Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 621: Ye Yanli will be executed at noon tomorrow!

Public opinion on the Internet has also become strange.

Many netizens have begun to denounce illegitimate children and some crazy fans, that disgusting practice.

On the contrary, fewer and fewer people pay attention to the scandal of fighting.

Tang Wanrou stood at the back of the crowd wearing a mask. She shrank into the corner to minimize her presence.

She was the first person to incite those fans before.

However, after the girls went mad, she immediately hid in the crowd, and saw that things were not moving in the direction she wanted, and she suddenly felt resentful.

Why Ruan Su didn't even come, but he could save the danger again.

After Yu Fangwei was expelled, Tang Tianxin and his marriage ended and they divorced directly.

Ruan Su's "Fake Daughter She Is a Real Giant" was immediately approved.

It's almost as fast as lightning.

The Tang family was very angry, especially Mrs. Tang and Tang Wanrou.

Why did they lose the madam and break the soldiers?

But Ruan Su is going smoothly to the end?

While everyone was interviewing Xu Chen and Jiang Xinfeng on the stage, Tang Wanrou slipped away quietly.

After leaving the press conference, she took the elevator directly to the underground garage and started the car to leave.

As he walked, he called Mrs. Tang, "It's really damn! Give this movie a wave of enthusiasm for free."

Madam Tang couldn't help but scold her, "You are so, why did you act without permission and didn't discuss with me? Originally, their fixed-term press conference was not splashy at all, and the hot searches were at the bottom. You ran over and did it. Bo Sao, the operation is fine, and I directly put them on the top of the hot search. All the hot search entries are from his movie. You must be mad at me."

Isn't this deliberately advertising Ruan Su's movie?

They also let the couple Jiang Xinfeng and Bo Wenyu show off their love, and helped them stabilize their personalities.


"Wan Rou, you have suffered a lot from this wave of operations."

"Mom..." Tang Wanrou felt even more uncomfortable after being analyzed by Mrs. Tang.

She was driving while talking on the phone, but she was distracted, and suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she saw a motor tricycle rushing out of the intersection.

"Ah!" She screamed, slammed on the brakes, hit the steering wheel, but only heard a "bang", and the car slammed into the flowerbed by the roadside!

The old man on the motor tricycle was also taken aback. He saw the car rushing past, but it slammed into the flowerbed by the roadside, and the cement on the flowerbed was smashed.

If this hits his car...

He must not die on the spot?

Madam Tang only heard a scream, her heart twitched instantly, "Wan Rou? Wan Rou? What happened to you? What happened?"

She rushed to the door in a panic, "Driver, driver! Quick, go!"

At this time, Tang Wanrou didn't hit the motor tricycle, but hit the flowerbed. The front face of the car was also deformed, and bursts of smoke were emitting.

Her forehead hit the windshield hard, and the moment she hit it, the airbag was also deployed.

The blood slid down her forehead and dripped onto the steering wheel. The intense pain made her feel that her internal organs were almost bursting.

She frowned, her eyes blurred, she tried to open the car door, but she couldn't use any effort.

Many passers-by and vehicles stopped to watch because of a car accident.

Some people have already called 120 for ambulances, and others have called 110 for the police.

About ten minutes later, the police and the ambulance arrived separately, and the old man also made a transcript and confirmed that he had no problems before letting him go.

When Mrs. Tang rushed to the hospital, it was already half an hour later.

She was standing in the corridor with a pale face. The police came and went for identification and investigation, and also called Tang Wanrou's driving recorder.

The final result was that she was making a phone call while driving, which caused a traffic accident.

She takes full responsibility for herself.

"Fortunately, there is no danger. If the old man is hit, it is him who is in danger now."

The police said to Mrs. Tang with a serious face.

Mrs. Tang was filled with anger when she heard this. While worrying about her daughter, she was angry, "Comrade police, how can you say that? It is my daughter who is rescuing in the emergency room now! If she has a long and short life, I won't let the old man go!"

"I walked well and crossed the road well. Your daughter rushed over by herself and hit the flower bed." The police were very irritated by Mrs. Tang's unreasonable spirit.

Mrs. Tang laughed angrily, "There is no traffic light at that intersection, so my daughter didn't run through the red light! If he doesn't rush out, my daughter will have a car accident?"

"He is to blame for all the reasons, because he shouldn't show up on that road! Shouldn't cross the road suddenly!"

The policeman was so angry that he said, "You are just unreasonably twisting three points."

"Forget it, let's go back first." Another policeman pulled his arm, and couldn't make any sense with this kind of woman.

