Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 630: We deserve it! End!

"Mom...Mom, you believe me, I don't, I'm innocent." Ye Xiaozhi hugged Wang Cancan's arm and pleaded bitterly, "She was the one who framed us."

Wang Cancan was so angry that it is no wonder that when those people went to make friends by themselves, they all ignored themselves.

It turned out that Ruan Su was at the trouble.

A cat or dog from where is also worthy to stay with Mrs. Ye as a distinguished guest?

The more she thought about it, the more angry she got. She took a deep breath and said to Aunt Ye Er, "Mom, I know exactly what the qualities of Xiaozhi and Xiaozi are. My daughter has always been well-behaved and sensible, how could she do that? You too? I didn't see it with my own eyes, you are their grandma, you should believe that they are!"

"Yeah, why are you angry at us? Ruan Su did it all. You don't feel sorry for us, and you help Grandma scold us together."

Ye Xiaozhi bit her red lips and said to Aunt Ye, "I am innocent."

Second Aunt Ye couldn't bear it, "You shut up!"

I was so angry that I was so angry that I fainted.

Now all the relatives are looking at their room as a joke. How can she have the face to sit here and eat?

"Go, let me go all!" She was so angry that she dropped her chopsticks and left the seat first.

As soon as she left, her son Ye Lifeng hurried to drag Wang Cancan, "You all follow me!"

As soon as the family left, everyone immediately began to discuss.

"It's really an uncultivated family. Fortunately, the earl's seat was not inherited by their family."

"Yes! With this quality, our Ye Family's centuries-old vigor and centuries-old glory will be completely defeated."

"That's not it?"

"Inflict evil. Miss Ruan is the savior of our Ye family. They even slander Miss Ruan so much, Miss Ruan ignores it."

"Right, right, right! This character has a good character."

"I can't believe it, this is a good girl? I don't know what to do at first glance. I feel embarrassed to go out with them."

There was a wife from the Ye family with disdain in her tone.

"It's a shameful face, do this kind of thing. It's not decent at all. Just now Wang Cancan talked to me, and I didn't want to talk to her. At first glance, she was not a serious woman, dressed in a gorgeous dress, her daughters are like this, Mom guessed It's not much better."

"I still like Miss Ruan, she is beautiful and her character is good."

"When the old lady's birthday banquet last year, Miss Ruan was shocked by the audience and hit Ruan Fangfang and Li Meixing's fake mother and daughter in the face. I didn't expect that the mother and daughter just got off, and the best sisters came up again."

"Although we are also relatives, we used to deal with people in the second room because we rarely dealt with them. The girl in their family is too bad."

Mrs. Ye's face was ugly, and her good-looking son came back without incident.

It was said that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were her distinguished guests, but in the end the group of people in the second room were still a little bit crooked here, which was not just a disappointment.

"Don't mention these messy people and things anymore. Just eat and drink well."

As soon as she spoke, everyone stopped mentioning the topic of the Ye Xiaozhi sisters.

However, I don't know who passed this incident out. People in the entire capital are laughing at the sisters Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi. For a long time, there won't be any big masters coming to date them.

There are also some daughters who dare not play with them, they are afraid of being gossip about, and then their reputation will be hurt.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes kept falling on Ruan Su, never leaving her from beginning to end.

He always knew when Ruan Su left and when he came back, so he had already guessed the ins and outs of the matter.

Especially Song Yan also went out for a while.

Bo Xingzhi knows what happened.

Ruan Su's ability and IQ, controlling such a small thing, is simply a piece of cake.

It's a pity that the two stupid sisters thought they could calculate Ruan Su.

How can it be?

After the family banquet, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi did not live in the Yejia Manor, but left for the hotel.

"It's not because of you, otherwise I won't dirty my hands."

Ruan Su curled his mouth, stretched out his fist and hammered the thin line against his chest.

Bo Xingzhi just curled his lips, feeling a little funny, "What's my business?"

"The two sisters can't wait for the eyeballs to be pulled off and stick to you. These are your enemies for me." Ruan Su smiled, his tone a little bit sour, "What does it look like every day? butterfly."

"It's not that I took the initiative to provoke them, but they ran over to let me clean up."

Ruan Su curled his lips, "If I was the one being counted today, I would be the one who was unlucky! They probably just want to count me at that time, so that I can be ashamed, and then let you break up with me."

"How could I embarrass you?" Bo Xingzhi took her hand. "The two ugly women are too hot-eyed."

Even though he said this, his eyes fell on Ruan Su's face indulgently.

Don't worry, my dear, I will punish them well for you.


Inside the courtyard where Ye's second aunt and her family lived.

Li Meixing and Ruan Fangfang used to live in this yard. Now this yard is divided into their family.

