Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 602: What are you going to hide from me?

Ruan Suwu’s long black hair was draped over her shoulders, her thin lips were slightly pursed, her delicate melon-seeded face, and her long thick eyelashes were slightly curled up, shaking gently as she spoke, "You helped me today, I will never treat you badly."

Elder Lei couldn't describe his feelings anymore. How could he be the kind of person that Ruan Su said but refused?

What's more, Ruan Su is no different from his daughter in his heart.

"Xiaosu, it's okay to get an invitation letter for your relationship with me. Will Bo Xingzhi go too?"

"Yes, let's be together." Ruan Su nodded. The room was a little hot. She took off her coat and wore a black knitted lining inside.

The soft fabric sets off her exquisite figure, and the black makes her white face more dazzling like jade.

"Then please take care of your second uncle. Lord Ling has a huge power, if you have the opportunity, you can cooperate."

Old Lei raised his eyebrows and looked at her delicate and perfect face, "Xiao Su, your thoughts of taking three steps and watching ten steps really make me..."

"Compared with Lei's son, what am I to count?" Ruan Suman curled his lips carelessly. His white skin and cold eyes were more or less faintly oppressed.

Old Lei chuckled twice, "He just behaved nonsense and asked him to come back to take over the company, he just won't come back."

Having said that, the trace of pride on his face can't deceive anyone.

"After the matter is finished, please ask Lei Lao to inform me." Ruan Su stood up, and she picked up the coat from the sofa. Even the action of wearing the coat was exceptionally elegant, "I'll go ahead. "

"Xiaosu...wait..." Lei hurriedly stopped her and gave her a hesitant look. "Actually, I still have something to say to you."

"En?" Ruan Su lightly glanced at him, with a trace of inexplicable embarrassment on Lei's face, and a trace of helplessness, he said after a while, "That's it, the performance has declined recently, so... I want to invite you Give me some pointers."

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Ruan Su’s lips, "Give me the report, and all the sales for this quarter, including the company's marketing plan, are given to me."

With that, she stopped wearing her coat, and threw her coat on the sofa again, and sat behind Lei Lao's desk.

Hearing this, Lao Lei quickly called and informed his subordinates, "Hurry up, take all the things I just said."

The subordinate was blinded, and he didn't understand why the chairman was so impatient. He didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately packed up these things and rushed into Lei Lao's office with his assistant.

"Chairman, this is what you want."

"Hurry up, give it to Miss Ruan, let her look." Lei Lao ordered in a deep voice, with a hint of eagerness in his voice, as if he was afraid that Ruan Su would run away.

That subordinate was the manager who asked Gu Yan about Ruan Su's identity just now, and he stared at Ruan Su who was sitting on the chairman's office chair in shock.


How can she sit as the chairman of the board?

His eyes are about to fall out, and not everyone can sit in the position of chairman!

Could it be... Is she really Oou?

So Ou Ou has to personally check the company's statements and accounts?

This... is this too scary?

The manager stood there dizzy, and Lei glared at him, "Not going out yet?"

What are you stupid standing here for?

As a stake?

The manager quickly turned around to leave, but Ruan Su stopped him, "No need to go out, I have a few questions I want to discuss with you."

After speaking, Ruan Su pointed to the propaganda plan and said, "Here, why use this plan? This plan does more harm than good, and..."

"The first of this decline in sales volume is that the first wave of buyers have already purchased all of them, and they will most likely not change their computers within a year or two. We have to broaden new sales ideas and target new purchase groups. You still face That's right, the wave of old customers is promoting and selling..."

The manager stared at Ruan Su's red lips, which opened and closed, this...

A bit professional?

"What are you in a daze?" Ruan Su frowned. "Where are the company's analysts? Do they all eat? I don't understand this simple truth? Is it not for the company to hire them back with a high salary?"

"Uh-no, the analyst also talked about this issue at the beginning, but it's a pity..." The manager replied a little quietly, but several older managers thought they were wrong and directly rejected it.

That's why it created the current situation.

Old Lei snorted coldly, "Why didn't you report to me and let me make decisions?"

"But... didn't you decentralize all the power?" The manager was about to cry, why did he discuss such thorny issues with the chairman and this young woman here!

Also, he was really curious to know, is she Ou?

"Well, it's useless to say that those are no use now. Change the publicity plan and change the sales group." Ruan Su flipped through the documents again. "As the number of electronic devices in consumers' homes increases, consumer demand will also be weak. Online courses are very popular, and the company can appropriately transform and increase the production of some tablet computers or learning machines."

