Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 627: Destroy her! Slap!

"Let's stay here for a few more days. Let my old lady have a few more days of intimacy with you." Mrs. Ye smiled kindly at Ruan Su, "Our Ye family is destined for you! It's a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes. Met you and Bo Shao."

Ye family turned bad luck, although he said that he had not restored his former glory, but now his innocence is at his head, but it is a happy event.

At this moment, a handsome man came over.

It attracted the attention of many people in an instant.

The man smiled at Ruan Su, "Hello, I'm Fu Yiheng, Ye Shao's friend, I came here to congratulate him when he knew he was released from prison."

Today, not only the Ye family members, but also some friends of Ye Mili in country M who came to meet Ye Milili's dust, Fu Yiheng is one of them.

Ruan Su looked back at the man and raised his eyebrows, "Hello. Anything?"

Fu Yiheng was stunned for a moment. Normal women are accosted by handsome guys. Isn't it this kind of reaction?

But soon, he reacted, "I heard Ye Shao say that there is a beautiful guest at home, and I heard that you are still the car **** S? I am a fan of the car god, and I watched every game, but you were wearing Helmet, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful when you took off the helmet."

Ruan Su still looked very cold, "I see, do you have anything else?"

Fu Yiheng was a little surprised, why is this woman different from what Ye Xiaozi said?

But after thinking about it, he thought Ruan Su was pretending to be reserved and trying to get caught. "I run a record company and I am discovering some capable singers. Miss Ruan, you have such a good looks, are you interested in trying it? "

He thought that Ruan Su would be more excited by throwing out his identity, but... he was disappointed again.

Ruan Su was still very calm, "Not interested."

Fu Yiheng: "..."

But he didn't think too much, it must be a woman who had never seen anything in the world.

So he continued, "It’s like this. If you are not interested in singing, you can still act. I know a few friends who are producers and directors. I can recommend them to you. You have such a good appearance. And red."

He didn't put Ruan Su in his eyes at all. Isn't he just a more beautiful woman, what is special? His real goal is actually the Ye family sisters. The two Ye family sisters are the daughters of the Ye family.

Are you still worried about the instability of his relationship with the Ye family in the future?

I heard that the two sisters want to enter the entertainment industry, and it is not impossible to make a debut with a combination or something.

So this time Ye Xiaozi asked him to do a little favor, and he immediately agreed.

Just bewitch this woman to be obedient...

He thought of this and continued, "Why don't we go to a separate place for a chat, Miss Ruan? Can we take a step to talk? After all, there are too many people here, so noisy."

After speaking, his face continued to smile, looking very gentle and harmless.

Ruan Su glanced at Fu Yiheng, showing a relaxed and sweet expression, as if she was a girl who had no defense against others.

Her red lips lightly opened, "Okay, why don't we go for a walk in the garden outside? After all, the air is good there and the scenery is good. You go there and wait for me first, I'll be there in a while."

Hearing Ruan Su's answer, Fu Yi nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, then I will wait for you first. You must come."

This was almost as he expected, so he thought it was pretty good.

In the corner at this time, Ye Xiaozi was pulling Ye Xiaozhi and saying to a man, "Cousin, didn't you always want to meet a beautiful woman? Let's introduce one to you."

Ye Beitang didn't bother to pay attention to the two cousins ​​who suddenly came out so enthusiastic. He also called Ye Yanli, his little uncle. The relationship with the sisters is normal, not very close.

However, he has just fallen out of love recently and is in a bad mood.

Ye Xiaozi thought about it as soon as he heard about it today.

Ye Beitang was upset, frowned, looked at the two younger sisters who were holding his arm from side to side, and said very rudely, "Let go, I am not interested in any beauties. If you don't want me to make trouble, just let go."

Ye Xiaozi was taken aback by the look in Ye Beitang's eyes, and she hurriedly withdrew her hand, "I thought you were in a bad mood, so I would help you."

Ye Beitang was too lazy to pay attention to her. His eyes searched for a while, but he didn't see Ye Yanli, so he asked Ye Xiaozi casually, "Did you see my uncle?"

Ye Xiaozi smiled, "I just saw my uncle's direction to the garden, he should be there."

Ye Beitang didn't think too much, turned around and walked quickly towards the garden.

Ye Xiaozi looked at his back, a sneer appeared on the corners of his lips.

"Sister, let's go there too."

Ye Xiaozhi hesitated, "Let's not pass it."

After all, it's a good show, but the past... a bit too much, right?

In the garden at this time, Ruan Suzheng and Fu Yiheng were talking, "Mr. Fu, look at the sky!"

Fu Yiheng subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky, only to plop! He actually fell to the ground.

Before he could react, a handkerchief with a smell of Mongolian sweat medicine actually covered his face, mouth and nose.

