Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 619: It's your old face!

Ji Youyou was flipping through the current affairs news on the tablet, and seeing the smile on the man Jun's face, she asked in confusion, "What's the matter? So happy?"

"The mysterious planner Z actually took our order." Li Yanbei hooked her lips and looked at Ji Youyou sitting on the sofa. She was beautiful, with apricot eyes, peach cheeks, and snow-white skin, even if she was wearing home clothes. Still beautiful and pleasant, beautiful and delicious.

At this moment, the butler walked over quickly, "Old lady, young master, Mrs. Mo is back."

Mrs. Li had just put on reading glasses and was going to read her mobile phone to inform some relatives of Li Yanbei's marriage. When she heard the housekeeper's words, she immediately put down her mobile phone and said, "Hurry up and invite her in."

Mrs. Mo is Li Yanbei's aunt. She was married to the Mo family, a well-known family in Country M. The Mo family is prominent. Although it is not as good as the status of the Ye family in Country M, it is not inferior.

After a while, the housekeeper walked in with an old lady with windy hair and a young woman.

The woman wore a caramel-colored profile coat, snow-white skin, and endless blue eyes. When she looked at Li Yanbei, she was shining brightly.

The facial lines are soft, and the dark hair with natural undulations and curvatures is scattered, which makes people have an urge to caress with fingertips.

The old lady wore a black coat with a touch of solemnity and solemnity that a big family could only have.

As soon as she entered the door, she scanned the people in the hall with a majestic gaze, and finally turned her gaze to Ji Youyou.

Ji Youyou's eyes with scrutiny and scrutiny made Ji Youyou a little uncomfortable. She put down the tablet in her hand and stood up, standing side by side with Li Yanbei very politely to welcome the guests.

Mrs. Mo brought some gifts, but the housekeeper took them in.

"Sister-in-law, long time no see."

Her voice was hoarse.

Old Madam Li enthusiastically stretched out her hands at her and held her hand, "Fanny, what do you do with so many gifts when you come back? Come and sit down. Why did you come back so quickly? I just told you yesterday. Yanbei is going to get married, will he be back today?"

Mrs. Mo’s name is Li Fangni. She sat next to Mrs. Li and laughed lowly, “This is my daughter-in-law’s brother’s daughter. She grew up in our house and is no different from my granddaughter. When she was a child, she and Yan Bei But they often play together."

"She's Rong Xuan'er? She's really a big eighteen girl, she's so slim and beautiful now, she's really a big beauty." Old lady Li smiled, but she chuckles in her heart. You come here, with this. What does Rong Suner do?

I always feel that Li Fangni's return is unkind.

"That's not true. We Xuan'er sings, dances and plays the piano, but we are all well-known ladies in M ​​country." Li Fangni said with a hint of pride in her tone, and the corner of her eyes floated towards Ji Youyou with a hint of disdain.

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Li was a little uncomfortable, but she still politely continued, "This is my granddaughter-in-law, Youyou."

Finally it comes to Ji Youyou! Li Fangni had been waiting for a long time, and she looked at Ji Youyou with a smile, "I heard that you came from a barren little place like the Middle East? You still can't eat tea eggs there, right?"

Ji Youyou: "..."

Eat the tea eggs as you like, can you support them?

Who are these rumors? Say they can't eat tea eggs?

She thought it was a bit funny and a bit outrageous.

"Auntie, we can eat this tea egg whatever we want, how can we not eat it? There are many misunderstandings about us in the Middle East outside."

"Really?" Li Fangni curled her lips, "I heard that the sanitary and medical conditions in your place are also very poor, and the water you drink is not filtered. Oh... I can't say."

Chi Guoguo's disgust and disdain were beyond words.

While she was talking, she looked at Ji Youyou. How could she be as thin as a bean sprouts dish, comparable to their family's Xuan'er? Xuan'er is a serious lady, what is this woman from the Middle East? Also worthy to marry Yanbei?

Rong Xuan'er's blue eyes also reveal all kinds of contempt. A woman who has never seen the world from a small place is so lucky to marry Young Master Li?

She was almost mad with jealousy.

Doesn’t it mean that women in the Middle East are ugly and dark? Why is this woman's skin so white and ruddy? The facial features are also small and exquisite?

Faced with their doubts, the members of the Li family were very uncomfortable.

Mrs. Li got along very happily with Ji Youyou during this time. Ji Youyou is knowledgeable and well-written, with a gentle personality, and did not use her status as prime minister to dominate the Li family.

On the contrary, she is very proper and polite in receiving people. It can be said that all the Li family who hated her have now accepted her.

Li Yanbei's mother, Mrs. Li, also went downstairs at this time, and Aunt Li also went downstairs. The couple just heard Li Fangni's words clearly and clearly.

The smile that was still very enthusiastic suddenly froze on his face.

