Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 605: Tear the B war is on the verge of

The pregnant woman glanced at Tang Tianxin, but did not respond.

I've been chatting with some of Mrs. Li's relatives next to me.

Mrs. Li's relatives also didn't know Tang Tianxin's identity, and only regarded it as a friend of Mrs. Li's.

"Miyu, how many months have you been pregnant?"

Li Meiyu smiled happily and contented, and then raised her hand and gently stroked her bulging belly, "It's almost five months."

"When are you getting married? We are all waiting to have a wedding wine!" A middle-aged woman said while eating cold dishes on the table, "Don't just treat you as a childbirth machine, don't you marry you?"

Li Meiyu almost knew about the big money.

It's just that they don't know who this big money is.

Li Meiyu has been beautiful since she was a child, and can sing and dance. He used to be a dancer in the city dance troupe.

Since following the big money, the dancer has not become a canary.

A lot of people in the Li family felt ashamed, and felt that she was shameless.

But Li Meiyu's parents divorced early, and no one cares about her.

Relatives like them are not easy to educate face-to-face, so they can only be disdainful behind their backs, but it is inevitable to run a few words in their words, just like now, their focus is not on Mrs. Li’s daughter today. On the bride.

It was all on Li Meiyu, and another fat woman glanced at Li Meiyu, "Miyu, you are all pregnant, you have to hurry up! Otherwise, the child will be born as an illegitimate child."

Li Meili was a little impatient in her eyes. These people are really worried about eating carrots.

Isn't she jealous of her wealth? Found a rich man?


But she didn't show it on her face, instead she deliberately raised her finger at Versailles, "This is the ring that was given to me a few days ago. It is three carats!"

Everyone saw that a dazzling diamond ring was shining in the light, very dazzling.

Those aunts and aunts couldn't help but feel sour again.

His eyes were faintly disdainful and mixed with a hint of jealousy.

Tang Tianxin sat next to the pregnant woman Li Meiyu and glanced at the ring on her hand. She recognized that this ring was designed by designer X, and three carats were not cheap.

She also wanted one at the beginning, but later felt that she was too old to wear it, so she didn't buy it.

It's just that when she heard the words "Lao Yu", she was taken aback.

She suspected that she had heard it wrong, or it was a coincidence.

Her heart thumped and thumped, and she almost couldn't help it, blurting out, "Older?"

Li Meiyu slowly turned his gaze to Tang Tianxin's face, and took a look. Although Tang Tianxin was over forty, she was well maintained, and she looked like a charming young woman.

Li Meiyu thought that Tang Tianxin was envious of her, and stretched out her finger deliberately, "Yes, this ring is old to give me too, but designer X designed it!"

Really old Yu, surname Yu!

Tang Tianxin couldn't sit still.

No, it must happen to have the surname Yu. How could it be Yu Fangwei from her family? The smelly man didn't dare to cheat, let alone let the woman get pregnant.

Although she was so self-comforting in her heart, Tang Tianxin's eyelids kept beating.

The jump made her uneasy.

She said stiffly, "It seems that Lao Yu is really rich."

"That's not the case. The house I live in now is old enough to buy it for me. In the future, when the child is born, old old promises me to buy another house for the child." Li Meiyu showed off beautifully, only when Tang Tianxin also got along. Like these seven aunts and eight aunts, they were envious and jealous of her.

She tanned even more vigorously, "When I turn around, I will divorce her wife, and I will be Mrs. Yu."

"When Xiao San'er is so right and confident, there is no one." Although Tang Tianxin is usually arrogant and domineering at home, Sanguan is not crooked.

What others didn't dare to say, she directly came out.

A little San'er who can't get on the table, can still be so arrogant, and have his face exposed here?

Li Meiyu was stabbed by Tang Tianxin's spine so suddenly, her face was a bit ugly, "What do you know, he has a hen who doesn't lay eggs, but a tigress. Men love to be gentle and beautiful, like me."

She glanced at Tang Tianxin contemptuously, "Couldn't you be the kind of woman who doesn't have a man's love without a man's pain? Or why do you speak so bitterly? I am saving an unhappy family and an unhappy marriage! "

Tang Tianxin was shocked, "You are a junior, do you still have the face to blow yourself so great?"

Forget it, don’t know the same as this kind of rubbish, pitiful Mrs. Yu Zhengshi...

She always feels something is wrong when she thinks so.

The hen who doesn't lay eggs, the tigress...

It wasn't that she was eager to check in, but it was true... Her face became more and more gloomy and ugly.

She must figure this out today.

Once the seeds of doubt take root, they will germinate and grow wildly into towering trees.

Tang Tianxin became more and more puzzled and felt more and more uneasy.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Yu Fangwei a WeChat message, "I'm here at the wedding reception of Mrs. Li's daughter. Come here too. I know Mrs. Li alone, which is a bit boring."

