Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 604: Strange pregnant woman

There was a sound of triple kills, and she quickly looked down at her mobile phone, "My mother, I'm dead! The other side took the triple kills!"

The moment she was talking to Mrs. Tang, the high ground of their home was all about to be flattened by the other side.

When Mrs. Tang saw that she only knew how to play with mobile phones, she hated iron and steel. "You can tell me that you can be a bit prosperous? How can you know how to play?"

Her sharing of joy was instantly diminished.

"Oh, mom, wait for me for a while." Tang Wanrou hurriedly operated, but it didn't help. Seeing the big failure on the phone, she was depressed. "Lost."

She looked at Mrs. Tang with a sad face, "Just tell me, what is going on?"

"Your little uncle knows that he can have today's status, it is our Tang family, so as soon as Mom speaks, your little uncle will do it right away." Mrs. Tang smiled happily again, "Wait. Let's see, that bitch's movie must be out of order. Then, let's see how she can explain to those investors."

"So fast?" Tang Wanrou threw the phone aside, staring at Mrs. Tang, "Mom, is my little uncle too quick and resolute?"

"That's not true." Mrs. Tang glanced at the TV, a trace of disdain flashed across her face, "Hey, if he didn't marry your little aunt, would he have today? He has today, but thanks to our Tang family. As long as he is disobedient, there will be good fruits for him in the future."

She looked down upon Yu Fangwei in her heart, a side branch of Yu's family, and she had no foundation or personal connections.

Yu's father didn't take him seriously, and didn't take him seriously.

If it weren't for the Tang family, could he have the status it is today?

The Tang family was his second parent at all.

Not only did she think so, but Tang Tianxin, Tang Wanrou's little aunt, also thought so.

In Yu Fangwei's house at this time, as soon as Yu Fangwei entered the door, Tang Tianxin had a gloomy face and stared at him unhappy.

Yu Fangwei frowned, concealing the disgust and irritability in his eyes, and a smile barely appeared on his face, "Madam, what's the matter? Who upset you?"

Tang Tianxin's face was sullen and sullen, and he twisted his body and gave Yu Fangwei a back.

Yu Fangwei's hot face and cold buttocks made her feel even more uncomfortable. This dead lady would do things day by day, so she couldn't stop for two days?

He never felt comfortable when he came back from get off work every day.

The more I thought about it, the more I got angry, I was socializing outside for exhausting work, smiled at the leader, and ordered work to the subordinates.

She was fine, she didn't have a word of gentle comfort, and she still had such a dead attitude every day.

What the **** wanted to slap her to death.

But thinking of the Tang family behind her, Yu Fangwei still held back.

He patiently walked to Tang Tianxin's side, put his hands on her shoulders, a flash of disgust in his eyes.

"Wife, what's the matter? Is it because I'm not at home and the servant bullied you? Or is there something wrong with the sister-in-law? Did you upset you?"

"Do you still know to come back?" Tang Tianxin was very aggressive when she opened her mouth. She pointed at the wall clock on the wall viciously, "What time are you looking at? It's eleven o'clock! Do you want to rebel? Do you want to break the group? Is it really too busy for me to come back home?"

Yu Fangwei was so angry that he smoked all over, didn't he just come back a while late?

Is it necessary?

After doing it for a long time, I still need to find him!

He gritted his teeth and took out a bottle of perfume from his pocket, "Wife, this is a new perfume, for you, when I pay for the crime? This is not tonight and a few studio bosses drank too much How many glasses?"

"Everyone is a boss, eating together is for networking, otherwise, who would waste midnight eating and drinking with them!"

Looking at the bottle of perfume, Tang Tianxin's face is still ugly, "Don't think that a bottle of perfume can buy me."

She took the perfume and smelled it, then suddenly frowned, "Why do you buy perfume? How do you know this is a new style? Which woman told you?"

Yu Fangwei was even more irritable, but he still patiently explained, "Wife, don't you be so suspicious? If I really want to find a little boy, find a little lover, I would have looked for it a long time ago. I think there is a girl. The subordinates were discussing new perfumes, and I heard it in my ears, and I hurriedly bought you a bottle."

He pretended to gently hold Tang Tianxin's hand, walked to the sofa and sat down, "My wife, as long as other women have things, my wife must have them too."

"Isn't it just a bottle of perfume? I will buy you even ten bottles."

Tang Tianxin likes to listen to this kind of sweet love story. She lowered her head shyly, playing with the bottle of perfume, and her attitude relaxed a little, "Well, I'll just barely accept it."

"Wife, are you still angry?" Yu Fangwei gently kissed her on the cheek, "Don't be angry, angry will grow wrinkles."

Tang Tianxin smiled awkwardly, "I see, let's go back to the room and rest."

"Go!" Yu Fangwei immediately hugged her and walked into the room.

