"If I can, I would rather never see you for the rest of my life."

The man's cold voice echoed in the office.

The rain outside the window was intense, crackling.

But his voice was very clear and cold, bitterly cold.

"I... I used to..." The president opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by Bo Xingzhi's cold voice, "I don't want to hear you talk about the past. This is the case of Ye Fanli. Evidence, the Ye family is innocent."


The President was taken aback and looked at the documents Bo Xingzhi had just put on the table.

"You can tell at a glance."

Bo Xingzhi's expression is still very cold.

The president opened the folder with trembling hands, and then turned it page by page.

About five minutes later, he finally closed the last page.

He sighed for a long time, his majestic gaze fell on Bo Xingzhi, his gaze was heavy, and it took a long time to speak, "It's okay to pardon the Ye Family, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and he knew that this man couldn't easily agree.

The president looked at him silently, "You come back to me."

"Impossible!" Bo Xingzhi almost blurted out.

The president stood up. He walked to Bo Xingzhi's face, keeping his eyes on the expression on the opponent's face, "In ten minutes, Ye Yanli will be executed. You can think about it."

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyelids to look at him, "You mean!"

"It was you who abandoned me in the first place, and now it is you who want me to come back. Do you regard me as rubbish? Or a dog? Call it and leave it?"

There was a strong chill and resentment on his handsome face.

"You are the president, and my mother is just one of the many women around you. Isn't it because she doesn't have strong maternal support, so...you will treat me and my mother cruelly."

"You are so aloof, who is there in your heart? Are you asking me to come back now? What do you want to plot from me?"

Hearing his accusations, the president felt uncomfortable in his eyes, "I... I have a last resort."

"Bitterness? Are you funny?" Bo Xingzhi sneered, "I don't have to save Ye and get tired of it. I just don't want good people to be wronged and justice absent."

"You are holding me this pitiful righteous heart to threaten me. Is this the strength and integrity that you should have as the supreme leader of the nation?"

The president was blushed and white when he was shocked by the words of Bo Xingzhi.

After a while, he let out a long breath, "You go."

As he spoke, he picked up the phone on the desk and said, "Not guilty and released. The judicial department issued an announcement calling the world to pardon the Ye family, restore the title, and lift the ban on Ye's Manor."

Hearing his call, Bo Xingzhi turned around and strode away without attachment, not even a single look in his eyes.

The president looked at his back and murmured, "Soon...you will be back by yourself. I believe that day will not be too far away."


Inside the imperial prison.

A short-inch prison guard was already preparing for the shooting. He was holding a machine gun in his hand and was carefully wiping it with a clean soft cloth.

This is the ceremony before each execution of his shooting.

He wiped his eyes and they began to moist. "When I first joined the army, I was in the Air Force Department. I was just a logistics soldier. Now... At that time, I was just a recruit and my family was poor. A group of recruits are going to exercise, and my mother is seriously ill again. It was the Ye family who gave me some subsidies to help my mother see a doctor..."

"But now, I have to personally execute the shooting to the benefactor..."

A fat prison guard came over and patted him on the shoulder, "It's really not possible, I'll go today. You will do it for me when the queue arrives next time."

"Hey--" The short-inch head prison guard shook his head and wiped the tears that overflowed, "I'll go and send Ye Shao one last time."

He stood up, picked up the gun, and walked out. As a result, after two steps, the warden rushed over in a hurry, "No need to go, no need to go..."

In the cell at this time, Ye Yanli changed into the most decent prison uniform early in the morning.

He didn't expect that the day he was executed would come so quickly, so fast that he hadn't had time to upgrade to diamonds.

He is not reconciled, but what if he is not reconciled any more?

He sat blankly in his position, staring at the narrow window not far away.

The whole cell was dark and heavy, with the breathing of other prisoners, and Xiaoguang's low crying.

He kept crying, "Master, if you really leave, what can you do?"

"Why don't God have eyes? Obviously you were wronged..."

Ye Yanli got a headache because of the quarrel, "Don't cry. Isn't it just death? People are mortal, but it's just a matter of time."

He thought he would fear death and hate death.

But when he really faced this moment, he found himself very calm.

He was so calm that he himself couldn't believe it.

Except... he was not reconciled.

He is really unwilling.

He thought that he died on the battlefield, that he died in a flight accident, and that he died in an airplane experiment just like the martyrs sacrificed by the Ye family before...

