Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 620: Disturbance at the conference!

The Li family seemed a lot lively because of the arrival of Rong Xuan'er and Li Fangni, but the atmosphere became a little weird.

In this weirdness, Li Yanbei took Ji Youyou directly to the wedding company to talk about the wedding.

Rong Xuan'er and Li Fangni were not taken seriously.


The banquet hall on the 33rd floor of Beijing Dorsett Hotel.

The media reporters filled the entire venue, with long guns and short cannons waiting, almost all of them aimed at the stage in the center of the banquet hall.

There were not only reporters from the media, but also some fans who were present. The number of fans was unexpectedly high, and almost crowded the entire banquet hall into a bustling hustle and bustle.

Today is the finalized press conference of "Fake Daughter She is a Real Giant".

Soon, the time for the press conference was up. The host walked onto the stage and gave a polite opening remark, and then all the main creative staff were invited up.

Not only the director, deputy director, male and female lead actors, major supporting roles, and even some small supporting roles from corners and corners have also been invited up.

Bo Wenyu wore a simple white dress with a small white handbag in his hand. The long hair was loosely rolled up, two strands of slightly curly hair fell down, and the beautiful collarbone was looming. The skirt's hem was from high to high. The low arc, gracefully and slightly puffed up, revealing the young girl's white and slender legs like jade.

She only put on a light makeup, without any other jewellery on her body, but she looked pure and fresh, and she was naturally beautiful.

Another female protagonist, Wang Xinya, wore a long golden dress. The long skirt was dragged on the ground. The tailored fabric was affixed to the curve of the concave and convex figure. The hair was braided into gorgeous and complicated centipede braids with some lightness in it. The golden thread is very eye-catching.

What the media didn’t expect was that Xu Chen’s cameo was also here. He wore a black suit with a hint of blue in his hair. He was trendy and handsome. He had a pair of long legs with nowhere to put. People are greedy.

He was so handsome and well-dressed. When he walked out, the group of female fans instantly shouted and cheered.

"Xie Chen Xie Chen!"

"So handsome!"

Their voices were louder than ever.

Immediately afterwards, the male protagonist Jiang Xinfeng also walked out.

He only wore a white shirt with a chic style and fine texture. He was very clean and tidy. His face was beautifully illuminated by the spotlight, and his deep eyes were as bright as ever.

I don't know if it is because of the announcement of the relationship that he has the breath of a mature man.

He strolled to Bo Wenyu's side, smiled at the girl, and turned all sentient beings upside down.

"It's really jealous. He stood next to Bo Wenyu as soon as he arrived.

"Yes, what kind of perspective, how did you like her?"

"My male god!"

"Bo Wenyu is so ugly, without any temperament, she must have seduce his brother."

Several fans on stage are Jiang Xinfeng's only fans, and they are also local fans, and they often support Jiang Xinfeng.

In the hearts of these Weifen, Jiang Xinfeng is their favorite, everything about them.

Some time ago, when Jiang Xinfeng announced his love affair, they cried and made trouble, almost going crazy.

Now they are eagerly coming over to participate in the set-up press conference, and seeing the sweet looks of Jiang Xinfeng and Bo Wenyu deeply stimulates their eyeballs.

They pushed and shoved there, and there were some Xie Chen fans in front of them, mixed with Bo Wenyu fans.

Fans of Bo Wenyu heard them cursing Bo Wenyu softly there, and they were immediately angry.

"Your brother's voluntarily open love affair, he also talked about it, he took the initiative to pursue our family's language, and now you are here to be sour and sorrowful. What do you mean?"

A girl with a round face could not speak for Bo Wenyu in anger.

"Yeah! You just say grapes are sour if you can't eat grapes, right? That makes your brother fall in love with you if he doesn't announce his relationship."

This is really heartbreaking.

Many girlfriends have this kind of mentality, they are very possessive of their idols, and always feel that they are the true goddess of idols.

Jiang Xinfeng's fans turned green with anger. The girl in the lead was tall, tall and strong. She rolled up her sleeves and rushed towards the round-faced girl.

The round-faced girl was caught off guard and fell directly to the ground by her.

Suddenly, there was a commotion mixed with crazy screams.

"Lin Wei, Lin Wei!"

"You bitches!"

"You dare to pull my hair and hit!"

Suddenly messed up.

Yan Yidao, who was talking in front, said a few words at the beginning, and heard a strange commotion in the back. A group of girls were fighting together, and another girl was crying for help, "Ah! Don't step on me, it hurts! let me go!"