He was stunned, he gradually lost his strength, and finally closed his eyes.

Sisters Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi quietly followed behind Ye Beitang, only to see Ruan Su standing alone under a big tree, as if looking at the scenery?

Where's Fu Yiheng?


Why is Ruan Su alone?

Ye Xiaozhi had an unpleasant premonition in her heart, but she forced herself to calm down, "Xiao Zi, didn't you mean to find a famous Fu Yiheng? What about others?"

Ye Xiaozi was also a little confused, "Maybe he hasn't come here yet?"

"Why don't we go find it separately?" Ye Xiaozhi said as he walked in the other direction.

Ye Xiaozi had to go to the other end.

Ye Xiaozhi was thinking absentmindedly as he walked. Could it be that this matter is going to be unsuccessful?

Still something went wrong?

She was thinking so, and someone patted her on the shoulder, "Miss Ye."

As soon as she turned her head, someone covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. She was shocked and wanted to resist, but she could only make a "oooooo-" sound.

She only felt a strong arm drag her tightly, dragging her inside.

Gradually, she closed her eyes.

Ruan Su glanced at the drowsy Ye Xiaozhi, kicked her up, and she fell asleep deeply, without any reaction at all.

Without any pity, she said to Song Yan, who had fainted Ye Xiaozhi just now, "Put her and Fu Yiheng together."

Song Yan immediately understood, dragged Ye Xiaozhi and threw it into the bushes on one side, still in a superimposed posture, which looked very ambiguous. She took out two more pills from the bag and stuffed them into their mouths.

It happened that Ye Beitang and Ye Xiaozi came over together.

Ruan Su gave a low smile, and from the corner of her eyes she saw the brother and sister not far away, she winked at Song Yan, and Song Yan immediately hid it.

She hurriedly left here with a cat waist.

Song Yan asked her in a low voice, "Miss Ruan, what did you eat for them?"

"Pharmaceuticals." Ruan Su smiled evilly. "If I don't make a move, and now I lie there in the jungle, it will be me and a strange man who are fighting."

Fortunately, her bag has always contained all kinds of drugs, which finally came in handy.

"The last two pills will wake them up soon after swallowing them, and then get excited. But after venting out, there will be nothing, and there will be no negative effects."

Song Yan tutted twice, "They are making and feeling their own way."

At this time, the two of them had already hid in a secret corner, waiting quietly.

The effects of the two medicines are working, but it is impossible to fully wake up within a minute or two. The two will gradually wake up, and then start...

The couple wanted to frame her, and now she backhanded the army, it is really impossible to deserve sympathy. Finally, Ruan Su quietly glanced at Fu Yiheng and Ye Xiaozhi in the grass, then turned and left. "Let's go and go back to the hall."

At this time, Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye were looking for Ruan Su everywhere, and Aunt Ye and Ye Lifeng were also looking for their two daughters.

But no matter where the person is.

Ye Xiaozi and Ye Beitang looked around, and Ye Beitang was a little irritated, "You sisters said that my uncle was in the garden, why didn't I see it?"

"I don't know, maybe he's back to the living room again." Ye Xiaozi smiled faintly. She originally wanted to let Ye Beitang run into the scandal of Fu Yiheng and Ruan Su, and then asked Ye Beitang to return to Mrs. Ye to file a complaint...

Let everyone know...

As a result, why didn't you see Fu Yiheng and Ruan Su?

So far, even Ye Xiaozhi has disappeared.

"Forget it, why don't we go back to the hall." Ye Beitang said as he turned and walked into the hall.

Ye Xiaozi had no choice but to keep up, but as soon as he entered the hall, he ran into Ye Mianli, "Have you seen Xiaozhi and Miss Ruan? And Fu Yiheng? The family banquet is about to begin."

When Ye Beitang saw Ye Yanli, he immediately smiled, "Uncle."

Ye Yanli nodded, "Beitang, have you graduated from college recently? What plans do you have in the future?"

"I want to join the army." Ye Beitang began to explain what he meant, "Uncle, can I follow you in the future?"

"I don't know if I can resume my post. If you want to go to the Air Force Department, I can say hello to my former subordinates." Ye Yanli still takes good care of the planning of the younger generation.

"Thank you, Uncle." Ye Beitang nodded happily, "Now we are going to find Xiaozhi together?"

"Okay, let's go!" Ye Yanli said and walked outside. Ye Xiaozi looked at Ye Beitang a little jealously. He was not just a boy, so he was able to get the favor of the younger uncle, and he was able to be taken care of by the younger uncle. .

Thinking like this in her heart, she had no choice but to follow in the footsteps of the two again.

As Ye Xiaozi walked, he led the two toward the arranged positions of Fu Yiheng and Ruan Su.

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