Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 608: Anniversary celebration crisis!

The sky became more and more gloomy, and under the shadow of the deep night, a helicopter quickly rose into the sky, like a bird flying over the dark sea, rushing into the night.

Inside the helicopter, Ruan Su placed a laptop in front of her. She tapped the computer keyboard while staring at the screen intently.

Bo Xingzhi didn't bother her, but was looking at a document on his lap.

Suddenly there was a rustle of rain outside the window.

It seems to be accompanied by a small waltz.

Ruan Su's brows wrinkled slightly, her gaze looked out the window, and she saw that the deep night sky did not know when it started to drizzle.

Tiny raindrops fell from the sky, hitting the glass windows of the plane like filaments.

The first officer in the co-pilot seat is monitoring the weather.

After a while, I came to report, “Boss, it’s drizzle and it won’t cause thunder and lightning. Because drizzle usually falls when there is no wind, it will be accompanied by the formation of fog. If mixed with smoke, the visibility will be further reduced. . So... shall we continue flying? Or force landing?"

Ruan Su glanced out the window, then asked Bo Xingzhi in a low voice, "What do you think?"

The man put away the files, tapped his slender fingers lightly on his knees, and after a while the voice filled with magnetism sounded, "Tell the driver, I will drive."

Ruan Su was taken aback, "I asked you to come out with me, not for you to be a pilot."

The two pilots and the co-pilot are the brothers of the hidden door, flying technology levers.

However, there should still be a certain gap compared with Bo Xingzhi.

The man stood up with long legs. He was tall and slender. Although he didn't wear the captain's uniform that was so handsome, he was still handsome.

He suddenly leaned over and leaned close to her ear. He didn't speak, but his eyes stayed on Ruan Su's small, clear face. When Ruan Su almost couldn't bear it, he stretched out his hand and clasped her beautiful wrist. You stay with me."

Ruan Su's heart beat suddenly, and he was pulled up by the man.

Pushed to the position of the co-pilot.

Bo Xingzhi had already sat in the pilot position. He touched the control stick of the plane with both hands and smiled indifferently. His profile was perfect under the light.

His expression is focused, thick long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on his eyes, and the perfect jaw line is smooth and full of charm.

Ruan Su turned his head slightly to look at his serious look, and couldn't help but an idea emerged in his heart. No wonder people often say that serious men are the most attractive.

In the vast expanse of drizzle, a drizzle like silver threads fell.

The dark sky seemed to collapse.

Bo Xingzhi controlled the plane proficiently, driving steadily.

The driver and the co-pilot looked at each other, and this general a glance, you know that it is much better than them.

Looking at it, Ruan Su was a little sleepy. Gradually, her head tilted and she fell asleep in the co-pilot seat.

The light from the corner of Bo Xingzhi's eyes fell on her, she couldn't help but curled her lips to signal Song Yan.

Song Yan quickly found a small blanket and put it on Ruan Su's body.

The sky was getting brighter, and a helicopter slowly landed on the rooftop of a luxurious building.

The majestic building is as majestic as steel, iron and copper.

They had arrived at the red light district at this time, and this building was just the most inconspicuous one in the red light district.

The atmosphere on the top of the building was solemn, and one glance passed by on both sides of the helicopter.

Two neat rows of men in black were standing there, all with their heads down and their right hands crossed, welcoming the people in the plane in the most respectful way.

In the lonely morning, the helicopter's hatch was opened.

A slender figure slowly stepped out of the plane, a mysterious black costume could not conceal the cold and strong aura.

She is like a snow-capped mountain, indifferent and dust-free.

That snow lotus-like temperament makes people unable to think of any obscenities, because the breath is suffocating.

Slowly, a beautiful face that was so breathtaking appeared in front of everyone.


The respectful voice rushed into the sky.

Ruan Su Jumei didn't have any expression on her face. Compared to the excitement of their subordinates, she seemed calm as if it should have been a matter of course.

Suddenly, everyone saw a tall and stalwart man walking out of the helicopter with a beige windbreaker in his hand, and said softly, "Cool in the morning, put it on."

After that, a handsome face of evildoers came into the eyes of everyone, a faint golden light scattered on the man, and the cold breath contained an unangered and self-prestigious aura, shocking people.

Everyone was shocked.

All of them stared at Bo Xingzhi in shock, only to see that he put the windbreaker on Ruan Su's shoulders gently.

The black-clothed people in the dark are suddenly dizzy. Is this their boss's man?


The boss has not returned to the red light district in the past two years, now this is...

what's going on?

These tough guys looked at each other, but no one dared to speak.

In the end, a man named Xiaogang stepped forward, "Boss, you are welcome back, please here."