However, the fans around them were too crazy. They besieged the past like crazy, almost wanting these girls to be trampled to death to relieve their hatred.

Bo Wenyu glanced over and saw a girl about twenty years old fell to the ground, and her body was trampled crazily at this time. The girl was surrounded by several crazy girls. The constant beatings and the painful expression on her face made her look very bad.

Yan Yidao was also taken aback, and hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing? Come on! Security guard! Security guard!"

Xu Chen and Jiang Xinfeng also jumped off the stage and rushed towards the stage, "How can you fight in a place like this?"

"Are you crazy? She is injured!"

Xu Chen has martial arts, so he moved very quickly to the group of people. He quickly smashed away the female fans who had besieged the girl, and then just like lifting a chicken, he took the round-faced girl Mentioned from the inside.

Jiang Xinfeng also rushed over at this time, his face turned pale with anger, and he also recognized that these few female fans who made trouble and fight were some of his big fans.

Big fans often appear in the fan base, and they are always the most active to support, so Jiang Xinfeng has a bit of impression.

Bo Wenyu and Wang Xinya also ran over with their eyes facing each other. Bo Wenyu looked at the round-faced girl injured, her eyes were cold, and she roared, "What are you taking? Call an ambulance!"

Among the surrounding media who attended the scheduled press conference, none of them came to the rescue. Instead, they were still watching the excitement, and the cameras kept shooting around.

The man was so angry that he was shaking all over.

A good press conference turned out to be like this in the end, and these reporters even filmed it. If it spreads out, the movie "Fake Daughter Is a Real Giant" hasn't been released yet, so it will have a bad reputation.

Yan Yidao said with a headache, "Little girl, how are you? Is the injury serious?"

The girl was protecting her ribs. There was constant severe pain there, and it was probably broken.

Her round face turned pale, and she shook her head slowly, "I can bear it, but I just can't bear these people slandering and cursing Wen Yu."

Bo Wenyu was slightly startled, she didn't expect this girl to be her diehard fan.

She said guiltily, "Don't worry, I will pay for your medical expenses, and if you have any requirements, I will meet you."

After that, she looked at the girls who had beaten the round-faced girl coldly again, her voice was icy, "You apologize to her!"

The few Jiang Xinfeng's only fans were shocked when they met Bo Wenyu's stern gaze, and reluctantly apologized to the round-faced girl, "I'm sorry."

"I'm just sorry?" Jiang Xin was too angry and embarrassed. "What qualifications do you have to beat and abuse others? Bo Wenyu is the girl I like and my love! You curse her, you curse me. Falling in love is also my private business, why do you want to control me?"

He said more and more angry, "This matter can't be forgotten, if you tolerate it today, you will get worse tomorrow. I want to call the police and let the police handle it."

Only then did Wang Xinya speak, "I and Chen Chen have already reported to the police just now."

As soon as she finished speaking, a few heavily armed police rushed over and directly took away the girls who were fighting.

Those girls only realized that they were afraid now, and shouted, "We dare not, we will never dare again."

"Brother, we are all for you!"

"We love you!"

But Jiang Xinfeng was unmoved, "You support me and like me, I am very grateful. But you do such a wrong thing, I will not cover."

The police didn't show any mercy, so they just took it away.

It is estimated that he will be detained for five days in accordance with the law, punished, or fined.

The round-faced girl didn't expect that Bo Wenyu and Jiang Xinfeng would support her. She looked at them with emotion, "Thank you."

Yan Yidao wanted to stop the reporters on the scene from reporting the incident, but it was already too late.

Because the Weibo push has come.

# "Fake daughter, she is a real giant", there were fan fights at the press conference. #

#Fans are so crazy these years? #

#For your own idol big hit shot#

Yan Yidao closed his eyes, and said depressedly to these reporters, "Can you be merciful? Weibo directly hit the hot search."

There is no benefit to this kind of negative news.

I am afraid that it will also affect the reputation, including the reputation of the actors.

He was depressed, and finally pushed another one.

#江心风薄文语On-site demonstration of what is a real idol#


#正energy idols take the lead in supervision#

Yan Yi said: "?"

Is this wind direction changing too fast? Wasn't it still negative energy just now...

Why does this suddenly become positive energy?

A reporter chuckled, "Why are you afraid of Banquet?"

Yan Yidao didn't expect that they even sent photos of the girls who were taken away.

Netizens’ comments were almost positive, “I hate **** and girlfriends the most, like crazy.”

"A wave of fans of this kind should be punished severely."

"That girl was beaten so badly!"

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