Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 617: His name is Ditian!

The two of them are responsible for keeping watch at the airport and looking for the benefactor.

Since receiving this task, they have been squatting for three days, and every day they meet a large number of handsome men and beautiful women, couples, couples, and friends.

They patted every day and sent them to Fan Lian for confirmation.

Not only them, but many other Fan family members are scattered all over the airports of Country M and Empire H. The exits of high-speed rail stations are all staying here.

They actually don't have any contacts or information networks.

It's all manual...

This is the dumbest method.

As a result, I ran into a pair of handsome men and beautiful women today. They hurriedly took pictures to Fan Lian, but I didn't expect them to be so lucky. They are benefactors!

When Fan Lian's feedback was received, the two of them almost cried with excitement.

Looking at the gazes of Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi now, it means that there is as much fanaticism as there is, so much excitement as there is, and as much admiration as there is worship.

A young man finally couldn't help it and began to wipe the tears, "Uuuuu-benefactor, I finally see you!"

"Look at you, cry a woolen thread!" Another young man hammered him, but when he spoke, his eyes were red and his voice was choked. "We have been guarding for three days, and our legs are standing sorely. It hurts again."

"Benefactor, our Fan family will definitely repay you for your great kindness in saving the family!"

"It turns out to be from the Fan family!" Ruan Su grinned, thinking why the Fan family members are so crying? Are all crying bags reincarnated?

It's funny. The emotionally rich ones don't seem to come out of the red light district at all.

"Master Fan Jialao moved the crowd to find my Xiaosu?" Bo Xingzhi's voice was low and magnetic, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

When one of the young men saw this, he quickly explained, "We just want to thank the benefactor, really!"

The other one is also, the look of licking the dog, only to kneel down, he rubbed his hands and said, "Big brother, benefactor, don't worry, we just want to repay, really! No other meaning, no other ideas."

"Next, we two will become personal bodyguards of the benefactor! Protect the benefactor from close range!"

"Yes, this is the nameplate of our Fan family."

The two young men hurriedly handed over their own nameplates dedicated to the family.

It was a wooden sign with the Fan family's logo engraved on it, as well as the names of the two young men.

One is called Fan Shan and the other is called Fan Ting.

Ruan Su just thought it was a little ridiculous, "You don't have to follow us, and you don't have to be bodyguards. We are here because we have business to do. Also, go back and tell your young master, you really don't need to be so enthusiastic."

Having said that, she and Bo Xingzhi turned and walked towards the hotel.

When the two young men saw that they were going to stay in a hotel, they immediately took the suitcase from Song Yan's hands with a doggy look, "Big brother, let us do this kind of work in the future."

The hotel was booked. After Ruan Su Bo Xingzhi and the three of them went into the elevator and returned to their rooms, the two young men hurriedly opened a room here.

"Is the young master on the plane?"

"I just got on our family's private jet. It will take two hours to get here."

"Great. It will be easy when the young master comes."

And at this time, inside the general prison of the M Empire.

Every month, the ring promotion competition is held, and people have long been looking forward to it.

They were originally serious criminals, and all of them were desperadoes.

They like to bleed and fight fierce and cruel, as if only in this way can they feel that they are alive. This kind of pleasure, this kind of relief from stress makes them comfortable, as if they are addicted addicts.

And the prisoners who participated in the promotion competition looked at each other as if they were looking at peerless enemies.

It seems that every time you look at it, you can pierce the other person's heart.

Soon, two advanced players started to do it, before the prison guard, who was the referee, blew the whistle.

The two of them fought into a ball, fists to the flesh, the fierce collision sound made the blood pulse.

Surrounded by some applauded prisoners, one by one they cheered for the one they supported.

Ye Yanli sat in the corner, Xiao Guang took a glass of water and handed it to him, looking worriedly at the playing field, "Master, your opponent seems to be him!"

He pointed to a man sitting not far away. Ye Yanli was closing his eyes and meditating when he heard Xiao Guang's words. He slowly opened his eyes and looked towards Xiao Guang's direction.

The cold gaze flashed with intense fighting intent and stared at the opponent, only to see that it was a young man. The man was topless, showing developed muscles. When he touched Ye Yanli’s gaze, his eyes immediately surged. Strong murderous!

The man exudes a terrifying muscle power.

Ye Yanli didn't have the muscles on his body.

Soon, the two people on the court had already decided the winner, a man covered in blood was lifted down, Xiao Guang was shocked to see.


He looked at Ye Yanli worriedly, "Still..."

He wanted to prevent Ye Mili from fighting this kind of life and death struggle, but Ye Mili had already stood up, his figure was slender and tall, and his whole body was as straight as a pine and cypress.