Mrs. Li couldn't help but speak, "Auntie, did you run all the way back to taunt my daughter-in-law?"

Her words were extremely rude, it could be said that she didn't give Li Fangni any face at all.

The domineering grandmother's aura was directly stabilized by her.

Second Aunt Li also looked at Rong Xuan'er a little impatiently, "Miss Rong, has no one told you to behave when sitting at someone else's house? Can you not keep your eyeballs from falling off like sticking? Husband of your woman?"

Aunt Li's teeth are always sharp and sharp, and she will bludgeon anyone who is not pleasing to the eye.

When Ji Youyou first came, Aunt Li's attitude and attitude were much higher than Rong Xuan'er and Li Fangni.

Rong Xuan'er's face suddenly became very ugly. She was so embarrassed that she was exposed to her thoughts in public, and her red lips trembled. She hurriedly covered up, "I haven't seen Brother Yanbei for a long time, and I feel a little excited. Don't get me wrong, after all, brother Yanbei and I grew up together..."

Li Yanbei chuckled, and sarcasm flashed through his eyes, "Miss Rong, please don't say these misunderstandings. You and I have only been together for a few days when we were young, and we didn't grow up together."

An old face of Li Fangni was almost swollen by the Li family.

What did she do?

Did she do nothing well?

Didn't she just ask Ji Youyou a few words?

Do these people need to treat her and Xuan'er as if they were facing enemies?

Too shameless!

Is this still a family?


With a trace of anger and anger on her face, she patted the coffee table again, "What's the matter with you? Have you done anything with Xuan'er? If the Li family doesn't welcome us, we will leave now!"

As she spoke, her eyes flushed, "This is my natal family! My natal family treats me this way? I don't come back once in a year or a half, and you are too much."

Rong Xuan'er also hurriedly sat next to her, pulling her sleeves to act coquettishly, "Grandma, the person they may not welcome is me...I am the one who should go. After all, I am not your biological granddaughter, someone else It's normal to look down on me."

The breath of this green tea **** filled the living room of Li's house crazily.

It is the pinnacle of tea art!

Ji Youyou was shocked by Rong Xuan'er's neurotic operation.

Is this woman an idiot as someone else?

Can you speak with a little brain?

Mrs. Li's face is also ugly, "This is what you call a lady from Country M? Can you speak with a bit of IQ? Who in this room looks down on her? We haven't spoken, okay?"

Second Aunt Li pouted, "I'm just advising you not to put your mind on our Yanbei. After all, Yanbei and Youyou are getting married, and their children are five years old. Are you going to be a junior? I'm trying to persuade you to live a good life. , Cherish your celebrity reputation. How come you look down on you?"

"What are you talking about?" Rong Xuan'er stared at Aunt Li in shock, "Their child is five years old?"

Rong Xuan'er seemed to have received a fatal blow.

She has loved Li Yanbei since she was a child and dreamed of becoming Li Yanbei's bride.

But every year when the two parties meet, Li Yanbei is always very distant from her.

Let her never get close.

Yesterday she heard that he was going to get married, so she begged Li Fangni to bring it back... She didn't expect that they even had children.

"Yeah! So, Miss Rong, it is not yours that is destined to be not yours. Don't force it." Aunt Li pointed to Li Ranran, who has been practicing drawing. "My dear, smart. cute."

Before, Li Fangni and Rong Xuan'er had been paying attention to Ji Youyou, not even noticing that there was a five-year-old baby in the corner.

The two of them stared at Li Ranran as if they had seen a ghost.

The little milk baby raised her head inexplicably, facing their gazes, she smiled fangs, showing two rows of white teeth, "Hello, this is Li Ranran."

Face hurts!

It hurts too much!

Rong Xuan'er suddenly felt that she was just a scene of laughter.

He ran all the way to chase the man, only to find that he not only had to get married, but also had a baby...

She turned black and almost fainted.

But soon, she reacted again, what about having children? As long as they don't give evidence for one day, Li Yanbei is free.

She has the right to pursue Li Yanbei.

Besides, this child is so old. They are not married yet. They must be married to Fengzi and want to give the child a complete family.

Li Yanbei didn't like Ji Youyou at all.

After a refreshing in her heart, she gave a smile that she thought was very elegant, "Baby, you are so cute."

As long as this evil kind disappears...

Ji Youyou will definitely not marry into Li's family!

At this moment, Rong Xuan'er had a terrible thought in his heart.

Fortunately, she came. If she didn't come, she didn't even know that Li Yanbei had children!

Not only her, but Li Fangni's heart also turned back and forth. Her family's wealth is huge. After she married to the Mo family of country M, it would be impossible for her to gain a foothold in the Mo family unless the Li family had helped her.

If Xuan'er could marry into the Li family, then the relationship between the Li and Mo family would definitely take a step forward. And now her eldest son is competing for the position of the head of the house, if there is the support of the Li family, it will definitely go smoother.

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