With the sound of neat footsteps, a tall and muscular man appeared in front of everyone, with a black mask on his face.

All the people present immediately stood up neatly, staring straight and staring at the masked man stepping onto the center of the stage.

The man's mask is carved with complicated totems, which looks mysterious and noble.

He stood there, stalwart and tall, as if he was the king here.

"Now, let's ask our district mayor to give a speech!"

Then the host's voice sounded, and there was a burst of warm applause.

The masked man took the microphone, his cold voice with an inexplicable dull voice, "The anniversary celebration is once a year, and this year is no exception. I hope everyone can have fun. Now I announce that the celebration has officially begun!"

"Papa Papa~!"

There was another round of applause resounding through Yun Xiao, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

With this beginning, the biggest event of the anniversary celebration also started, and that was their long-awaited auction.

In the anniversary celebration, a huge auction will be held at the main venue every year, and many rare treasures will appear at the auction.

The people here have no money, as long as they want and get what they want, they will try their best to take pictures.

At the entrance of the auction, Ruan Su frowned slightly when he saw the crowds of people and all kinds of noisy sounds.

Although she knew that there were many people at the auction in the red light district, she did not expect that there would be so many.

"It really deserves to be the annual event in the Red Light District. So many people."

Song Yan followed Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su and couldn't help sighing.

It's normal to start a fight here if you don't agree.

Someone in front was fighting fiercely because of jumping in the line.

Screams came from time to time, and Bo Xingzhi's gaze swept around, and then he stopped on another passage outside the gate of the auction house.

Compared with the current road, that passage is almost a completely different scene. The spacious passage ground is covered with a red carpet.

There were dozens of black-clothed men in a queue with cold faces, and their bodies faintly exuded a tyrannical atmosphere.

The crowds who wanted to enter the auction were so shocked that they did not dare to squeeze past them.

Therefore, this passage is extremely quiet.

After Bo Xingzhi's gaze swept over, he just happened to see a group of men stepping onto the red carpet. His gaze finally fell on the tall man headed in the center. The man wore a black mask, black short hair, and penetrated all over his body. There was an icy cold that caused the temperature in the air to drop.

"The master of the red light district?" Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, his eyes sinking.

Ruan Su stood beside him and noticed the masked man on the red carpet.

"I don't know what kind of face is under the mask."

"What? Do you want to see?" Bo Xingzhi glanced at her, his eyes filled with jealousy.

He didn't like her eyes staying on other men very much.

Ruan Suyan's red lips turned up slightly, "What's going crazy? Don't look at where it is now?"

Bo Xingzhi tilted his head slightly, and his dark eyes flashed with joy. Although Ruan Su was irritated, his heart felt a little sweet.

It feels good.

The man quickly reduced the joy of the corners of his lips, his handsome face was so indifferent without any emotion.

He took Ruan Su's hand and entered the auction house.

But the indifferent and gloomy gaze of the masked man before gave Ruan Gongyou the illusion of being stared at by a vampire bat in the dark.

She took a deep breath.

Soon after the masked man entered the auction house, several more groups of people came in.

These people are all powerful forces in the red light district. Song Yan rarely comes to the red light district, so he is very curious at the moment.

I just feel like an eye-opener.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi walked on the passage, the light dimmed slightly, they walked to the end of this passage, and then turned, suddenly a spacious and bright auction venue appeared in front of everyone.

Song Yanqing couldn't help taking a breath. This auction site was bigger than Lu Yanchuan's auction site in Beijing.

Especially the densely packed seats and the dazzling crystal chandeliers above the head dazzled people.

"Two gentlemen and ladies, what are your seats?" At this moment, a waiter in a maid costume walked over and asked respectfully.

Ruan Su did not answer, but directly passed the invitation letter in his hand.

After seeing the invitation letter, the waiter flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and his attitude became more respectful, and he bends slightly, "This is the VIP invitation letter, please follow me."

After speaking, she led the way, and Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi Song Yan followed her closely.

The waiter shuttled through the huge venue for about five minutes, and finally stopped at the place closest to the auction platform, pointed to a seat and smiled at Ruan Surouwan, "Please take three seats."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and walked into the spacious and exquisite seat to sit down. Not only did he say this, there was also a small coffee table in front of the three of them. The tea table was filled with snacks, fruits, milk tea, wine and the like. Drink pastries.

The seat is similar to the material of the sofa, and it is very comfortable after sitting on it.

