Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 610: I have to fight, I have to grab

As soon as Song Yan's voice fell, someone started to **** it.

After all, this dagger is something more than a hundred years ago. Although it is not an antique, it is still a good thing, especially the fact that it cuts iron like mud, which is very attractive.

For self-defense, it is enough.

Soon the price soared to more than half a million.

Finally, Song Yan was photographed at the price of one million.

After all, a dagger is only one million, and many people think it is not worthwhile after weighing the pros and cons.

Song Yan held a dagger and looked at it, cold light, that little Lori is so violent, she should like it.

In particular, there is a gem inlaid on the handle of the knife. The gem looks like it has passed so many years, and it still exudes a bright light. At first glance, it is not an ordinary gem.

Under Ruan Su's teasing gaze, he smiled and put away the dagger.

Jun's face is slightly red.

Ruan Su turned his head and looked at the auction stage again. At this time, another medicine appeared in the hands of the auctioneer. It was not another medicine, but it happened to be Ruilan No. 133 that she had obtained.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows.

Thin Xingzhi hooked his lips, glanced at the crazy people, and then the magnetic voice said, "Have you seen it? They are crazy about it."

Ruan Su curled his lips, and a hint of sarcasm flashed across Qing Li's face, "It's just a medicine, and it's not capable of immortality."

After the bidding lasted for a few minutes, a thin man with a look of excitement was auctioned for 800,000 yuan.

When the lady of manners delivered the Ruilan 133 to his hand, he immediately picked up the water next to him and put the medicine into his mouth, drank it all in one go.

His body doesn't look very good. This medicine is what he needs most at this time. It strengthens the body and the effect is very fast.

Ruan Su was also taken aback by his hurried operation.

Is it in such a hurry?

The auction is still going on smoothly, and on the next auction platform, there are many dazzling treasures.

What weird secret collections of the ancient martial arts family, weird medicinal materials, or weird antiques that have not been heard of, and what limited-edition jewelry, or limited-edition sports cars...

There are almost no repetitions.

Everything is shocking.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had been sitting quietly in their seats, and didn't even shoot anything.

These things look like dust in their eyes.

And many of the people with supreme wealth sitting in the front row did not make a move. They seemed to be waiting, waiting...

The small hammer fell again, and after an item was auctioned away by a favorite buyer, the auctioneer smiled again and said, "The next auction for everyone is two detoxification pills from the Blood Doctor Valley auction."

"This detoxification pill can detoxify nearly 30 kinds of poisons, such as snake venom, ant venom... etc..." the auctioneer explained in detail.

Ruan Su frowned. She had heard about Blood Doctor Valley. The patriarch of Blood Doctor Valley was surnamed Fan. The Fan family has been medical geniuses for generations, and they have never cooperated with those hospitals. , To heal the desperadoes in the red light district.

Therefore, Blood Doctor Gu is both righteous and evil. He is not a decent person, but he will not take the initiative to harm others.

It's just that Bo Xingzhi thought of another layer, which can detoxify more than 30 kinds of poison. Can it also detoxify the "Mei Silkworm"?

His thin lips were tightened, and Jun's eyebrows were narrowed. No emotion could be seen on Jun's face, but as the auctioneer said, "Please bid!", he raised the sign.

Ruan Su looked at him suspiciously, "What are you doing with your sign?"

After Bo Xing stopped hearing the words, his gaze also fell on Ruan Su's clean face, "Maybe it's useful."

Ruan Su was startled, "It can't be solved..."

"How can you know if you can't solve it if you don't try it?" Bo Xingzhi said in a low voice.

He didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Because it is a detoxification medicine, it immediately attracted countless eyes, and many people looked at the two detoxification pills with hot eyes.

"Seeing that everyone's enthusiasm is so high, it's better to be like this, I will auction it separately." The auctioneer smiled, "This will benefit two people. After all, I am a very kind person!"

After he was auctioned separately, it was true that those people suddenly grabbed more fiercely.

The starting price of the auction was 200,000, and it soon soared to 1 million, and then 2 million...

Those people kept shouting prices. After all, they were in such a dangerous place as the red light district.

Ruan Su sat quietly on the seat, her hands clasped tightly, listening to the increasing prices that kept ringing in her ears. In just ten minutes, the price of a detoxification pill soared to three million.

But the master and servants of Blood Doctor Valley showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

"Heh-what Ruilan 133, compared with our detoxification pills, it seems really not worth mentioning." Fan Sheng's eyes were mocking, "It's just a small **** medicine."