Leiguan Technology also has tablet computers and learning machines, but it is only a branch product and has not been produced and sold as a main product.

"We have always mainly sold finished computers and notebooks!" The manager looked at Ruan Su in surprise, did he make the decision so easily?

He looked at Lei Lao again, "Chairman..."

"Xiao Su's vision is very good." Lei nodded appreciatively, "I had this idea before, but I haven't discussed it with you. Xiao Su, do you think it's good to increase the production of tablets and learning machines?"

Ruan Su tapped his finger on the desktop and said thoughtfully, "Yes, after all, online classes are very popular now, and there are many apps for learning English, or apps for learning French, what monkey tutoring, Xiaobai Zhike software. There are customers who need it. Mobile phones can be used, but the screen of mobile phones is always a little small, which can damage the eyes of children. We can develop and upgrade the eye protection mode on the screen."

"Eye-protection mode...This idea is great!" Lei Lao thought about it, the more he felt it was very good. "This technology must be developed, and the children's eyes must not be ruined."

Are the big guys' decisions so hasty?

Have you decided so soon?

The manager was stunned.

Then, he was shocked again to see Ruan Su standing up. Before people walked to the sofa, Mr. Lei had already taken the coat first and helped deliver it to her hand, "Xiao Su, you don’t stay here anymore. Has it been a while?"

Lei Lao asked with a tone of voice, "We have a meal with Director Gu at noon?"

Ruan Su looked at the time, "No, I have something else."

"That's fine, I'll send you out."

So the two walked out one after another.

The manager was shocked to see the scene where Mr Lei personally opened the door and asked Ruan Su to go out first, and then he went out again.


The chairman personally opened the door for her?

He also hurriedly raised his heel, the chairman licked everyone, then he must!

So he hurried to the elevator. Ruan Su was still talking to Lei Lao. The manager rushed over and pressed the elevator at a speed of 100 meters, "Miss Ruan, please."

How can I bother the chairman and Miss Ruan with such a small thing as pressing the elevator?

Ruan Su: "..."

Old Lei: "..."

This kid went on the road too fast, right? He did what he had to do, what did he do?

The elevator door opened with a "ding", and Ruan Su stepped into the elevator and said again, "Second uncle, don't forget about me."

"Relax, don't worry, how could I not handle such small things? You are waiting for my good news." Lei Lao said immediately, and he waved at Ruan Su, "Is your uncle the kind of unreliable person?"

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

The elevator door was slowly closed, and her beautiful and beautiful face slowly disappeared in front of Lei Lao and the manager.

The manager carefully glanced at Lei Laona's regained solemn expressionless face, swallowed his saliva, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

As a result... Lao Lei suddenly glanced at him, "What do you look at? Haven't seen a great god?"

"Big... Great God?" The manager opened his mouth in amazement, almost able to stuff an egg, "You said... she really is..."

"That's not the case. Our Ou Ou is beautiful and capable. It's really cheap and cheap!" Old Lei snorted and glanced at the manager with disdain, "Close your mouth and be careful to get in the flies."


It's really Ooo...

Wait, thin line stop? Isn’t it the president of the Bo Group? Is this Mrs. Bo? Is it always a hot search that day? This real person looks much better than the photos on the Internet!

Where does this need to be refined? The refined ones are not as good-looking as she herself!

Dizzy dizzy...

Ruan Su got out of the elevator and walked directly to the car.

Although I only ran two places in the morning, I was still somewhat tired.

Bo Xingzhan handled official duties in six places, Ruan Su tilted his head on his seat, "Let's go, go back to six places."

"Okay." Song Yan replied and started the car.

Among the six places, the six huge places not only have artificial lakes, but also some corridors, and small gardens with flowers and plants.

At this moment, all the cleaning aunts and brothers are cleaning the snow.

When Song Yan and Ruan Su returned, the snow was almost cleaned.

The courtyard is clean and looks very refreshing.

Ruan Su got out of the car and went directly to Bo Xingzhi's office. He was on the phone. The man was standing in front of the window with long legs, but his back was also showing a shocking momentum.

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"Everything is done as I said."

The person on the other end of the phone nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, don't worry, I will do it."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "What? What are you going to do with me?"

Bo Xingzhi hung up the phone and put away the phone, Rumo's eyes looked at her.

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