Although Yu Fangwei was impatient, he still agreed to Tang Tianxin, "Okay, wait for me for twenty minutes."

He happened to be working nearby, and when he was done, he went straight to the hotel.

After Tang Tianxin sent WeChat, she looked at Li Meiyu again, "Your family is so good to you, why don't you bring it here to let us know? Besides, don't you want to save his unfortunate marriage? You don't even have a meal together. Eat, how to save?"

She suspected that the old Yu in Li Meiyu's mouth was Yu Fangwei, but she felt that it shouldn't be otherwise.

Yu Fangwei behaved very well to her at home, was very fond of her, and almost obeyed her words.

How could such a man cheat?

What's more, the Tang family supported him with one hand, he didn't dare to betray her, betray the Tang family.

If he was abandoned by the Tang family, he would be nothing.

After thinking about it this way, Tang Tianxin felt more comfortable again. What do you care about with a trash boy?

It's really out of status. She and this junior are not of the same class at all.

Li Meiyu was so excited by Tang Tianxin that she couldn't get off the stage.

Those aunts and aunts also looked at the excitement, "Yes, Meiyu, he spoils you so much, he will definitely come."

"Yeah, didn't you say that he bought this and that for you? Not even willing to come to accompany you for dinner? Let us also check for you and see him."

"See if he treats you sincerely."

"If he is really just using you to have a child and doesn't want to marry you, he should beat the child down as soon as possible."

These people tell me each sentence, and Li Meiyu's face is getting paler and paler.

Yu Fangwei is her god, he said to let her go east, she never dared to go west. She was very obedient in front of this man.

Can you be disobedient? This is her gold master.

She couldn't get off the stage at the moment, so she could only pretend to pick up her phone and put a WeChat message to Yu Fangwei, "Can you accompany me to dinner?"

Yu Fangwei was on the way to the hotel, thinking she was acting like a baby again, so he said back to her, "I'm busy, I don't have time, and I will accompany you later in the evening."

Li Meiyu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was not coming. After all... he was in a high position, and if he did come and meet an acquaintance, she would be unsightly.

It affects Yu Fangwei's career status, so what future will she have in the future?

She posed a pose and slapped her hair pretendingly, "Yu said that he has something to do at noon and can't come. I will invite everyone to dinner another day."

"Could it be that you fooled you? Didn't you come on purpose?"

"But it is also true. I am not divorced. I must be embarrassed to appear in such a public place with you. It would be embarrassing to be seen accidentally by someone you know."

"So, it's really bad to be a junior, Meiyu, you didn't have parents to teach you since you were young, so you really did something wrong."

"Forget it, don't say it, I'm pregnant, so what can I do."

These people scolded her for her lack of education, and Li Meiyu was trembling with anger, "Old Yu said that he will get a divorce! I and him are true love!"

Tang Tianxin glanced at her and continued to eat vegetables. Is this woman's brain sick?

At this moment, the glass door of the hall was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in. The man wore a black suit. Although he was middle-aged, he was still handsome.

Li Meiyu was feeling depressed, but she inadvertently looked up and saw Yu Fangwei. Her face was happy, because she couldn't bear to let herself down, so came again?

Surprise her?

She quickly stood up and rushed into the hall to look around for someone, Yu Fangwei, and beckoned.

"Old Yu! Here!"

As soon as she said, everyone in the lively hall suddenly looked at her and Yu Fangwei.

Tang Tianxin also raised his head and looked over.

She paled, and tomorrow will be a thunderbolt!

Looking at Yu Fangwei who was walking towards Li Meiyu like five thunders. She was sitting next to Li Meiyu, because Li Meiyu stood up and her belly was big, so she blocked Tang Tianxin strictly, and she couldn't see Tang Tianxin in the direction where Yu Fangwei was.

But Tang Tianxin could see Fang Wei clearly.

She stared at Yu Fangwei who was getting closer and closer with a heart of suffocation.

The muscles on her face are trembling, Yu Fangwei! It turned out to be this shameless old man! The scumbag actually hooked up with a **** behind her back, and was planning to have a baby! He scolded her so badly!

When Yu Fangwei saw Li Meiyu, his complexion suddenly changed, and he walked quickly to her, hating her while walking, why are you here?

Could it be that Tang Tianxin gave him the wrong address?

At this time, he never thought that his wife and lover were eating at the same place, sitting at the same table, and still close to each other.

He walked to Li Meiyu, Li Meiyu's face was full of smiles, "Lao Yu, are you here to accompany me specifically?"

Yu Fangwei said impatiently, "Who to accompany? I'll do the business! Why are you here?"

As he said, he was still scanning other tables, looking for Tang Tianxin's figure.

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