Ruan Su nodded, slowly stepped forward, walked two steps and then turned back, stretched out a thin white palm towards the man behind him, smiled thinly when he saw it, and stretched out a dry and warm big grasp of her hand.

Ruan Su walked forward holding Bo Xingzhi's hand, and said casually, Chong Xiaogang, "Introduction, this is my ex-husband Bo Xingzhi, this is Song Yansong Special Assistant."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The heart of the man in black suddenly stopped almost at the same time.


They had just awakened from the shock of Ruan Su’s boyfriend, and they accepted another heavy hammer blow.

The boss is already married? Divorced? After the divorce, she still entangled with her ex-husband?

What kind of sadomasochism is this?

When they thought it was their ex-husband, Xiaogang and the others looked at Bo Xingzhi with a trace of inquiry and dissatisfaction.

Our boss is so perfect to be able to marry you is your blessing.

How dare to divorce our boss?

snort! Just wait and see!

When the seeds of dissatisfaction are planted, they will take root immediately.

Bo Xingzhi immediately noticed the hostility of these people in black towards him, and raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not show any negative emotions, but continued to move forward.

A group of people went down from the roof in a dark, and went directly to the elevator entrance.

This building appears to be a foreign trade export company called Tianqing, but it is actually Ruan Su's power in the red light district, but... this time she came to the red light district and just wanted to come quietly and leave quietly.

That's why I asked Lei Lao for the invitation letter.

It's okay to get the invitation letter in the name of Tianqing, but she doesn't want to.

On the 66th floor of Tianqing, there is a suite exclusively for Ruan Su. She and Bo Xingzhi Song Yan went directly to the suite. The suite is a four-bedroom, two-living room with a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and a study room.

Although she doesn't come here often, but it is cleaned very clean, which does not hinder the move in.

She and Bo Xing stopped in the master bedroom, while Song Yan stayed in the second bedroom.

There is still a whole day before the anniversary celebrations in the red light district. I spent the whole night on the plane last night, a little tired.

So Ruan Su went directly into the bathroom, ready to take a hot bath and sleep well.

As a result, when she came out of the shower, she found that Bo Xingzhi had actually fallen asleep on the bed.

He lay his hands on the pillow quietly, his eyes closed slightly, and his broad chest undulated regularly as he breathed evenly. The black shorts were scattered on the forehead, like a perfect handsome face like a knife, and he couldn't see the usual Calm and bold, his handsome nose outlines a perfect face.

Perhaps because of the exhaustion of flying the plane in the middle of the night, his frowning brows gradually unfolded, and his slightly snarled thin lips also added a hint of childishness to this sharp and handsome face. The usual seriousness and coldness seemed to fade away. It actually showed a little bit of cuteness and love.

Seeing him asleep, Ruan Su couldn't help laughing out loud.

How does this man... fall asleep like a child?

Isn’t it too much contrast with the day?

She smiled and shook her head, and lay down beside the man. She was not lying well yet, and one arm turned over and directly fastened her slender waist firmly and hugged her into her arms.

Ruan Su: "..."

This dare to hug people even when you fall asleep?

Before she could think about it, she gradually fell asleep.


The Red Light District is a self-contained area, close to the coast, with pleasant scenery.

Here gathers the darkest side in the world, and anyone who lives here is a frightening figure.

There are countless high-rise buildings here, and it looks like a modern and fast-paced city on the surface.

But people who don't have a little ability and no power, want to set foot here, but it is difficult to climb to the sky.

Today is the 22nd anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Red Light District.

The whole city is full of joy and excitement.

The district mayor is now standing on the tallest building in the center of the city, overlooking this small city along the edge.

The man wears a black mask on his face, he seems to be the emperor from the dark night, his eyes are as cold as frost.

He was tall and sturdy, and his whole body was full of killing aura, which made people fearful.

The anniversary celebration is held in the largest hotel in the city. There are not only the scene, but also several branch venues, which are located in the city’s opera house, the seaside, or the stadium.

All the people gathered together, and everything seemed so beautiful on the surface.

The hotel is very luxurious and has a wide lawn. In the middle of the lawn, a stage with dazzling and luxurious stage lighting is set up.

At this time, the auditorium under the stage was filled with various important local figures, each of whom was a big boss.

They had been waiting for a long time, but no one dared to show impatient expression on his face.

Unless, they are tired of life.

Everyone was dressed up, sitting upright, and a few looked at the watch on their wrists from time to time.

I don’t know who said, "The mayor is here!"

These audience members who were sitting in distress heard the words that even their necks were straight, lest they might make any mistakes.

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