Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 629: Ambition is written on the face, punishment!

A smile appeared on Ruan Su's face. She looked very good when she laughed, and her eyes were bright and clear, like a crescent moon in the sky. "What's wrong? Has something happened that I don't know?"

Ye Yanli's face was hot, and the shameful feeling rushed up immediately.

On the contrary, Ye Beitang was very calm, "My uncle and I saw a disgusting scene in the garden just now, and we can't wait to poke our eyes."

But before he could finish his words, Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi sisters rushed over.

"Grandma, you have to call the shots for our sisters!"

"Grandma, we are your granddaughter, she framed us."

"Yes, that's her." Ye Xiaozhi cried with pears and rain. "I used to be walking in the garden, but I was stunned by her drug use and put me and Fu Yiheng together to do that kind of thing... …"

"Everyone knows what my sister usually looks like. She is a lady and socialite. She usually doesn't get out of the door and the second door is not open. Recently, because she knows that grandma likes embroidery, she is still learning embroidery..." Ye Xiaozi also wiped. Tears that do not exist at all, hypocritically.

Mrs. Ye had a headache, and only felt that everyone was looking at her.

Ye Yanli stared at the sisters with anger.

"Didn't you two go back?"

He just asked the sisters to leave just now because he didn't want the relatives in the hall to know about the scandal. He just had to talk to Ruan Suji in private.

As a result, the sisters ran out on their own and said so loudly. They seemed to be at ease because they had to make a big mess, and there was no way to end it!

Shame, shame!

Now everyone knows the ugly thing Ye Xiaozhi has done, and he is so angry!

Why are these two sisters so stupid.

Sure enough, the sisters' words were so stupid, they immediately attracted everyone's onlookers.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what happened.

"You should be dating Shao Fu?" Ye Beitang coughed softly, reminding Ye Xiaozhi not to talk nonsense.

But the pig teammate's sister Ye Xiaozhi stared at him angrily, "Who associates with him? How can a man like him be worthy of me?"

Ye Beitang: "..."

"Grandma, Fu Yiheng bullied me in the garden. I was drugged by Ruan Su at the time. I don't know anything." Ye Xiaozhi cried and said, "I am innocent."

"Pop!" A slap on Ye Xiaozhi's face fiercely, Ye Xiuli couldn't bear it and slapped Ye Xiaozhi.

He was so angry that he stared at Ye Xiaozhi, "Are you not embarrassed enough? I don't know how to behave, and I don't know how to be ashamed, so I dare to run here to frame Miss Ruan."

Ye Xiaozhi was shocked, her face was sore, she only felt that her cheek was about to be smashed by Ye Yanli.

She was so scared that she almost forgot to cry, but stared at Ye Yanli in a daze.

She had never seen such an angry Ye Dili, such a cold Ye Dili, the man exuded a breathtaking breath all over his body.

It suffocated her and her heart almost stopped beating.

"Little Uncle—"

She murmured, trying to explain, but Ye Tiili gave her a cold look, and said to Ye Xiaozi, "Don't send her back yet!"

Ye Nianfeng rushed over at this moment and rushed to Ye Li to be out of anger and roared, "Nie Li, this is my daughter, why are you disciplining for me? If you have the ability to discipline your daughter, you can give birth by yourself!"

"Yeah, what does it mean to discipline someone else's daughter? Her father is still alive and it is not your turn to take care of it!" Ye Er Aunt also called out.

"Why? Just because I am the owner of the Ye Family Manor. If I have done a scandal on my site, can't I be disciplined? What is the difference between this and **** on my head?" Ye Yanli said very differently. polite.

Mrs. Ye frowned and watched this farce, and she said in a deep voice, "What's the trouble? The Ye family is able to have today because of Xiao Su and Xiao Shao. You are arguing here because you don’t respect Xiao Su. Disrespect my most important guest!"

"You two sisters, why don't you worry so much?" Mrs. Ye was very upset.

Although she didn't know the ins and outs of the matter, she was instinctively partial to Ruan Su, "All were banned for half a month, and pocket money was confiscated for three months."

"You are fined for three months of embroidering, copying the Buddhist scriptures a hundred times a day, and you are not allowed to sleep and eat unless you finish copying it."

Mrs. Ye gave the order directly, but the order was punishment.

Everyone looked at Mrs. Ye with shocked faces, and couldn't believe it.

Ye Xiaozi and Ye Xiaozhi, a pair of stupid sisters, Hua was also stunned.

Embroidering for three months, copying the Buddhist scriptures a hundred times a day, they couldn't stand these two points alone.

They want to learn the aristocratic temperament and manners, but they are not going to be female celebrities!

Especially when copying Buddhist scriptures, they have to use a brush to copy them. Their writing is crooked...