Ye Xiaozi and Ye Xiaozhi were sitting in the study and copying Buddhist scriptures. The more they copied, the more uncomfortable they became.

"Why is this Buddhist scripture so boring and so long!" Ye Xiaozhi mumbled as she copied it, and looked at her sister not far away, she couldn't get angry. "I blame you for your bad idea. It's better now, and you are also punished."

"Who am I being punished for? Isn't it because of you?" Ye Xiaozi got angry when she heard it. "Because of you chasing a man, that's why I gave my life to accompany the gentleman. You don't thank me, do you blame me?"

When Ye Xiaozhi saw that her sister was angry, she quickly said, "Oh, didn't I just say it casually? Why can't you make a joke?"

"Is this a joke?" Ye Xiaozi became more angry as he said.

At this moment, suddenly I didn't know what was going on, and the light in the room went out.

The sisters were shocked, "The power went out? Shouldn't it!"

The room was dark, and the sisters were preparing to hug each other to keep warm, suddenly!

"Ah! What is this?"

Someone sprinkled a piece of silver shimmering powder on his head? !

The sisters exclaimed in surprise, "Who? Who is in our room?"

"What kind of medicine did you spill?"

While talking, the lights in the room turned on.

Wang Cancan and Aunt Ye rushed in together. "You two don't copy the Buddhist scriptures well, so what are you talking about there?"

"Mom, grandma, our lights suddenly went out, and someone broke in." Ye Xiaozi quickly stood up from the corner and said.

Ye Xiaozhi also stood up, "Yes, Mom, it's not safe at all here, let's go back to our own house."

"What's going back? I have to live here even if I die. Don't you understand what it means to live in Yejia Manor? Don't let me hear you say moving away again! Other people want to live but can't live in! "Ye Er Aunt roared angrily, the two muds who really couldn't help, lost money.

The more she looked at this mother and son, the more she was displeased, and she couldn't give birth to her son's rubbish.

What is the use?

Feeling Ye Er Aunt's white eyes, Wang Cancan swallowed the breath abruptly. Ye Er Aunt, the mother-in-law, is not a wicked mother-in-law anymore.

She is numb.

But now that both daughters have grown up, they still have to find a good family to marry!

After the family banquet tonight, I am afraid it is really difficult to want to marry again.

Wang Cancan called an irritability in his heart.

She was about to scold her daughter a few words, but she heard Ye Xiaozi suddenly screamed, "It hurts, my arm hurts."

"It hurts me too." Ye Xiaozhi suddenly started to scratch her arm, screaming as she scratched, and after a while, she scratched her arm with a red mark.

The two people grabbed desperately, as if only this way could relieve the pain in their arms.

Not only that, after a while, the two of them started to scratch other parts, lifted their clothes, scratched their necks, scratched their stomachs...

The scene is like the zombie in the movie is coming.

I just didn’t scratch my stomach...

But the blood still oozes along the place where the two of them have grasped hard.

In the end, Ye Xiaozhi started to grab his face, and Wang Cancan was so scared that he rushed over, "You can't grab your face! How can you see people if you grab it?"

"But, Mom, it hurts so much! It hurts so much that I can only feel comfortable by scratching it!" Ye Xiaozhi was about to cry, this feeling was too abused and uncomfortable.

Although Ye Xiaozi was also uncomfortable, she was much calmer than her. "It must have been the powder that the person sprinkled on us when there was no electricity just now. Let's go to the hospital."

Half an hour later, inside a car at the entrance of the hospital.

Ruan Su saw a black car and hurriedly parked on the parking lot at the entrance of the hospital. The two daughters of the Ye family got out of the car in a hurry, screaming in pain while walking, looking very embarrassed. .

Wang Cancan and Ye Fanfeng followed their two daughters and kept scolding.

"You're hurting enough, so I remembered what pain and pain powder was used to treat them." Ruan Su couldn't help laughing while watching this scene.

"It's just a little trick." Bo Xingzhi is unlikely to kill them, but it's okay to give them a small punishment.

Who let them bully his baby!

"Let's go." Ruan Su lightly kissed the man's chin and looked at him with a smile, "Go back to the hotel."

Bo Xingzhi's eyes were gloomy, and he squeezed her chin to deepen the kiss, "Do you think you can escape if you hook the fire?"

Ruan Su stared at him, "Don't want to go crazy anytime, anywhere, you know?"

How could Bo Xingzhi let her go easily, leaning close to her ear, and exhaling evilly, "See how I will clean up you when I get to the hotel."

On the other side, the Ye family sisters went to the emergency department and got registered. They were infusions and needles for medicine. They went home tired after tossing in the sky.

Ruan Suze and Bo Xingzhi returned to the hotel a long time ago, and after a hearty and intense exercise, they fell asleep.

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