Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 623: Disappear like Miss Ye Family!

Mrs. Ye raised her head and looked at the woman, blood pouring continuously down her forehead.

She didn't seem to feel the pain, and there was a faint blood in the air.

"Secretary of State Jing."

Jing Sa shook his head and looked at the **** people like the Ye Family with a little regret, "Why? Crime is a crime. It can be exonerated by such an extreme method? It's too naive, isn't it?"

"My son did not commit a crime, and my Ye family did not commit a crime!" Even though her face was covered with blood, Mrs. Ye was still arrogant. Although she was not tall and tall, she had a straight back.

She raised her chin slightly, even though she was embarrassed, the countess's momentum was still fully displayed by her.

She stood proudly in the severe cold like the winter plum in the waxy moon.

The wind can't fall, the ice can't fall.

Jing Sa hated the disgusting character of the Ye family most.

Whether it was Ye Yanjin back then, or Ye Mili today, their Ye family members have this inexplicable sense of glory and mission.

There is also a sense of nobility and pride.

The more proud and glorious they are, the more she wants to destroy!

Destroy everything they are proud of!

There seemed to be a wild beast roaring in her heart, constantly clamoring and urging.

Let it all be destroyed!

A genius from Ye Yanjin's family, isn't it still perished? Isn't it still missing? Don't you still never come back?

Ha ha ha ——

Today's Ye Family is just like Ye Yanjin back then, the glory is gone forever!

Never come back again!

Never come back!

Jing Sa laughed lowly, that beautiful and charming face looked so gentle and so delicate, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Look at these embarrassed and miserable Ye family, this is really unspeakable joy!

Mrs. Ye's pale lips trembled slightly, and her weather-beaten eyes stared at Jing Sa for a long time.

A cold wind hit her, and she only felt a chill in her back.

"My Excellency Secretary of State, our Ye family is embarrassed at this time, which does not mean that we are always embarrassed. Others think that my Ye family has been nailed to the pillar of shame, but my Ye family’s loyal soul is telling everyone, no! No! My Ye family is innocent. of!"

She stood at the gate of the Presidential Palace, cling to her bones! Sobbing blood!

She glanced at Jing Sa and walked towards the tall and elegant woman, "When my old lady went on the battlefield, the Secretary of State was not born yet!"

Jing Sa narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you want to do?"

This old woman was so arrogant that she had already reached this point, and Ye Family had no chance of turning over again.

She can still be so arrogant!

damn it!

Mrs. Ye sneered, she didn't know where she suddenly took out a dagger, "I know that the Secretary of State is busy with official duties, so there is no time to stop my old lady."

The dagger was glowing with cold light, and it reached Madam Ye's neck.

"So, if the Secretary of State continues to stop me, I will die in front of you immediately."

Jing Sa's face turned gloomy in an instant, her charming and charming face glowed with misty brilliance in the sun, and the brilliance seemed to be enveloped by a layer of cold light.

If the old woman died in front of her, then her image of the national goddess...

Her red lips were like fire, and she whispered, "Lao Madam Ye, please take care of yourself."

Threatening her with suicide, do you really think her Jing Sa is scared?

Lao Madam Ye watched Jing Sa stand in front of her, her heart froze, and she raised her dagger high and was about to stab her in the neck.

At this moment, there was a "bang"!

A stone severely hit the dagger in Mrs. Ye's hand, and the dagger fell to the ground.

Rolled down on the ground a few times before stopping.

Everyone was shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Jing Sa raised his head fiercely, his eyes were somewhat cold and fierce, "Who? Pretending to be a ghost here!"

"I save the person I want to save, can't I?"

A cold voice came from the shadow of the corner.

Everyone saw a cold and tall woman slowly stepping out, the sun was shining on her, and her beautiful and eye-catching face caught everyone's eyes.

After seeing her face clearly, Jing Sa's pupils suddenly shrank into pinpoint wheat.

Ruan Su!

Why is she here?

Ruan Su wore a black shirt with a slender and white neck. The black shirt was very dazzling under his fair skin. The lower body was a pair of black trousers. On his feet were a pair of black casual shoes. The color looks very fit, with a strong aura in a low-key.

A tall man walked out slowly behind her. The man wore a black suit. He was magnificent and handsome, especially the long and narrow eyes with a deep and sharp cold light.

Be thin!

The man put his hand in his pocket, and his gaze sweeping towards Jing Sa was extremely cold. He slowly pulled his hand out of his pocket and raised a token, "Can we go in now?"

