Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 616: This is a group of funny comparisons?

Bo Xingzhi's mood was a bit strange, his eyes were heavy, as cold as a pool of well water.

"No matter who he is, as long as he dares to hurt you, he must pay the corresponding price."

He seemed to be depressed, and his big palm gently held her hand, "I won't give him any chance."

Ruan Su Qingling's apricot eyes moved slightly, and he clasped the man's hot and dry hands, "No way."

She and he both guessed at the other side's identity at the same time, but neither of them said the name.

Bo Xingzhi slowly stroked the woman's face, "What are you thinking about?"

His eyes calmly outlined her extremely beautiful face.

"Tomorrow we will fly to Country M, I'm thinking..." Ruan Su pursed his lips slightly, "You can go around, do you want to go back to the company?"

Bo Xingzhi's eyes overflowed with a faint smile, "What? Afraid of my company going bankrupt?"

"I discovered from a long time ago that you actually like the feeling of controlling the plane in the sky." Ruan Su chuckled, "Others say that you are a big president who wants to fly a plane. Why? In fact, grandma is one of them. , The main thing is because you like it?"

Many people have a prejudice against him flying planes. Whose president thinks that he flies planes? The president is the one who should fly.

Bo Xing stopped her hot hand, grabbed her beggar, and ignited like a flame on her body. He suddenly lowered his head and bit her ear, and said softly, "Ruan Suye who knows me."

At an altitude of 30,000 feet, the feeling of controlling an airplane flying smoothly is fascinating.

Ruan Su didn't speak any more, her eyelashes trembled lightly, thick and long.

Bo Xingzhi smiled warmly and favorably, lowered his head and kissed her rosy lips.


Red light district.

Fan's Manor of Blood Doctor Valley.

The typical southern European and American style, the white pillars stand tall, and the marble is meticulously carved, under the shadow of the forest, it sets off the majestic beauty. There are several villas in the manor. Except for the main building, the others have been converted into hospitals, and many patients with incurable diseases live in them.

There is a circular fountain in front of the villa in the middle of the manor.

The weather in the red light district has always been mild, and the entire manor seems to be a sea of ​​flowers, filled with the smell of sweet tulips everywhere.

A black car slowly drove into the gate of the manor, and finally stopped in front of the fountain.

The door was opened, and Fan Lian and Fan Sheng got out of the car together.

Fan Lian held a green plant cautiously in his arms, looking at his expression as if he was holding the supreme treasure.

Fan Sheng looked around and shouted loudly, "Where's the gardener! Hurry up, come here!"

"Elder Fan, what's the matter?"

Fan's gardener was watering the garden. Hearing Fan Sheng's roar, he ran over in a hurry, "What happened?"

"This dwarf wild grass is handed over to you, you must take good care of it, you know?" Fan Sheng pointed to the wild wild grass in Fan Lian's arms and said, "This is the lifeblood of our entire Fan family. !"

"Wuman grass? Master photographed it?" The gardener excitedly took the wild grass, "Don't worry, give it to me!"

At this time, everyone in the Fan family rushed out when they heard the sound in the courtyard.

Except for the family owner who has seen Wumancao once before, the rest of the people have only seen pictures of Wumancao in classical medical books.

One by one curiously surrounded the Wuman grass, "So green, it looks a bit like the leaves of daffodils."

"Green people can really grow up? If we grow up, will we be saved?"

"The young master is really amazing this time, he actually brought back the Wuman grass."

"God bless my Fan family!" Patriarch Fan Cangtian exclaimed in excitement. He is also Fan Lian's father. He said lovingly and excitedly, "Lian'er, this time you are really meritorious, and you got the Wuman grass. In the future, yours. The sickness is saved."

"Dad, this time I was able to get this grass because of a mysterious couple who helped me." Fan Lian said as he walked towards the lobby of the villa with Fan Cangtian.

The others watched for a while and Wumancao also returned to the hall.

After Fan Cangtian heard what Fan Lian said, his face was shocked, "You mean... she spent 10 million to grab it, but she gave it to you for free?"

"Yes." There was a faint blush on Fan Lian's face, and even a hint of shame in the bottom of his eyes. "She is very beautiful and very beautiful. Her husband is also very handsome, tall and handsome. Just looking at the looks, they should be. People from Country M or from Empire H."

"You...didn't you ask who the benefactor is?" Fan Cangtian stared at his son in horror with this weird expression. Isn't the point that you know who the benefactor is?

Why is he describing the appearance of the benefactor?

And the shy eyes...

Fan Cangtian's heart, liver and lungs couldn't help but trembled.

"Ah? I forgot... When I think about it, they have already left." Fan Lian patted his head annoyedly, only to blame Ruan Su for being so good-looking at the time and beating him so handsome!