It was late at night, Tang Tianxin was already asleep, and Yu Fangwei called her twice gently, "Wife, wife..."

Tang Tianxin still breathed evenly, and he was relieved to grab his mobile phone without wearing slippers, and sneaked out of the room with bare feet.

Then I went to the bathroom downstairs and directly clicked on the WeChat video.

The video was quickly connected, and the face of a young woman was reflected. The woman was very charming, and she was charming when she spoke, "Husband, why haven't you slept yet?"

Yu Fangwei smiled softly, his tone was very gentle, "Did the baby kick you?"

The woman curled her lips, "Hmph, you only know that you miss the baby, but you don't even know that you miss me."

"Yes, you both think about it." Yu Fangwei smiled again, with some wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, "I will see you again tomorrow."

The woman moved the video to her lower abdomen, and saw that her lower abdomen was already bulging, and she was about four or five months pregnant. She was acting like a baby but she was satisfied with Yu Fangwei's requirements.

Because she deeply understands that she is pleased with him now entirely because his wife can't give birth to children.

Yu Fangwei is going crazy thinking about his son!

It's a pity that Tang Tianxin is in her early forties and can't get pregnant either.

It is estimated that he will not be able to give birth to a child in this life, how could he be willing to die?

Now that Jie Yuhua has a child, he is so happy that he can't wait to sing a little drama every day. Tonight, he has been with Jie Yuhua outside until eleven, and then he reluctantly returns home.

"Husband, I'm so lonely and bored by myself!" The woman had red lips and her eyes were red. "The baby is so lonely. He wants his father to accompany him."

"Okay, okay, I'll go tomorrow. Be good!" Yu Fangwei whispered, "You don't know what the tigress looks like. You can bear it for a while, you know?"

"Okay." The woman's expression of aggrieved expression made Yu Fangwei feel terribly distressed, "Okay, I'll hang up."

After speaking, Yu Fangwei quietly opened the bathroom door and found that the living room was still quiet.

He pressed the toilet bowl and walked towards the bedroom upstairs casually.


The next day.

The snow has almost melted, and there is wet snow everywhere, and the sun shines on the snow, reflecting a faint reflection.

Tang Tianxin is going to attend a wedding banquet held at the house of Mrs. Li, who she often plays mahjong with. She didn't really want to go. Mrs. Li's house runs a taxi company, which she looks down on.

But I heard that Mrs. Li didn't intend to invite her, and she was not in a circle at all. Originally, she thought that Mrs. Li was self-aware.

But then I don't know why, Mrs. Li personally came to invite her, and brought a wedding candy, as well as some gifts.

Although Tang Tianxin looked down on Mrs. Li, it was not a loss for the sake of the face of the gift to wrap a red envelope for a wedding banquet.

She reluctantly went, only as a support for Mrs. Li, and made Mrs. Li a little face.

Tang Tianxin wore a dark red dress, which wasn't very ostentatious. After all, others could not dress too brightly or too pale for weddings.

She still knows this etiquette.

Mrs. Li's daughter will get married in her early twenties this year, and she is really married early.

Tang Tianxin thought so, and the Tang family’s car stopped at the hotel door. She said to the driver, “Don’t wait for me, I’ll call you when it’s over.”

With that, she grabbed her bag and walked towards the hotel.

As soon as she walked to the door of the hotel, she ran into a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman looked very delicate and the maternity clothes she wore looked very high-end. She was holding a fragrant grandmother bag exactly like hers.

After seeing this identical bag, Tang Tianxin was taken aback.

The bag in her hand was a dinner bag, a limited edition, although it was only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but because it was a limited edition, it was not easy to grab at the time.

Yu Fangweituo got one for her, which is small in shape, but can hold a lot of things. She likes it.

The guests invited by Mrs. Li's daughters’ wedding banquets are all small households who can’t make it to the table, so they can still get a bag of fragrant grandma?

Tang Tianxin couldn't help but glanced at the pregnant woman more.

The pregnant woman had been walking forward without noticing her.

Tang Tianxin followed behind her, and a faint smell of familiar perfume wafted in the air.

Tang Tianxin was stunned again, this perfume was exactly the same as the perfume on her body?

This is a lot of coincidence.

She is very sensitive, and pays more attention to the pregnant woman.

Entering the hotel, the lobby is decorated with joy, and it is really for weddings, and there are so many shuangyao posts everywhere.

Tang Tianxin despised Mrs. Li's taste while looking at the pregnant woman. The pregnant woman sat directly on the table of her family.

This seems to be Mrs. Li's relatives?

Tang Tian thought to himself that he walked towards Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Li greeted her very happily when she saw her coming. "Mrs. Yu, are you here? Sit down quickly."

Not knowing whether it was a coincidence or something, Mrs. Li arranged her with the pregnant woman.

The day before yesterday, my birthday was forgotten by the whole world, even myself... I just remembered it today. Hey~~~

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