It is fundamentally different from the hard seats of ordinary chairs behind you.

The first two rows are all placed in this kind of small coffee table, plus matching seats.

All are some distinguished guests, and some are big bosses from all over the world, or big bosses in the red light district.

They had never seen the three of Ruan Su, and when they saw the three of them sitting in the VIP IVP area, they always cast surprise and doubts at them.

Ruan Su ignored them, but quietly waited for the start of the auction.

A young man with a dark purple lip turned his gaze back, and beside him was an ancient old man with the same dark purple lip, "Master, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just think the three of them are weird." Fan Lian frowned slightly, "I have never seen it before..."

"Our Blood Doctor Valley has been in the red light district for several years, and the status is not comparable to ordinary ants. The three of them are just ants, so you don't need to pay attention to them." Ancient rare old man Fan Sheng said coldly, with a strong disdain in his words. .

"This time we are here for Wumancao, otherwise I don't want to come over even for the anniversary celebration." Fan Lianwuzi's lips pressed brightly, "We must not let it fall into the hands of others."

The old man chuckled, "Young master, don't worry, I have everything prepared around the auction. Even if the wild grass falls into the hands of others, he will never get out of the red light district."

The corner of Fan Lian's mouth evoked a cold arc, "That's good."

Wumancao is very important to their entire Blood Doctor Valley. All the disciples in the Blood Doctor Valley practice a martial arts called the Blood Doctor’s Palm. It’s just that if they practice this martial arts for a long time, they will be poisoned, and the toxicity will follow them. The level of cultivation deepened, and he invaded the body little by little.

Blood Doctor Valley is strong, and all the disciples are good at curing diseases and saving people, but they charge extremely high fees, but their medical skills are very good, especially good at detoxification and some intractable diseases.

It is a big medical family in the red light district.

However, just such a big medical family cannot cure the ills of the martial arts practiced by the family.

Therefore, people in their family have a distinctive feature, that is, their lips are purplish.

The poison in them is very similar to that of chicken mother beads.

The emergence of Wumancao will definitely bring a ray of life to their family. After all, if they don't find a way to restrain the toxicity of family martial arts, their entire family will be destroyed.

Fan Lian is a family heir with extremely high medical skills, so he was also extremely poisoned. No one in the Fan family wanted to watch such a medical genius die.

This time Wuman grass will appear in this auction, and they must win it.

No matter what the price is paid.

Wuman grass is rarely available, so there are not many people who know it. Blood Doctor Valley can say that this Wuman grass is inevitable.

At this moment, a string of crisp silver bells rang.

After hearing this sound, the whole noisy venue immediately became silent.

Ruan Su raised his head and looked at the stage, only to see a gray-haired old man appeared above him, smiling at everyone.

"It's finally about to begin." Bo Xingzhi looked at the huge auction venue almost full of people, and whispered to Ruan Su's ear.

Ruan Su's ears moved, only to feel the man's warm breath spraying over, making her ears itchy.

She couldn't help reaching out and touching her ears, "Don't make trouble."

Bo Xingzhi gave a low laugh, then withdrew and sat down.

Countless eyes were cast on the old man. If his eyes could kill, the old man would be pierced countless times.

"Hello everyone, I must be impatient to wait." The old man in a black suit smiled and said. As an experienced auctioneer, he knew what these people were thinking at a glance.

It's not him that thinks, but the darlings.

"I’m the auctioneer tonight. I’m here to announce that the auction will officially begin." As his voice fell, two courtesy ladies walked over, and after putting down the things in their hands, they withdrew to the side. .

Shang Zan gently uncovered the red velvet cloth, and saw that there was a dagger carefully crafted by a famous master on it, with a ruby ​​inlaid on the dagger.

The dagger shone coldly under the light.

"This knife is called Liang. It is made of Xuanxuan iron and cuts the iron like mud. But it has a history of nearly a hundred years, and the starting price is 100,000."

Shang Zan held such a dagger in his hand and waved it twice at random.

Looking at the dagger, Ruan Su didn't have any interest.

On the contrary, Song Yan was eager to try and bid directly.

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him, "Do you like it?"

Song Yan's eyes flickered, "I think a girl is quite suitable."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, "Oh, when did Song Tezhu have a girlfriend?"

The man who has always been unruly and unrestrained suddenly made a big red face, and looked a little uncomfortable, "Where is the girlfriend, I want to give it to Qiqi."

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