This is tantamount to torture.

"Grandma, don't..."

"Grandma, you have determined that Ruan Su is not wrong without investigating at all? Why?"

"You are partial. You are too partial. What is good about her? Uncle is partial to her, and you are partial to her."

The sisters were still a little bit crooked, with a look of dissatisfaction.

Elder Ye was so angry that he patted the table, "Two shameful things! Go back! Hurry up, the butler, send me both of them away."

What a shame, what a **** shame.

"Without Xiao Su and Bo Shao, our Ye family would cease to exist. I advise you to show respect to Xiao Su. If things like this happen again in the future, don't blame me for being polite!"

Mrs. Ye has never liked to care about these juniors, and Mrs. Ye usually manages the inner house.

Now that such a disgusting thing happened in the days when Ye Yanli was home, he was so angry that he had a headache.

The brains of these two granddaughters simply couldn't support their ambitions, and the ambitions were all written on their faces, which was a pity that they were stupid.

To do such a stupid thing.

The two daughters were about to be dragged down by the servants of the family. Ye Nianfeng's wife Wang Cancan wanted to make friends with several other relatives of the Ye family, but they all hit a wall.

She thought to herself, forget it, now it makes you look down on me, it doesn't matter, when I move to the manor tomorrow and live with you, we will all be on the same level.

After she thought about it this way, her mind was no longer so impetuous.

When she returned to the living room, she saw the shock of her jaw dropping.

Her two daughters are being reprimanded by Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye.

She was shocked and hurriedly protected her two daughters, "Uncle, Auntie, what are you doing?"

Second aunt Ye is her mother-in-law. Seeing her coming right now, second aunt Ye immediately cast all her anger on her, "How do you educate your children? Let your children do that kind of thing? It's all right now. Also ran away."

Wang Cancan's head is a little dizzy, "What's the matter..."

Why doesn't she know all?

what happened?

She didn't know at all in her heart that her two daughters were so beautiful and so pleased with men, they would definitely be able to marry a wealthy family in the future.

She was thinking secretly when she heard Aunt Ye swear at her, ‘Xiaozhi and Fu Shao were doing disorderly things in the garden. Many people have seen it! It's too shameless! "

She is Ye Liefeng's mother. In the past, her husband and Mr. Ye had no fight for the heir to the count, and in the end she died a long time ago.

Elder Ye's family won the title, so she could only move out with her children.

Now that the Ye Family has such a major event, every one is prosperous, and every one is damaged.

Everyone knows this truth, so since Mr. Ye asked everyone to move back, of course they were very happy.

Aunt Ye was a little bit uncomfortable when she was happy. If her husband had inherited the earl's seat, now she doesn't need to humble herself like this.

She and Mrs. Ye are concubines, but one is the world and the other is underground.


Too irritating!

Now her granddaughter has made a mistake and has to be punished. She can't put a fart on her grandmother.

The more I think about it, the more frustrated.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that Wang Cancan was not pleasing to her eyes. How could her son be so incompetent and not able to marry a wealthy daughter, it would be of no use to the family.

This Wang Cancan is just the daughter of a nouveau riche, and the two daughters he gave birth to are so innocent and so superficial.

You will be embarrassed when you go out, and all the books you read will be eaten by dogs.

After Wang Cancan listened to Ye Er Aunt’s scolding, her face instantly turned pale, "How could this be? Why?"

She looked at her two daughters with anger, "Why did you act so privately before doing things? Can you discuss it with me as a mother?"

There was a mess in her head now, and after this incident spread out, I was afraid it would ruin the reputation of the eldest daughter Ye Xiaozhi.

Who will be willing to marry her at that time?

Wang Cancan became more angry the more he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Struggling with a man in the garden, how did she do it?

Ye Nianfeng is furious now, and others will definitely think that there is a problem with their tutor in this room.

She looked at Ruan Su, who had been calm and not far away. This woman was so vicious that she dared to harm her daughter like this.

Her daughter is so weak and pitiful and innocent, she can only rely on Mrs. Ye's three-point thin face to ask a good in-law to marry better.

The results of it?

Now it's all messed up by the guy named Ruan Su.

Others don't believe her daughter, but she does.

The woman Ruan Su must have done the tricks.

The only plan now is to suppress this matter and not to spread it everywhere.

It's shameful to mess with a man in my own home.


Just when she was thinking about it, she found that the eyes of those around her looked at her with contempt.

She was shocked, wouldn't everyone know about this?

Ye Nianfeng waved his hand and slapped her in the face, "Don't hurry up and apologize to Miss Ruan!"

Wang Cancan was caught off guard. She was about to have an attack for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye were still there.

The daughter also yelled that Ruan Su framed this matter...

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