Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 548: She is not weak! She can protect herself!

Ji Youyou's mind was a little confused, but the man clasped her neck fiercely, reminding her of everything at this time.

She clenched her teeth, the smell of rust filled her lips and teeth.

Because of her lip being bitten, her consciousness also regained a bit.

There is only herself in the room, and she can't be oppressed by this man. She... She took a deep breath. When the man’s attention was all on her neck, she suddenly moved from her waist at a speed that could not cover her ears. Draw out a silver needle about ten centimeters long.

Quickly and accurately pierce the acupuncture point on the back of the man's neck. She is no longer the kind of woman who was submissive before, and now she has already possessed the most basic self-defense skills. Even if she is poisoned now, she does not want to be dying, she does not want to be mermaid!

The strong desire to survive drove her, letting her relax the man's vigilance first, so she could hit her with one hit.

Almost all members of the Maternal and Child Protection Association know this trick, Ruan Su teaches. Because it is fast and accurate, and it is easy to be undetected. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can hit yourself and save yourself!

The man's neck was numb, his eyes widened, and he stared at her, "Bitch!"

He raised his foot to kick Ji Youyou, but the man only felt that the back of his neck was tingling and tingling. He didn't care about Ji Youyou, so he reached out and pulled the silver needle on his neck.

As a result, he tugged and rolled his eyes, and he turned his body crooked and fell to the ground with a plop.

Ji Youyou stumbled and rushed out of the door. She was soft and weak. She usually opened the door with a light tug. At this moment, she shook her hands and opened it several times.

This opened the door.

She staggered to the door of Li Yanbei next door, stretched out her hand to knock on the door, but the door of the room was pulled open from the inside. She was leaning against the door panel and rushed towards the man's embrace as soon as she softened. go.

Li Yanbei was taken aback, stretched out his long arms to take on the woman's soft body.

After the big palm touched her waist, she was surprised to find that her skin was horribly hot through the thin lining.

He looked at the little woman in his arms, her face flushed with a slight strangeness.

At this moment, the black and white eyes were full of charming mist, looking at him faintly.

It's not like her!

She was always courteous and restrained to him, with a trace of estrangement.

Li Yanbei has never wanted to force her, because boiling the frog in warm water is the last word.

And he also knew that she had been hurt, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Obviously, it was a little strange that she suddenly embraced and embraced her.

She stumbled and rushed over just now, it was an accident.

But now she took the initiative to hug his waist, just... weird.

Then I saw the pinch marks on her neck and the slap marks on her cheeks.

Li Yanbei was furious. He naturally brought someone to put Ji Youyou, who was already sensible and burning, on the bed. He immediately ordered his hands to investigate what happened.

The woman who dared to move him is tired of life!

Li Yanbei's face was gloomy and he locked the door before returning to the bedside.

He stared condescendingly at the charming child on the bed and suddenly breathed.

When he told his men, the person on the bed didn't know when his clothes had faded.

That sweet little mouth is now whispering unconsciously, " hot..."

Li Yanbei is not a simple hairy boy. As early as Ji Youyou broke in, he clearly discovered the facts about her Chinese medicine.

It's just that his face grew gloomy when he thought of the person who was poisoning her.

While gloomy, he felt fortunate.

Fortunately, she knocked on him, not someone else.

This shows what?

It shows that she trusts him in her heart.

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Yanbei's lips rose slightly, and he was given a violent medicine. If she didn't help her relieve her, she would definitely feel very uncomfortable, but it didn't mean that she would be able to use medicine and stone without medical treatment.

He has sent people to investigate the messenger behind the scenes, and he believes that results will come out soon.

"Save me... I'm so hot..."

Ji Youyou's whole person is a little confused, and his brain is blank.

She couldn't wait to alleviate the hot fire in her body.

Her two white palms waved unconsciously in mid-air, trying to find the piece of driftwood.


What did she touch?

Her misty eyes looked at the man by the bed, a good-looking man...

She unconsciously licked her red lips, the next second, when Li Yanbei was hesitating to want...

The woman's soft lips suddenly blocked his lips.

She was like a soft octopus, attached to his body, "Save me...Save me..."

Her voice was hoarse, and she murmured softly.

If he remains indifferent, he is simply not a man.

Li Yanbei's eyes darkened, his handsome face was full of desire, and his **** Adam's apple slid up and down slightly, "Youyou, this is your initiative... Don't blame me!"


The next day it began to rain, and the rain was scattered on the railing outside the glass window, but there was a low-key rustling sound.

Ji Youyou slowly opened his eyes in the sound of the drizzle.