Fan Lian didn't say anything, but shook his head faintly, "Don't be rampant. Ruilan 133 is also very powerful. Our Fan family is good at poison, but not good at building up."

"Three and five million." Just when the price stayed at three million, a cold, lazy voice rang in the front row.

Hearing this suddenly added a price of 500,000 yuan, Bo Xingzhi raised his head slightly, and his slightly surprised eyes stopped on a man in black. The man wore a black mask on his face and short black hair, but The whole body exudes a chilling breath.

Ruan Su frowned, the owner of the red light district was also interested in this detoxification pill?

The surrounding area suddenly became much quieter, and some people who had originally planned to bid again were suddenly unwilling to sit down.

Although they also have money, they are far from this man.

So they simply gave up.

Just when everyone thought that detoxification pill was going to fall into the hands of the district chief, Bo Xingzhi's faint voice suddenly sounded.

"four million."

"Are you crazy?" Ruan Sura pulled the corner of his clothes. "The pill maybe I can make it by myself. Why should I buy it from him?"

"There are ready-made ones. It's better to try than nothing." Bo Xingzhi didn't care about the four million, he only cared about whether the Meixian on her body could be solved.

"Oh my god, someone is fighting the district chief."

"Why did the district chief take it?"

"I do not know!"

Those people below are talking about it.

However, the district chief did not continue the auction. Upon seeing this, the auctioneer made a final decision, and just delivered the detoxification bullet to Bo Xingzhi.

Then it started shooting another detoxification pill.

With the previous price craze and the addition of the district head this time, one dared to increase the price.

The district chief's icy gaze swept across the crowd, "Five hundred thousand."

No one dared to rob him.

A joke, if you dare to grab it, you will probably be killed immediately, waiting for you to run out of the red light district?

"If no one is bidding, this detoxification pill will belong to the district chief." The auctioneer said immediately.

Five hundred thousand and four million...

Suddenly, everyone looked at Bo Xing with a little sympathy.

However, they sympathize with jealousy and hate at the same time, one is better than none.

Fan Lian immediately smiled and said, "District Mayor, if you want, you only need to call my dad, why bother to spend a lot of money to shoot?"

The masked man said lightly, "Your Blood Doctor Valley made three of this medicine in ten years, and sent two of it. I don't have such a thick skin to ask for such a precious medicine."

Fan Lian didn't expect that he would know the Blood Doctor Valley, and his back suddenly felt cold. He was indeed the owner of the red light district... It was terrible, even the secrets of their family were clear.

The auction was still going on in full swing, and soon the auctioneer auctioned a few more ancient paintings, and another antique inkstone came.

Ruan Su was looking at the pills in his hands, "This medicine is fragrant, but I don't understand the poison of the silkworm. I don't know it now. I'll talk about it when I go back."

She almost despaired of the poison of Xie Mei silkworm.

For so many years, she has searched for various methods, but she can't solve it.

And this Meican is too strange, on the contrary, it feels more and more integrated with her.

Especially it likes the approach of Bo Xingzhi very much, as long as it stays beside Bo Xingzhi, it seems to be extra quiet.

"Next, everyone, I'm going to auction a herb. The herb is named Wumancao. It has nothing special about it, but it can detoxify." The grass that looked like a mint was invited out.

The little grass was unremarkable, and there was nothing noticeable about it.

But the two people in Blood Doctor Valley suddenly showed eager expressions on their faces.

"It's said that this herb can only detoxify the poison of a chicken mother's bead, not a rare medicinal material. Except that it is very rare and difficult to encounter." The auctioneer introduced it and said, "The starting price is 2,000 yuan."

Everyone has no interest in this grass, except that Fan Sheng held up a sign, "5000 yuan."

Ruan Su also held up a sign at the same time, "6000 yuan."

"8000 yuan." Fan Sheng frowned slightly and quoted the price.

Fan Lian looked at Ruan Su displeasedly. He didn't expect that someone would rob him for medicine.

There is nothing special about this grass, so why is there someone grabbing it?

He was a little irritable, and a faint sarcasm appeared on his face.

Instructed Fan Sheng to continue to increase the price.

However, they did not expect that Ruan Su is also a resilient, "20,000."

When Fan Lian heard that she had already added 20,000, the corners of his mouth evoked a gloomy look.

"This woman is an unfamiliar face. She should have gotten in there. She dares to **** the grass from us."

"A broken grass, what did she **** it for?" Fan Sheng was also very upset, and he held up the sign again, "Thirty thousand."

"fifty thousand."

"One hundred thousand."

In a short while, a tree of no-man grass with no high value was sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Seeing the auctioneer was stunned.

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