Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 601: I want an invitation letter

The cafe is very quiet, with melodious music melody echoing in the air.

Occasionally mixed with banquets filled with moral indignation, the waiter walked over at this time, "What do you want to order?"

Ruan Su raised his eyes, the end of his beautiful eyes was slightly raised, and the black pupils and the white face made the waiter stunned. What a beautiful woman.

"A glass of lemonade."

The jewel-like cold voice made the waiter regain her senses, and she quickly replied, "Okay, wait a minute."

The waiter turned and left, and Ruan Su now turned his attention to Yan Yidao, "If the plot is modified according to their requirements, it will be partly incoherent. It does not matter. I will add new content to make them coherent. . Find Wenyu and Jiang Xinfeng to make up the shoot, and Xu Chen, and tell him that I want to add a role to him."

Yan Yidao was stunned, "Miss mean..."

"According to their requirements, I see what they have to say." Ruan Su Hanruo Xingzi's eyes exuded a faint chill, "It doesn't matter whether they are deliberate or deliberate. We do our own thing."

"However, if the film is remade to make up for the part, the filming period of the film will be delayed, and the Valentine's Day schedule will not be able to keep up." Yan Yidao said with some worry, "Although our biggest investor is still It's you, but there are still some small investors, and those investors will..."

He was afraid that the investors would make trouble, the funds would not be returned to the circulation, and he would not be able to explain to the investors, and even more so because of the lengthening of the cycle, there was no way for them to make money.

It won't be nice if it's embarrassing then.

The waiter gently put a glass of lemonade in front of Ruan Su, "Please use it slowly."

Ruan Su nodded and took a sip of the lemonade. "It's a big deal. I will return the money they invested to them at two-thousandths of interest. Isn't it just a little money?"

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

The reason why people like them were allowed to participate in the investment at the beginning was not because they cooperated with each other to open up personal connections?

In addition, Ruan Su's investment accounted for the bulk of this "Fake Daughter She Is a Real Giant", followed by Bos Entertainment, followed by the small investors.

They came to vote for this movie, all with the idea of ​​getting close and getting a piece of the pie.

Now that the review team has given the card, Ruan Su is a bit irritable.

But it is not irremediable.

"I heard that Yu Fangwei, the leader of the review team, is somewhat related to the Tang family." Yan Yidao told Ruan Su what he had heard in the past two days, "Do you think it will be..."

"Ms. Tang's hands are stretched too long." Ruan Su sneered, "I will investigate this matter. You concentrate on making the movie, and I will send you the revised script. You can start shooting tomorrow. I will do it tonight. To modify."

"Okay, okay." Yanyi nodded repeatedly. Without Ruan Su, there would be no him today, so he obeyed Ruan Su's instructions.

"I wait for your news."

Ruan Su drank two more lemonades from the cups, and then gathered up his coat, re-wrapped the scarf and stood up, "Let's go."

The two left the cafe one after another, Ruan Su got in the car directly, and Song Yan waited for her in the car.

"Miss Ruan, shall we go back now?"

Ruan Su sat on the seat, leaned back slightly, placing himself in a comfortable state.

She glanced at the snow on the street, "Let's go to Leiguan Technology."

"What are you going there for?" Song Yan started the car and drove smoothly on the road. He asked Ruan Su curiously as he spoke.

"You'll know when you get there." Ruan Su thought about how to modify the script, and didn't spend too much energy talking to Song Yan.

While thinking, she took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Lei Lao.


Leiguan Technology Chairman's Office.

Lei Laozheng listened to a group of executives reporting to him with a sullen face, the more he listened to, the more ugly his face became.

"What's the matter with you? Recently, sales in Europe and the United States have been declining every week. Why? Have you found the reason?"

"Isn't our chip technology good? Or is the computer matched by Euro-Europe not good?"

"Obviously the sales were so good before!"

Old Lei was trembling with anger, and it was impossible for sales to drop suddenly.

There must be a reason.

"You calm down, let's... let's find out the reason now." An executive said tremblingly. He raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead while he spoke.

The chairman's strong aura and coercion are not something they can bear.

Not only him, but several other executives were also standing there, feeling that this was almost as abused as Ling Chi.

This taste is too uncomfortable.

I really want to be able to come to a great **** to rescue them now, it is best to be a great **** Oou.

I heard that the relationship between Ou Ou and the chairman is very good. The chairman can smile as long as he sees him.

That's not it, Ou Ou is simply the God of Wealth of the entire group, can you not be happy?

