The more she thought about it, the happier she was, the corners of her lips kept rising, and the joy of her eyes flew to the corners of her eyebrows.

"When they return to China, we will ask them to get the certificate. The wedding will be planned in detail. We can't be too shabby to thank the family for the wedding."

The more Mrs. Xie talked, the more she felt that her vision for the future was simply beautiful, as if her daughter-in-law had already waved to her.

The mentality of being afraid of her daughter-in-law running is so tormented that she doesn't want it.

If it weren't for Chi Xiaoxian's arrival, the two children would probably have obtained the certificate abroad now.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Xie feels a little regretful. How could this happen so coincidental?

What she didn't know was that when Chi Xiaoxian saw the news that Li Zhuoyan and Xie Jinyan were going to participate in the competition together on her mobile Weibo, she couldn't sit still.

Urgently want to come to the capital.

If Li Zhuoyan came back with another prize, then she wouldn't... She originally thought that taking advantage of Li Zhuoyan's return, she had to perform well and must replace Li Zhuoyan in the Xie family's position.

But now it seems...

The Xie family's trust in Li Zhuoyan is very strong.

Both Xie Yuan and Mrs. Xie trust and love Li Zhuoyan very much.

She is secretly annoyed, is she really going to watch her favorite man marry a little **** like Li Zhuoyan?

No, she can't give Xie Jinyan a hand.


the Middle East.

At this time, the general election has almost come to an end.

As of eight o'clock tomorrow morning, everything will be settled.

At this time, Ji Youyou ranked first in the prime minister's election, and President Chu Huailang was ranked first.

The original prime minister who chose the first place was a man named Sun Lelin, who was in his thirties. He originally thought he would be able to win the election.

As a result, I didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin Ji Youyou came out halfway, and she chose to withdraw from the presidential election halfway through.

But Sun Lelin was so angry.


He was so angry that he slammed the remote control in his hand onto the TV, and the screen broke.

His angry face was pale, "This bitch, dare to take my place."

"Husband, don't be angry, isn't it just a slut?" Mrs. Sun hurried over to pick up the remote control, soothing him and patted his chest, "What do our citizens admire most about her? Independent, before she was the only one What is there to admire the **** abandoned by the Wu family?"

"I don't believe that she can't get rid of her, seeing that the voting will be closed at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning." Sun Lelin narrowed his eyes slightly, "I heard that she lives in the Maternal and Child Protection Association..."

"Husband, what good idea did you think of?" Mrs. Sun was taken aback and asked quickly.

"Haha—isn't she supported by Li Yanbei behind her?" A grinning smile appeared on Sun Lelin's face, "I've seen tonight, and Li Yanbei does not want her anymore!"

Then he started to call.

He slammed the door of the room directly, isolating Mrs. Sun from the door.

Mrs. Sun's face changed slightly, there is nothing she can't know?

At this time, Ji Youyou was a bit exhausted. In order to win votes, she had to give speeches every day. It was not an easy task to give a speech all day.

Because it was too late, she stayed in the hotel near the speech center and did not return to the Maternal and Child Protection Association.

Li Yanbei was right behind her, and the man's voice was full of warmth, "You must be extremely tired today. Go to bed earlier."

He wanted to hold her in his arms to comfort him, but he resisted it.

Ji Youyou is very delicate, with curvy eyebrows, her small snow-white face is set off by the dim light in the hotel corridor, and a few strands of black hair hang down on her slender neck. She has black hair and beauty, which is alluring and charming.

If it wasn't for the exhaustion that came out of her eyes, Li Yanbei would definitely press her against the wall and kiss her fiercely.

But even so, he finally fisted and loosened his big palm, and his emotions surged to embrace the woman's slender back, rubbing her waist, and Jun Rong leaned to her face and dropped a little on her cheek. kiss.

"Get off early, and I'll call you tomorrow."

Ji Youyou stiffened and blushed a little.

Her heart thumped and thumped a few times, and the man's strong masculine breath lingered in her nose, accompanied by his mellow voice, which was extremely sultry.

She slammed Li Yanbei's tall figure away, then flew out and swiped her room card, with a bang!

She slammed the door of the room.

Li Yanbei looked at her hurriedly as if she had taken off a rabbit, and couldn't help curling her lips.

His slender fingers stroked his thin lips, as if there was still a woman's fragrance on them.

Ji Youyou pressed her body tightly on the door panel, and it took a while to suppress her beating heart.

Li Yanbei is undoubtedly very good, handsome and beautiful, rich and powerful, and his character is undoubtedly extremely good.

Such a man has been by her side for the past half month.

Come and go in the wind and rain with her every day.

Almost every effort was made to support her career.

It is impossible for the election to succeed if there is no substantial wealth to back it up and only relying on passionate blood to succeed.

And behind her is the entire Li Group.

Li Yanbei helped her to pave the way to the general election.

She got a lot of votes. Without Li Yanbei's help, she would have had a harder journey.

She sighed. There has never been a man who has ever loved her like Li Yanbei when she grew up.

He was almost obedient, and even Ranran became very close to him during this time.

There was originally a bond of blood relationship, and the father and daughter got along very well.

But Ji Youyou was at a loss. She didn't understand why he stayed with her, to get rid of it? still……

She is not yet confident enough to think that Li Yanbei loves her...

She couldn't even think about it.

Maybe it was because she and Ranran lived too hard before, so he felt guilty? Want to compensate? That's why he was so good to her and Ranran?

It should be like this...

After thinking for a while, Ji Youyou took a deep breath and prepared to take a bath.

At this moment, she frowned. Why is there a strong smell in the room?

She saw an antique censer on the table.

Why are there still such censers in the hotel these days?

It's kind of weird.

This scent is a bit too unpleasant, right?

The fragrance is very strong.

When she was about to extinguish the incense in the incense burner, she suddenly felt a dizziness.

She is not a fool, this smell is different!

She insisted on her will to extinguish the incense, just as she was about to throw the incense burner out.


A big rough palm covered her mouth, and then dragged her whole body towards the bed.

Ji Youyou's heart suffocated, and suddenly tightened, "Woo woo woo-"

She wanted to struggle, but her body couldn't bring out strength.

She felt the strength in her body was disappearing step by step.

Damn it!

The man was so strong that he pressed her to the bed and wanted to tear her clothes. A wave of despair rose from the bottom of her heart, who was it? Who is it?

Who is this man? Why do you want to kill her?

There is panic in her big eyes, no!

She almost exhausted all her strength and opened her mouth to bite the man's hand!

The man was caught off guard by her biting his wrist.

One Pain let go of her restraint.

Ji Youyou regained her freedom, and quickly let go of her mouth, and rushed towards the door staggeringly, but the man strode over and chased her, slapped her face with a slap in the face.


Ji Youyou was already a little confused in her original consciousness, but after such a slap in the face, she was vaguely awake.

She shook her head, but found that her body was scorching and uncomfortable, and the surge of heat made her not repel a man's approach.

no, do not want!

She knew that she must have caught that incense, that incense was poisonous!

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