Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 611: This style of painting has changed suddenly!

However, what happened next shocked the auctioneer and everyone present.

Not the most shocked, only more shocked.

Ruan Su seems to have hit Fan Jiagang, and the price of Wumancao keeps rising.

From one million to two million, it soared to five million in the end.


"They said five million, right?"

"Not half a million, right?"

A man murmured to the people around him in shock. Everyone around him couldn’t close their mouths together, and their eyes would fall down. Value right?"

"Yeah, what is the chicken mother bead? I have never heard of it."

"These two people... are they crazy?"

"Is it difficult to get this unmanned grass?"

There was a lot of discussion under the table.

Fan Lian blushed with anger and his neck was thick. He felt that Ruan Su had done it deliberately.

But he couldn't swallow this breath, he was so angry that he took the sign directly from Fan Sheng's hand, "Six million!"

"Young Master..." Fan Sheng was taken aback, "Can't add any more, let's add more..."

Although Blood Doctor Valley is quite rich, it has spent a lot of manpower and material resources in refining the two Detox Pills, and is still refining new ones, so relatively speaking, it took out six hundred times. Ten million, nearly ten million, is still a little bit difficult.

Then Ruan Su didn't blink his eyes, "Seven million."

"My grass!"

"It's too fierce! It's one million and one million at a time. This money is not money, it is paper?"

"Eight million!" Fan Lian added another million.

He was flushed by Ruan Su's qi, and he was trembling with anger. He is a medical genius of the Fan family. He can't die, nor can he die.

The Wuman grass, which was originally planned to be grabbed at most one million, was forced out of Ruan Su, Cheng Yaojin.

Can he not be angry?

No matter what the price is paid, he will take down this grass!

He lost his reason, his eyes were red and he stared at Ruan Su who was calm and calm not far away. This woman was very beautiful and eye-catching, so what?

Those who dare to stand in his way, die!

There is no way to describe his resentment towards Ruan Su now.

This woman is too much!

What do you do to grab a piece of grass? There are so many precious treasures that she doesn't grab, she insists on grabbing a sapling grass with no value from him.

Ruan Su also thinks that Fan's family has something wrong with the old and the young. Fan's family is from the Blood Doctor Valley. What kind of expensive herbs are there? Why do you keep staring at the Wuman grass?

In addition to acting on the chicken mother bead, Wuman grass really has no other effect.

She was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Fan family, directly held up the sign, and said lazily, "10 million."

Ten million!

There was an uproar all at once.

Ten million is not a small amount, for such a small grass?

Where is this woman sacred? So rich?

Fan Lian's face was pale, and he opened his mouth to add, but Fan Sheng stopped him, "Master, ten million is not a small money, it's better... we think of a solution."

"Uncle Sheng, but, but if I get this sage, we all have hope!" Fan Lian's eyes were red with blood, his heart was cramped, and his throat was smelling sweet. Spit out blood.

But he swallowed back again.

"Master, I know, but if we take so much money to buy it, the master will investigate it... I will encounter this kind of wild grass in the future, and I don't have to spend 10 million to buy it."

Fan Sheng couldn't bear to look at Fan Lian, so he turned his head away.

Fan Lian sighed for a long time and sank his body back into the seat without saying a word. Blood Doctor Valley has money, but all the funds have been taken up. Asking them to put out 10 million in cash is indeed a bit embarrassing so far. Unless you sell some of your assets...

Finally, Wumancao was delivered to Ruan Su's hand by the lady of etiquette.

She looked at the Wuman grass, and then at Fan Lian and Fan Sheng. Why does Blood Doctor Valley want this Wuman grass so desperately?

Could someone have been poisoned by chicken mother beads?

Must detoxify immediately?

This medicinal herb can not only detoxify the chicken mother's bead, but also strengthen the body and strengthen the body.

She didn't delve into it. Now that she had photographed this wild grass, she glanced at the thin line and said, "Let's go."

It doesn't make any sense to stay here anymore.

In particular, she made a big show at the auction today, which will definitely attract the attention of all parties, and it is estimated that she will not be able to leave if she wants to go.

Bo Xingzhi knew what she was thinking in her heart, and the three of them quietly withdrew from the venue when the new round of auctions started, and walked outside.

What they didn't know was that they just left, they fell into the eyes of everyone in the Blood Doctor Valley.

Fan Sheng and Fan Lian also quietly followed.


The black sky covers the entire red light district, and the silence outside is terrible.

The darkness seemed to swallow everything, and the whole small street was filled with a strong atmosphere of anxiety. Three figures walking on this small street, except for silence, were still silent.