At this moment, suddenly, Lao Lei's cell phone made a beep.

Old Lei's face was as black as Bao Qingtian, he picked up the phone impatiently, and suddenly his face turned from cloudy to clear to the naked eye.

He uttered a voice directly into the phone, and the a spring flower blooming in full bloom, it was hard to hear that he had just lost his temper.

"Are you coming over? Okay, okay, eat with me at noon? What shall we eat?"

In that gentle tone, people who didn't know thought he was talking to his daughter!

Is it the Ou-Ou God? But I heard that Ou Ou is a man, a technical house, a technical man.

How could it be treated so tenderly by the chairman? This is clearly the attitude that you can only treat a girl!

Could it be that the chairman's daughter came back from abroad?

I heard that he has a daughter and a son, who have been abroad for many years.

I don't know if it is true or not.

Everyone thought about it, but after Lei Lao finished replying to WeChat, he put down his mobile phone and faced them with a violent storm. It seems that the person who just smiled as if it was blooming was not like him. Polarized attitude! This double standard! What a shame!

Just as Lei Lao was cracking and talking, someone knocked on the door of the office.

"In." Lei Lao replied in a deep voice.

The office door was pushed open from the outside, and a tall and slender woman stepped in with a cold body. She was wearing a cashmere coat and a scarf around her neck. Her brows were as bright as snow outside the window.

She saw so many executives there, she was slightly startled, before she could speak, Mr Lei stood up and walked towards the woman, "Xiao Su, are you here? Is it cold outside? Would you like a drink? Hot milk? I have the heating on here!"

He made a series of hushing cold and warm questions, that gesture, as gentle as possible, and as low as possible.

Ruan Su nodded lightly, "No, I'm going to make a long story short."

Gu Yan was also among the executives, and seeing Ruan Su clearly shined, "Miss Ruan, long time no see."

"Director Gu, don't come here without problems." Ruan Su nodded at her and said hello.

Seeing this, Old Lei frowned, as if he had only discovered that his group of executives were still here now, and said displeasedly, "Why are you still here? It's really an eyesore!"

Everyone: "..."

You didn't let us go, we dare not go!

At this time they dared to go out one after another, guessing Ruan Su's identity while walking.

"Director Gu, who was the beauty just now?"

"We thought it was the chairman's daughter who came back!"

"No, it's Ou Ou." A proud look appeared on Gu Yan's face. "Do you remember the six things at the time? I was invited by Sixue, but it didn’t work. In the end, Ou Ou made the move. She is Ou Ou."

"Cut! What are you kidding?" A manager said in disbelief, "Ou Ou is a handsome guy, my idol!"

He did not believe that Ou Ou would be such a beautiful woman.

"If you don't believe me, forget it!" Gu Yan rolled his eyes. Everyone is an executive. Who is afraid of whom?

"Really?" Another manager came around, "I see the chairman's attitude towards her, but it's a low profile, maybe it's Ou Ou."

"I said you don't believe me, why do you believe it or not?" Gu Yan didn't bother to take care of these self-esteem old men and went straight back to his office.

When she was a senior manager, she was also questioned by a group of old men. Why did she think a woman could be a senior manager of the technical department? The result?

I didn't kill them in seconds.

Ha ha--

Inside the chairman's office at this time.

Old Lei sat in front of Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, why did you think of looking for me?"

This girl always licked her face to beg her, go to her, she didn't bother to take care of it.

Why did you come here personally this time?

Not like her handling style.

"It's like this." Ruan Su didn't hesitate. "I'm going to the red light district to get an invitation letter to attend a weekly celebration in an underground black market."

"You mean..." Lei's expression was shocked. "You are going to the black market? It is very dangerous. What are you going to do there?"

"At the black market anniversary ceremony, there will be a wild grass plant that will be auctioned off. I want to buy that plant back. So, I know that your son has some power in the black market. It should be very useful to get me an invitation letter. easy."

"How do you know my son..." Lei Lao's expression changed, his eyes revealed a stern sharpness.

"I don't care how I know." Ruan Su laughed low, "Second Uncle, you really don't help me with my relationship with you? I'm not unable to get it, but everyone who enters the black market will have to report it. On the detailed personal information, there are many complicated procedures. I don’t want anyone to know that I have been to the black market."

Without waiting for Lei Lao to speak, she said again, "Lei Lao, the Ye family’s century-old family is now on the cusp, and the danger is at stake. Don’t you really have any ideas? No family or power will always exist in the world. ."

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