At this moment, the door of the emergency room was opened and Tang Wanrou was pushed out.

"Wan Rou, Wan Rou, my goodness! Where's her hair? What did you do to her?" Madam Tang rushed over and shouted out in shock.

She stared at Tang Wanrou who was unconscious in front of her in disbelief, "Why do you quack doctors treat my daughter this way?"

I saw Tang Wanrou lying quietly on the hospital bed, and her black hair was shaved to pieces, and the top of her head was almost shaved, leaving only a circle of hair under her head. Madam Tang was almost dizzy with anger. past.

She is a good daughter, why did she go out and circle around and become like this?

How will Tang Wanrou meet people in the future?

The doctor glanced impatiently at Madam Tang's shrew-like face. They were rescued in the emergency room for a long time without a word of thanks. They came up to express their anger?

"Lady, your daughter's head is injured, and the wound must be stitched up. To stitch the wound up, she must shave her hair, otherwise the blood can't stop, and it's your daughter who suffers."

A nurse gave a reasonable explanation for Mrs. Tang.

After explaining, they continued to push Tang Wanrou towards the ward.

"She has been out of danger, with only some skin injuries, which are not serious. Observe for 12 hours first. If the patient is awake, remember to call us."

The doctor explained some precautions, turned around and left.

Mrs. Tang fell down on a chair in the ward in despair. Why did things turn out to be like this?


Presidential Palace of Country M.

A beautiful and sassy woman led a group of cabinet members towards the office of the president.

The woman wore a fiery red professional suit with a pair of red high heels on her feet. She was beautiful and moving, and her aura was impressive.

"Your Excellency Secretary of State, this time we have conclusive evidence about the Ye family's affairs, but the President has been reluctant to give orders." A middle-aged man said to the woman, nodding his head and bowing his waist.

There was quite a bit of criticism about the Ye Family's affairs.

"Ye Weili was punishable by his sins, and as the first son of the earl, he did such a frenzied thing, which is shocking."

Another man said angrily with a cold face.

"Yes, we need to write to the president immediately, let him order the sanctions against the Ye family, and shoot Ye Weili!"

Among these people are from other families, some are Ye Family's old enemies, and some are not pleasing to the Ye Family's eyes.

Ye Jiashu is a big fan, and has been a hero for generations, in charge of the Air Force Ministry.

Many people have long been jealous.

In the past, Ye Lili didn’t want to make progress, and only wanted to be an artist in music. They thought that the Ye family would decline, but they never thought, but Ye Lili chose to join the Air Force in the end, and continued to advance step by step, making impressive achievements. come out.


People have to guard against.

Jing Sa gave a low laugh, red lips fired, and a pair of big charming eyes revealing a trace of strong seduction.

She was already very pretty and eye-catching, and with this flaming red lips makeup, even if she was in her forties, she still maintained it as if she was only in her early thirties.

"I will report this to the president, everyone stays safe. When I meet the president, what should be said and what should not be said, I believe you know what you have in mind."

With that, her figure had stopped in front of the president's office.

She did not move, and a man behind her hurriedly stepped forward, bending over to help her knock on the door.

"Enter!" A calm voice came from inside.

Jing Sa reached out and opened the door of the room, then stepped in.

The sound of high heels hit the ground, making a clear sound.

The spacious office is very bright, and a middle-aged man sits behind a large desk.

He raised his head slowly to meet Jing Sa's beautiful face, rubbing his eyebrows tiredly, "Are you here?"

"Your Excellency. Is your head hurt again?" Jing Sa walked up to him, then walked around behind the desk, two slender fingers painted with red curtan gently stroked the man's temples, kneading with great strength. stand up.

Seeing this scene, the cabinet members all bowed their heads.

Secretary of State Jing Sa has a good relationship with the President, which is a well-known thing.

After all, they are relatives. The husband of the Secretary of State is the younger brother of the President, a great minister of the country, and a first-class martyr who sacrificed for the country.

After massaging for a while, Jing Sa released his hands and asked softly, "Is it better?"

The President sighed, "It's much more comfortable."

He glanced at Jing Sa, his eyes full of fatigue, "You are here for the Ye Family's business, right?"

Jing Sa smiled charmingly, "Everything is up to your decision. Ye Weili's crime, no matter what... the law is not merciful."

She spoke very vaguely, not so clearly.

But everyone knew what she was talking about.

The President sighed again, and at this moment he suddenly seemed much older. Pass a document to Jing Sa and pass it on.

Jing Sa raised his eyebrows, picked up the file and opened it. There were only a few large characters on it, "Ye Yanli, tomorrow noon, execution!"

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