But he never thought that he was executed so unjustly.

He is always thinking about a question, who is harming the Ye family?

Who wants to eradicate the Ye family?

Seeing that the time was approaching 12 o'clock, but... no prison guard came to open the door.

Xiaoguang wiped the tears from her face, "The prison guard did not come...Master, don't you have to die?"

Ye Yanli's pale face was almost bloodless, and his forehead still had scars from the last duel.

He glanced at the time, "Maybe... there was an accident?"

After all, someone robbed the prison, right?

He was thinking so, and there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the cell door slapped and was opened from the outside.

"Ye Yanli, Ye Guang, come out!"

Xiao Guang grabbed Ye Yali's arm, "Master, don't... don't go out."

"What are you going to do? The president ordered me to be shot down. Why do you want to catch Xiaoguang?" Ye Yanli stared at the warning coldly. It doesn't matter if he is dead, he should keep Xiaoguang for whatever he said. Too small...

There is still a great life and future waiting.

"What are you going to die? You two were acquitted." The prison guard couldn't help smiling at both of them, and said respectfully, "Ye Shao, please."

"Not guilty?" Ye Yanli was stunned.

He didn't react for a moment.

Xiao Guang was also taken aback, "Are you lying to us?"

The prison guard laughed again, "Don't believe it! Hey, you old lady and the old man of the Ye family brought more than 30 people to the front of the presidential palace to make trouble. Mrs. Ye is really a woman who doesn't let the eyebrows! Take a head to the door. Hit!"

"Yes, the whole empire knows about this. Everyone in the Ye family went to hit the door with their heads, and there was blood on the ground."

"I heard that in the end a couple arrived in time with some evidence. Hey, you should go home and ask for details. I don't know if your family members are injured or not."

The warning was relaxed and relaxed, but the two people who didn't know it were shocked.

Ye Yanli's heart throbbed with his words.


Father... Clan...

The tails of his eyes were scarlet, and his always graceful face glowed hideously. He pushed the guard away and rushed towards the outside.

He ran so fast that Xiao Guang could hardly catch up outside.

As soon as he slept unimpeded, he ran out frantically.

Running all the way to the gate of the prison, the guard saw that he did not stop him, and directly opened the heavy iron gate.

He rushed out like crazy, but stopped abruptly.

Outside the gate of the prison, two old men stood there holding a **** umbrella under the mad rain.

That is the face of familiar parents.

They are waiting for him.

Been waiting for him.

"Dad! Mom!"

He screamed and rushed towards Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye.

Kneeled into the torrential rain with a plop.

The roar of pain is like a wounded beast, "I'm sorry!"

"Stupid boy, get up, go home and say." Father Ye hurriedly helped his son, "Let's go."

Mrs. Ye also nodded, and said to Xiaoguang who was chasing behind her, "Xiaoguang, thank you."

"The old lady is polite." Xiaoguang said quickly.

Opening the car door, Ye Yanli got into the car, and his body was warmed by the rain.

It was the former driver of the Ye family who drove the car steadily in the downpour. He took a cup of hot water.

"Drink some hot water."

Mrs. Ye handed him a glass of water.

After half an hour, the car steadily stopped in the garage of Yejia Manor.

While walking on the road, the two old men had already told him exactly what had happened recently.

His heart was full of shock, and he did not expect that it was Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi who saved him in the end.

They...are only slightly affectionate, not so deep.

"The two of them are great benefactors to our family!" Mrs. Ye opened the door as she said, "However, the two evil spirits, Li Meixing and Ruan Fangfang, have been executed by the president."

"Executed?" Ye Yanli was taken aback.

"Executed yesterday." Mrs. Ye got out of the car and looked at the re-opened manor, still the same as when their Ye family left.

At this time, the rain had fallen slightly, and there was a green and vibrant look everywhere.

"They did both bad things, mother and daughter, which caused our Ye family to end up like this. It was just a simple execution, which would be too cheap for them." Ye Nianli said bitterly, and he hated the mother and daughter in his heart.

At the beginning, they blamed the Ye Family for being blind, but for actually recognizing the counterfeit pair and summoning them to almost exterminate the clan.

"Back?" At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the door of the living room of the villa.

Ye Yanli raised his eyes and saw the extremely beautiful woman standing there looking at him from a distance. Behind the woman is a handsome tall man who walks in the shadows.

Five one plus one more chapter~~~ Happy, darlings.

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