Jing Sa suppressed the surprise in his heart, and a smile appeared on his beautiful face, with a hint of contempt in the smile, "I did not expect this token to appear in the hands of Bo Shao. I, the Secretary of State, seem to be worthy of it. Extremely incompetent!"

The corners of the handsome man’s lips draw a curve, "The Secretary of State doesn’t know more than this, there are many more!"

After that, he stepped on his slender legs and walked to the old lady Ye, "Old lady, the Ye family was wronged, don't worry."

He looked at the watch in his hand again, it was 11:30 noon, "Now there is half an hour before noon, it must be too late."

After he finished speaking, he strode towards the courtyard of the presidential palace.

Ruan Su looked at his back, and it took a while before he looked back.

She didn't know why he had the token representing the president's aunt. She always thought that the two had seen each other frankly and had no secrets.

Unexpectedly, he still had such a token.

Anyone who holds that token can freely enter and exit the presidential palace.

After learning that Ye Weili was executed at noon, the two of them rushed to Ye's apartment, but they were empty.

No need to think about it and know that the Ye family must have come to the presidential palace, they chased them non-stop.

Bo Xingzhi entered the presidential palace, Jing Sa glanced at everyone in the Ye family, and finally his eyes fell on Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, I found that you are very interesting. No matter what it is, it has nothing to do with you or not. You all like to get in. Are you not afraid of running into a ghost in the dark?"

When Ruan Su heard Jing Sa's words, she raised her eyebrows, and a faint smile appeared on a face that was a little more beautiful than Jing Sa's face, "Secretary of State Jing is not afraid, why should I be afraid?"

Jing Sa stroked his long hair and took a breath.

This Ruan Su really has the ability to be annoying.

She is a slut, a trash, how can she compare herself to herself?

She is the high-ranking secretary of state, what is a bitch? It's just mud on the ground!

You can let her step on it.

She shouldn't have given Ruan Su a chance to that this little **** is so arrogant now...

I'm still too soft-hearted...

The benevolence of women is no good!

She thought so, her eyes filled with icy light.

But Ruan Su didn't seem to feel the same, she glanced at Jing Sa calmly, and then began to inspect Mrs. Ye's injury.

She didn't quite understand that this was the first time she and Jing Sa met, and they had never complained or hatred. Why did this woman look at her with an inexplicable weirdness.

She lowered her head, took the medicine box from Song Yan's hand, and took out the medicinal liquor, "The wound is not deep, so don't do stupid things anymore. There is always a solution to everything."

Mrs. Ye did not expect that she and Bo Xingzhi would come over.

She slowed down and shook Ruan Su's hand with her backhand. "He said there is a way to save Tien Li, is it true?"

Ruan Su nodded, "He doesn't lie, and I don't lie."

Mrs. Ye's eyes lit up, looking at her hopefully, "Really?"


Mrs. Ye closed her eyes, tears slid down her cheeks again, "My Ye family's direct descendant now only dislikes one...If he goes again, how can I be worthy of the ancestors in the future. My family Yanjin has been so many years old. , I don’t know where I went, I don’t know whether it’s life or death..."

Her head was dizzy, but she kept gritting her teeth.

There is always a belief in her heart, that is... she must wait for the news of Ye Yanli.

Elder Ye fell to the ground, drenched with sweat.

There is blood on his head and face, how can there be any glory and image of being an earl?

He didn't take care of it, and stumbled to Mrs. Ye's side and hugged her in his arms, "Old lady, we must wait for our son... Our Ye family can't die."

Many people in the Ye family couldn't help but start sobbing.

A rumbling of thunder resounded across the sky, and the previous sun was shining and now it was clouded with clouds.

In a moment, the pouring rain poured down.

In the heavy rain, Jing Sa stood inside the gate of the Presidential Palace, looking at the rain curtain at the gate.

Inside the rain curtain, everyone in the Ye family stood quietly in the rain, letting the rain wash them. They are like iron men without feeling.

The blood on their bodies fell to the ground along the rain, and the small gutters on the ground were all dyed red.

A shocking sense of tragedy overflowed from everyone's eyes, and no one spoke.

Ruan Su took Song Yan to help the Ye family's wounds. Fortunately, everyone had some skin injuries, which were not serious.

Inside the president's office.

The atmosphere is depressed and stagnant.

The middle-aged man raised his head and looked at the young man standing in front of him. He was tall and handsome, with long narrow eyes looking at him without any emotion.

The crackling rain outside the window slammed the glass windows frantically, leaving a meandering mist on the transparent glass.

"For so many years, this is the first time you have come to see me on the initiative."

The president's voice was exhausted and desolate, "I never thought that you saw me because it was for the Ye family."

He put his hands on the table, as if enduring a huge emotional swing.

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