So that he was too excited after getting the Wumancao...


Fan Sheng was also a little embarrassed, "I also forgot."

The ghost would know that the young master was crying loudly at the time. When the young master cried, he felt very distressed.

Fan Cangtian stared at them with a little depressed, "Forget it, where are the vast people looking for at sea? Since you said they may be from the M country or the H empire, I will send some people out to look for it!"

At this moment, an old man over a year old walked out of the inner hall. He narrowed his weather-beaten eyes slightly, pinching his fingers as he walked, as if he was pinching something.

Seeing this, Fan Cangtian immediately walked over respectfully, "Elder Wen, have you ever figured out what?"

"This is the great opportunity of our Blood Doctor Valley!" Fan Wenchang sighed, put his fingers away, and his old face showed a relieved look. "This benefactor has a good background. I calculated that she is a member of the H Empire, but the future In the next few days, she will be in country M, and she has encountered a tricky thing. As for what it is, I can’t figure it out."

Blood Doctor Gu's prosperous luck is because their family has produced a **** fortune teller Fan Wen.

Fan Wen usually has an unknown prophet before major events happen to the Fan family to save the Fan family from misfortune.

He had been in retreat some time ago and didn't know about Fan Lian and Fan Sheng going to the auction together.

But when he was in retreat, he also figured out some things, and immediately went out of the retreat, and as a result, he saw the lively hall.

"Then we will go to Country M immediately and help the benefactor." Fan Lian blinked and said that he was about to leave. He simply thought that Ruan Su's death must have been injured.

"Wait." Fan Wen stopped him. "This matter must be considered in the long term. It is not too late to find the whereabouts of the benefactor before deciding to help."

Fan Cangtian nodded, "Elder Wen is right. Let's find the whereabouts of the benefactor first. I immediately send people to major airports and high-speed rail stations to find the whereabouts of the benefactor. If we can find it, we must pay it back. She is good at causation."

Everyone in the Fan family believed in the so-called cause and effect of Elder Wen, the so-called chance.

At this moment, Fan Cangtian's cell phone rang, "Patriarch, just sent a group of wounded people who have been rushed over, let everyone come here for treatment."

A Fan family doctor said loudly.

Hearing this, Fan Cangtian hurriedly said to everyone, "Let’s go to the medical department and send a batch of new wounded."

So almost everyone in the Fan family ran towards the other buildings.


Xie family.

Mrs. Xie started watering the flowers early in the morning. Seeing Li Zhuoyan coming downstairs, she looked at the gloomy sky outside and said, "Yanyan, let's go to the mall together today and do the New Year goods. Some things like Spring Festival couplets must have a New Year atmosphere."

She felt a little uncomfortable thinking that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su had to go out for the New Year's Eve.

The weather in Beijing has been cold and swish, and there was heavy snow some time ago.

But spring will begin soon, and spring will come just after the new year.

"Today is the twenty-eighth Chinese New Year, Mom, are there any goods for this new year?" Xie Jinyan pulled his hair down, "Is everyone robbed it?"

"Is there anything in the supermarket? They sell it until New Year's Eve!" Mrs. Xie put down the kettle, "You drive us there."

Xie Yuan also walked out of the room, "I'm on annual vacation, and I won't go to work until the sixth day of the new year. I'll go too. It's a lot of fun with my family."

"Okay, let's go." Madam Xie went to put on shoes as she said, "It's a pity that Xiaosu and Azhi can't spend the New Year with us."

Xie's family went to the mall, while Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su sat on the plane and flew towards Country M.

Two hours later.

Country M International Airport.

The plane landed slowly at the airport, and Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su stepped out of the airport directly.

The entire airport is crowded with people in a hurry.

After leaving the airport, they stopped a taxi, not long after they got on.

Bo Xingzhi looked behind him sharply.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice, "Someone is following."

Song Yan had booked the hotel before coming, and the car stopped at the hotel entrance 20 minutes later. After the three of them got off the car with their luggage, a black car also stopped at the hotel entrance.

Bo Xingzhi pretended to turn his head inadvertently and saw a strange young man popping out of the car.

The young men looked excited, one of them was talking on the phone, not knowing what he was talking about.

It doesn't look like a bad guy who deliberately followed.

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at Ruan Su. Ruan Su also blinked, "Are we wrong?"

"I'll know after interrogation in the past!" Song Yan said as he walked towards the two.

As a result... I saw the two young men rushing towards them with excitement, and said excitedly, "You... are you the benefactor of our Fan family?"

"I, I'm from the Fan family."

"That's it... That's the Wuman grass!"

"You gave it to us!"

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