Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 628: Shame on the doorstep! So hungry?

Ye Xiaozi thought as she walked, Xiaozhi must be there, so she hasn't come back yet.

It must be true. If this matter goes out, Ruan Su’s reputation will be stinky, and Bo Xingzhi will definitely abandon her at that time, and there will be no high-quality men with her at that time.

You and Xiaozhi can do whatever they want with her.

Maybe she would kneel down to beg herself and Xiaozhi.

The more Ye Xiaozi thought about it, the more proud she was in her heart.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was so smart and came up with such a great strategy.

A few of them didn't see Ye Xiaozhi, Fu Yiheng, or Ruan Su even after turning around.

"What's the matter? What about this person?" Ye Yanli frowned. He always felt something was strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

At this moment, Ye Xiaozi suddenly said, "I seem to hear something."

Ye Beitang also stopped, "It seems that I have heard it too."

Ye Yanli frowned, "It seems to have come from here, maybe there are some wild cats?"

"I'll know it by looking at it." Ye Xiaozi said as she stripped away the grass. As a result... she was stunned when she saw two familiar figures on the grass.

It's just that she hasn't reacted yet, Ye Yanli and Ye Beitang have already got together.

The two men were shocked by everything in front of them!

I saw a pair of men and women hugging each other enthusiastically, kissing wildly, and doing various large-scale movements while kissing.

Ye Yanli was so angry that his liver hurts, "Ye Xiaozhi, you are too shameless, do you want to be shameless? You just like Fu Yiheng, can you be with him openly, why are you doing such a shame here? matter?"

Ye Beitang also blurted out in shock, "You two are too hungry, right? Broad daylight, fighting in such a place?"

Ye Xiaozi was dizzy with anger, and she was so angry that she pulled the two away, "Sister, what's the matter with you? Why are you doing this?"

She was about to cry.

Why did Ye Xiaozhi fall into her trap in the end?

Where is Ruan Su? Where did Ruan Su go?

Ye Xiaozi's head is full of question marks, she really doesn't know what to do now!

She glared at Ye Xiaozhi and Fu Yiheng, raised her hand and slapped Fu Yiheng on the face, "What are you rubbish? You dare to miss my sister?"

Fu Yiheng raised his eyes dazedly to look at Ye Xiaozi, but he hasn't reacted until now.

But Ye Yanli was so angry that he almost fainted now, which was too embarrassing. How hungry is this Fu Yiheng to commit such a scandal when sitting in other people's homes? How hungry you can't choose food?

He has never liked this Fu Yiheng very much. Although he runs a record company, he has been tainted with the impetuous atmosphere of many entertainment circles.

The one who plays every day is called a flower, and that is called a chaos.

Today I’m not playing with Internet celebrities, and tomorrow I’m playing with young models.

Such a man with a messy private life is still having such a messy scene with the young lady of the Ye family here.

It's just too shocking.

On the contrary, Ye Beitang looked strange.

The two sisters Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi had been in love several times before, and Ye Beitang was quite clear about the fact that the circle was so big, who was with whom and who didn’t know?

This pair of sisters just didn't write all their thoughts on their faces, wandering between men in various ways, wishing to marry a wealthy and become a wealthy young grandmother immediately.

It's just too irritating, so hungry and unbearable? Do you have to do this kind of thing at this time and this place?

He and Fu Yiheng did such a scandal.

Even if you are shameless, does the Ye family still have shame?

This is the Ye Family, right? This Fu Yiheng was too shameless, and too disrespectful of the Ye family.

At this time, Ye Xiaozhi and Fu Yiheng also woke up, their faces turned green.

He was calculated, he was calculated by the woman.

When he thinks that he has been calculated and framed by a weak woman, his whole person is not good.

It seems that he really underestimated that woman.

He stood up with anger, then tidyed up his clothes. He still looked like that personable record company boss, "Ye Shao, I'm sorry, this kind of thing happened, I'll take a step ahead."

Ye Xiaozhi only realized what was going on now. She blushed with anger and her neck was thick, and couldn't help crying, "You can't go, you bullied me, why can you pat your **** and leave?"

Fu Yiheng stopped, he turned his head and looked at Ye Xiaozhi, "Miss Ye, what is going on today, do you have to make it clear? If I make it clear, are you really afraid?"

Ye Xiaozhi was angry and anxious, her reputation was ruined now, especially in front of Ye Yanli, this man still had this attitude.

It's too shameless.

She grabbed Fu Yiheng's hand, and then looked at Ye Mili with tears, "Uncle, it must be Ruan Su who framed me and Fu Shao, must call the shots for you!"

Ye tired of irritability, he sneered, feeling that he was too disappointed with Ye Xiaozhi, "Miss Ruan has never been here, did you lie without drafting it? Opening your mouth is framed? Ruan Su I'm so full that I can run to frame you? You don't look in the mirror to see what you are?"