The dark night, as if boundless thick ink smeared heavily on the sky, there was not even the glimmer of stars.

Moonlight faintly followed the slow-moving black clouds, and a strange figure stood faintly at the corner of the small street not far away, and the sound of footsteps behind it sounded like nonexistent sound.

There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at the three of them.

"come out!"

The man looked indifferent, there was no wave in his eyes, but what he said was frightening.

With a low drink from him, countless figures came out from all directions, surrounding the three.

Bo Xingzhi coldly glanced at these men in black. He wears a black shirt with unbuttoned collar buttons, revealing a slender neck. His exquisite features are amazing. Even in the dark, he can still be seen lightly. There is a hint of domineering in the slightly curled lips.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said indifferently, "A group of mobs still want to ambush?"

Song Yan also took out the dagger he got at the auction and put on a posture to meet the enemy. "How about trying my new dagger."

The leading man wore a ghost mask, and his exposed eyes with dark and sharp eyes fell on the three of them coldly, yelling, "Leave the Wuman grass and let you make a living."

The man in the ghost mask clenched his fists fiercely, his chest was constantly rising and falling because of anger, and the flames of anger almost evaporated him, "Take it out!"

Ruan Su lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the Wuman grass in his hand, and then smiled, "I bought this for 10 million yuan. Want it? It depends on your ability to take it away."

While talking, Ruan Su turned over sharply, leaped forward, and moved gracefully and neatly. With the faint moonlight, on this narrow street, she threw directly at the man in black.

There was a sneer at the corner of Bo Xingzhi's mouth, and a sharp gleam of dim eyes flashed.

The wind was blowing at his feet, and he kicked the men in black without mercy.

There was a fierce kick in the air, and with a bang, the man was kicked away and slammed to the wall.

At this time, Ruan Su firmly clasped the neck of the man with the ghost mask with an unmistakable hand.

The man was caught off guard and tripped to the ground after she lay down.

This is just what happened between the electric light and flint, and the rest of the black-clothed men had no time to react at all.

There was bursts of pain from the back of the man in the ghost mask.

Damn it!

How could this woman be so good?

His angry eyes glowed with anger, and he suddenly stretched out a hand like a sharp claw trying to catch Ruan Su's foot.

But Ruan Su reacted very quickly and kicked him over, hitting his chest.

He fought back fiercely, kicked him to the ground fiercely, and made up another kick.

"Ah!" A miserable cry crossed the night sky, and it seemed that Ruan Su's kick was not light.

Song Yan held a dagger and fought with the other men in black.

The thick **** air gradually floated in the air.

But Song Yan had a very good start, and he didn't hurt the other party's vitals.

The man's face in the ghost mask was hideous and distorted. How could he be so unlucky, he couldn't beat money, and he couldn't beat him.

He was so angry that he couldn't help but burst out with tears.

Ruan Su originally wanted to punch it again, but... what did she hear?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the sound of this obvious crying sound especially clear and weird in the small street of the night.

Fan Sheng has been hiding in a dark corner. He is too old to fight, and has been anxious for the young master. As a result... he heard his young master crying.

He was taken aback, and hurriedly ran out and pounced on the man in the ghost mask, "Master, how are you? Did it hurt you?"

Ruan Su: "..."

Do you want to be so fragile? Where is the momentum that brought a group of men in black to besiege the three of them?

Good to cry a hammer?

This abrupt style of painting is ridiculous.

Fan Sheng carefully took off the mask, and everyone saw Fan Lian crying with his nose and tears. Where is Fan Lian who was beaten up now?

It's just a poor bug.

Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan also walked over silently and looked at Fan Lian who was kneeling and sitting in front of Ruan Su.

"Why does a man cry?" Ruan Su curled his lips disgustedly, "I want to save mangrass to save people, life is at stake, so I can't give it to you."

"I'm going to die too. If we don't have this grass, all our family members will die." Fan Lian cried even harder when he said this. He didn't want to cry, but he just couldn't help it.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it is, the more I think about it, the more I feel wronged, and the more I feel God is unfair.

"I can't beat you, and I don't have as much money as you. Why... God is too unfair to me."

His eyes were red, and he was as pitiful as a cat falling into the water.

Hearing what Fan Lian said, Ruan Su was stunned for a moment, "All my family members are dead?"

Fan Sheng's face changed drastically. Why did the young master commit this emotional problem again? This place is like a drunk person who loves to tell the truth.

How can the Fan family's secrets be known to outsiders?

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