There is a strong arm around her waist.

She was taken aback and was about to get up, but only felt a headache.

Countless memories flooded into my mind.

She flushed suddenly, quietly squeezed the man's arm, and gently put it on the bed.

Then she tiptoed out of bed, picked up her clothes on the floor, and carried her shoes by the way, preparing to sneak back to her room quietly.

But when her hand just touched the doorknob, a hoarse and **** male voice came from behind her.

"Ji Youyou, do you want to accept it if you want to eat?"

Ji Youyou stiffened and turned her head slowly with a horrified face. As a result, she saw the man's handsome face glowing with mist under the thin morning light.

The drizzle and sand outside the window made the atmosphere in the house embarrassing.

She never thought that she actually slept with Li Yanbei last night...

I slept dry and fierce, and I only slept without breaking the ground.

It's only a matter of trying all the ninety-nine or eighty-one postures.

She still has a sore throat, screaming...

It can be seen how crazy each other was last night.

Especially her...a body similar to that of Ms. Huang Hua. Five years ago, she broke and became pregnant, and her nominal husband had never touched her.

So she has never lived in a married life, and now she is so crazy all night.

Her body was sore and aching, even worse than that night five years ago.

What is this man made of? Is it made of steel?

Li Yanbei held back five years of accumulation, and used all of her on her body last night.

Now I feel refreshed, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Sure enough, men still have to combine yin and yang with women in order to be physically and mentally healthy.


When Ji Youyou opened her mouth, her throat hurt.

But she resisted, her face flushed like Little Tomato, "I was attacked last night, and it seems to be poisoned... Thank you, Mr. Li, for your help."

"Isn't it a grace to accompany you to sleep?" Li Yanbei raised his eyebrows and looked at her wickedly, "Ji Youyou, I slept and gave birth to my daughter. You should be responsible to me."

Ji Youyou blushed even more, "What responsibility..."

Li Yanbei simply pointed out, "Get married. Come back to H Empire with me."

He stayed here for a long time, he tried to cultivate a relationship with her before.

But she always hides from him tightly, even if she is in the same room, she is always polite and very alienated.

Unexpectedly, the other party has the intention to do bad things, but he and her have been achieved.

He thinks this is a good opportunity for feelings to heat up.

The man curled his lips and said, "I sent someone to check. This poison in you is not easy to solve. Do you think it is enough to sleep only once? You have to sleep seven or seventy-nine times to completely relieve it. Very likely……"

Ji Youyou paled, "Forty-nine times? How come there are so many?"

"Of course, if you don't want to detoxify, you can. If you really die in an accident, don't worry, I will take good care of her to grow up."

Li Yanbei's handsome face looked particularly evil in this drizzle early morning.

Obviously, he is usually such a gentle and handsome man, but now he seems to be a big bad wolf who lures a little white rabbit into the game.

Ji Youyou lowered her eyes, her slender wings covered her clear eyes, her body was full of chills.

She was sad.

I feel so unlucky that I have been poisoned by this disgusting poison.

She was feeling uncomfortable secretly, when she heard Li Yanbei say again, "If you don't like being with me, you can also find a man who looks pleasing to you to accompany you...en, detox."

Where can Ji Youyou find a man who looks pleasing to the eye? A deep despair rose in her heart.

"If you want, I can be a hero to save the beauty and give you my body as an antidote." I don't know when, Li Yanbei has already come to her, the man's height and long legs actually put her into his arms. ,"Do you want to?"

His voice seemed to be bewildering.

Ji Youyou's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, she didn't understand...

"President Li, you don't have to sacrifice you..."

"This is not sacrifice, this is voluntary." Li Yanbei interrupted her voice, "This is the decision. We have to detoxify every night until the forty-nine times are over."

He didn't believe that Ji Youyou wouldn't fall asleep with him after forty-nine times.

A man can't slacken his hands when chasing a woman.

What you want must be taken quickly.

Li Yanbei thought to himself.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Youyou in general, "Could it be that my performance last night was not as you expected?"

Ji Youyou's face turned red all of a sudden, and he didn't understand why he could say such blatant words when he usually looks handsome.

This made her ashamed to say, "I'll go back to the room first."

As she said, she rushed away like she was running away.



The sun is shining and the blue sky is like washing.

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su out of the hotel early in the morning and the car was driving on the highway.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and looked at the man beside him, "Where are you taking me?"

He didn't even bring Song Yan, which is a bit strange.

"You'll know when you get there." Bo Xingzhi smiled very nicely, his eyes raised slightly, outlining a charming charm.

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