How could his Ye family have such a stupid person?

Ye Xiaozhi was mad with anger, she was dizzy with anger, only feeling a puff of blood rushing to her forehead continuously.

She was so humiliated, and now she is still being reprimanded by Ye Yanli.

She walked quickly towards Fu Yiheng, raising her hand to hit Fu Yiheng, but as soon as she raised her hand, the other party held her wrist tightly.

"Miss Ye, please respect yourself."

The word self-respect seemed to be a resounding slap in the face, and slammed Ye Xiaozhi's face fiercely.

She was so angry that her throat was sore and she almost couldn't speak her words. She screamed at Yiheng, "I want to sue you for violence and violence, you beast!"

Ye Xiaozi watched this scene, and her voice was a little uncomfortable to hold Ye Xiaozhi, "Sister, don't be angry, this must be someone who designed you, maybe it is Ruan Su."

As she said, she looked at Ye Mianli again, "Uncle, my sister is usually gentle and Shuliang, how could she have done such a scandal? Someone must have calculated her, and she is very simple, following the way of others. "

Fu Yiheng was really impatient looking at the stupid appearance of the sisters.

These idiots are still dreaming of fixing Ruan Su.

Stupid enough.

Originally, he wanted to play with the Ye family sisters before, but now it seems...these two sisters are really stupid.

What's the fun to play?

It is Ruan Su that is more attractive, but it is a pity that she is a thorny rose, which is not easy to pick.

At this time, the family banquet in the hall had officially started, but the few who were absent immediately attracted the attention of everyone. Finally, helpless, they had to send a housekeeper to look for them.

As a result, the butler saw this scene, and he hurried back to report to Mrs. Ye Lao.

Mrs. Ye almost fainted with anger, and there was almost no place to put her old face.

Especially with so many people, although it was just a family dinner, many relatives and friends came, and there were some nobles who had made good friends with the Ye family.

Mrs. Ye almost didn't mention it, her face was pale, and she couldn't eat anymore. "Everyone must have fun, don't be polite, come back soon after getting tired of it."

After she finished speaking, she ordered the housekeeper to call Ye Yanli back quickly.

At this time, Fu Yiheng had already left, leaving only Ye Xiaozhi, Ye Xiaozi and Ye Beitang. Ye Xiaozhi only thought she was going crazy. She was so angry that she raised her hand to tear her sister Ye Xiaozi, a little hysterical. Said, "I'm your sister, how can you treat me this way?"

Ye Xiaozi covered her painful face, and she didn't understand why Ye Xiaozhi and Fu Yiheng were fighting together in the end.

She looked at Ye Xiaozhi aggrievedly, "Sister, I really don't know what happened. I didn't frame you. You must believe me! We are sisters!"

"What about my dear sisters? I have seen so many dear sisters in order to steal men. Do you also like thin lines? That's why you treat me like this! You are not targeting Ruan Su at all. , It's me!"

Ye Xiaozhi cried angrily.

"You two sisters should go back quickly, don't continue to be embarrassed here." Ye Yanli was upset for a while, and said with a cold face, "Get out of here!"

Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi were tired of the cold gaze on Shang Ye, and they suddenly became timid.

Especially Ye Xiaozhi, she almost didn't have the courage to see Ye Mianli, she had to turn around silently and left.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xiaozi also chased after him.

Ye Yanli and Ye Beitang's uncle and nephew returned to the hall, and they saw Ruan Su sitting next to Mrs. Ye and talking. She was well-dressed, and her whole body seemed to shine.

At a glance, she is the most eye-catching one.

Ye Yanli walked over quickly and sat down on the other side of Mrs. Ye, "Mom, I made you wait for a long time."

Mrs. Ye raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Did you deal with it?"

Ye Yanli thought of the scene with the spicy eyes he saw just now, especially the disgusting scene of his niece Ye Xiaozhi's naked body, and then looked at Ruan Su, it was simply a farewell.

Ruan Su is elegant and charming, with outstanding temperament, the Ye family sisters are simply rubbish.

Just like that, a pair of sisters still want to get involved in a thin line?

It's ridiculous.

It's not that he doesn't mind his niece, it's that he really doesn't mind.

"Miss Ruan, I must apologize to you." Ye Mianli stood up and took a glass of wine, then turned to Ruan Sujing, "Is my two nieces bothering you?"

Ruan Su looked at him unexpectedly, "Where did Ye Shao start? I think the two Miss Ye are pretty good, beautiful and very enthusiastic. They invited me to the garden, but I want to accompany Ye Old lady, she declined."

Ye Yanli listened to Ruan Su's words, and suddenly couldn't restrain his heart and leaned toward her again. Listen to what the **** said, and then look at what Ruan Su said!

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