However, such a handsome man of Xiafeng God exudes a dark aura at this time, "I must go up."

He must be promoted to become gold.

The referee blew the reserve whistle and Ye Yanli walked towards the center of the ring.

"Master, don't..." Xiao Guang chased after worryingly, but was pulled by the arms of the two prisoners on one side directly to the side. "Go on one side, kid boy!"

Ye Yanli looked back and smiled at him, "I must win."

His opponent was standing in front of him at this time, flaunting his strength.

Ye Yanli seized the opportunity and immediately launched a wave of attacks, showing his fierceness and cruelty.

But that man was not a vegetarian, and he quickly counterattacked. Although Ye Yanli had been in the army for a short time, he had been doing physical training all the time. His martial arts had improved greatly after this period of tempering.


With a bang.

The man fell heavily and was beaten to the ground by Ye Yanli.

Broke a few ribs and almost died.

Ye Yanli also suffered some skin injuries, but fortunately it was not very serious.

Xiaoguang's worried heart finally landed.

After getting the promotion gold sign, Xiao Guang helped Ye Mili back to the prison where he lived.

The man smelled of sweat and blood.

Xiao Guang's eyes flushed, "I'm squirting some water, let's wipe your body."

Bathing here is luxurious, but it's okay to scrub your body.

Ten minutes later, he took off a blood-stained prison uniform, and after scrubbing his body, Ye Yanli changed into a clean prison uniform before lying on the bed.

He suffered some injuries and was aching all over, but he didn't seem to feel it.

Gold...One step closer to diamonds.

As long as he can hit the diamond, he can exchange for a three-day bail holiday.

Xiaoguang applied medicine to him again, and looked at the bruises on his body, and the unhealed wounds were bleeding, Xiaoguang felt very uncomfortable.

Ye Yanli fell asleep early because of playing a game and wasting too much energy.

At this time, he didn't even know what kind of changes the outside world was going on.


Early in the morning, Ruan Su was awakened by a knock on the door. She frowned and sat up, and saw that Bo Xingzhi beside her had risen and was about to open the door.

Ruan Su went directly to the bathroom to wash.

When she came out, she saw Fan Lian and Fan Sheng's master and servant who were carrying an exquisite lunch box.

There were flattering smiles on the faces of the old and the young, and the strong smell of dog legs filled the whole room.

"Benefactor, this is the breakfast I bought from the best breakfast shop here. You can eat it while it is hot."

Fan Lian put the delicate lunch box on the dining table, and hurriedly opened it.

He arrived yesterday afternoon, and when he arrived, he didn't dare to come over and disturb Ruan Su, but started to make a strategy.

He is not familiar with Country M, but in order to serve Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi well, he can be said to have made a one-night strategy. There are delicious and fun nearby, and he recorded all of them.

"Thank you, don't keep calling me benefactor, I am Ruan, my name is Su. This is my boyfriend Bo Xingzhi." Ruan Su briefly introduced each other neatly, "The other is Song Yan Song Special Assistant."

"Ruan... Ruan Su?" Fan Lian flushed with excitement, he actually knew the name of his benefactor!

The name is so good that his heart is pounding and pounding.

However, before he had time to boast, Fan Sheng had already blurted out, "It sounds good, it's a really good name."

Fan Lian glanced at Fan Sheng with a bit of sadness. Such a good opportunity for flattering was actually snatched away by this old man.


"Miss Ruan, it's like this."

Seeing Ruan Su starting to eat breakfast quietly, Fan Lian also sat down, his eyes gleaming at Ruan Su's beautiful face, "Our family has a **** operator, he figured out that you are in trouble. If you need my help, please feel free to mention it."

Ruan Su was a little uncomfortable with his staring, "Sit down and eat, you bought so many."

"We've eaten." Fan Sheng smiled. "Why is Miss Ruan here for? What about the Ye family? Our Fan family still has some status in the red light district."

"Yes, yes, yes, the day before yesterday, a group of wounded people were engaged in that kind of illegal business. We can provide you with some information." Fan Lian also said quickly, "They fought each other, and the other party was very cunning and treacherous, and ...They caught the handle of the other party. The other party went to the H Empire for a deal half a year ago, so I was thinking, was it the time when the Ye family was framed?"

Ruan Su sensitively caught the point in his words, "A desperado in the red light district?"

Bo Xingzhi also raised his eyes to look at Fan Lian, "Who is the other party? Who is the leader?"

When Fan Lian heard that they were interested, he hurriedly continued to know everything. "They said that their enemy head was also from Empire H, called Di Tian!"

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