Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 631: Captain Thin went around and went to heaven again!

When the Ye family sisters returned home, the early servants were already cleaning the courtyard, and they were shocked to see the embarrassed and **** appearance of the sisters.

But no one dared to speak, and bowed their heads to do their work in silence.

Talking less and doing more is the last word for survival.

But I don't know who said it, so he talked about this matter.

At first, it was just a message. They were away from home most of the night, and only came back at dawn with blood on their bodies.

Later, it became more and more outrageous, saying that Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi ran out in the middle of the night to **** the blood of the small animals in the manor.

It was horrible to be covered in blood.

When it spreads to Mrs. Ye's ears, they have become Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi. They may be vampires. Everyone should be careful not to go out at night.

Maybe the sisters will be dragged into the house to **** blood.

Mrs. Ye was so angry that she felt that she had to live less than three years.

These two grand nieces do not make people worry every day, first they are embarrassing, and now they are engaged in this kind of blood-sucking incident.

Is it true that her old woman is dead?

Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi didn't know what was going on. They stood in the living room of the villa where Mrs. Ye lived, looking at each other.

"Did we make any mistakes again?"

"I do not know either!"

"You move out, you don't have to live in the manor anymore." Mrs. Ye gave a cold look at sisters Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi. The sisters wore dresses of the same color today, both of them were light yellow and looked skin-like. It's white, but it doesn't please Mrs. Ye at all.

This was like a bolt from the blue, and the sisters were shocked.

He stared at Mrs. Ye with a shocked look, "Grandma, why do you want us to move out?"

"Did we do anything? We did nothing!"

Sisters, you said, I started to argue in a word.

Mrs. Ye raised her eyes and glanced at the sisters, and took a few photos directly from a servant.

Throw it in front of the sisters, "Let's see for yourself."

The photo fell to the feet of the sisters with a "pop".

Ye Xiaozi squatted down and bent over to pick up the photo quickly. When she opened it, she was stunned.

Ye Xiaozhi also tilted her head and leaned over. When she saw everything in the photo, she was also stunned.


This is how they both came back from the hospital with blood stains that morning.

But why was it photographed and showed it to Mrs. Ye?

"Who can explain to me, what have you two done?" Mrs. Ye looked at them with majesty, a trace of disgust in her eyes.

Fortunately, they are not their own granddaughters. If she had two such annoying bugs, she would be very angry.

It was originally a good intention, and I wanted to let all of my family live together and have a caregiver.

The results of it?

These two make people uncomfortable, and they are uneasy to guard themselves every day.

"We didn't know why the whole body hurt suddenly that night, and the pain was so uncomfortable, we had no choice but to scratch with our hands. So we scratched ourselves." Ye Xiaozi quickly explained, and now she and Ye Xiaozhi didn't even know what happened. No matter what, I don't know how terrible the servants in the house have told them about them.

So I tried to explain, thinking that it would be fine if I explained it.

Ye Xiaozhi also quickly explained, "My father and my mother took us to the hospital that night. This is a photo of us just coming back from the hospital!"

"Do you think I am a three-year-old child? Coming up such a lie to deceive me."

Mrs. Ye didn't get angry when she listened to their leaky reasons.

"Grandma, we didn't lie to you!" Ye Xiaozi's face changed in fright, "We are telling the truth!"

Why do they tell the truth and no one believes it?

"What exactly did your sisters do at night, I don't want to pursue it or figure it out." Mrs. Ye sneered, "I am not interested in your personal affairs. But everyone is afraid of you two now, for your safety. Consider, you should move out and live."

"Why should everyone be afraid of us?" Ye Xiaozi instantly grasped the point of Mrs. Ye's words. "What's so scary about us?"

Mrs. Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, "You two know what you have done, you know in your heart, you don't need to repeat such disgusting and dirty things with me."

As soon as she waved, the butler immediately carried their suitcases and threw them in front of them, "Two vampires, please!"

"What do you call us? Vampires? What are these?"

"Do you think you live in the Middle Ages? Or do you think this is a castle?"

The sisters turned pale with anger and tried to continue arguing, but Mrs. Ye's face was blue and she didn't want to keep them at all.

"Where is my mother? Where is my dad? Where is my grandma?" Ye Xiaozi asked Mrs. Ye with a trace of her own sense.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but smile, "Your whole family has left here. We dare not continue living with you. Let's go."

Waiting until they walked out of Yejia Manor, the sisters were still a little dizzy.

"Are we really kicked out?"

"It seems to be true..."

Ye Xiaozhi was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes, "Why?"

"I don't know! Just rely on that photo?" Ye Xiaozi bit his lower lip with anger.

But Wang Cancan, Ye Weifeng and Ye Er's aunt were standing on the side of the road waiting for them.

Seeing the two of them, Aunt Ye rushed up and raised her hand to beat them, "I finally got back to live back. It was you two broomsticks that caused me to be swept out again!"

Ye Nianfeng stopped her, "Mom, this is also your granddaughter anyway, what is your temper?"

Wang Cancan sighed, "The servants say that you two are vampires. You used to **** the blood of small animals, but now you are sucking human blood."

Ye Xiaozi was so angry that he didn't faint, "sucking blood? You can testify for us. We really didn't know what pain we had that night, it was so painful..."

"But they don't believe it at all." Wang Cancan said tiredly, "Forget it, let's go back to our own home. After all, this is not our own home."

Ye Naifeng also said, "Hurry up and don't be embarrassed here anymore. It wasn't that you two offended Ruan Su some time ago, that's why you angered Mrs. Ye. How could she tolerate you?"

"What is it to offend Ruan Su with a foreign surname? Why does Mrs. Ye love her so much?" Ye Xiaozhi said bewildered. She always feels that something is wrong.

"Do you need a reason to hurt her?" Ye Lifeng said, he got in the car and left Ye's house. Without a luxury car, he could only drive his little JEEP again.

Fortunately, this JEEP is an SUV with a large displacement and ample interior space.

After loading the luggage, several people boarded the car together.

The car swayed away from the Ye Family Manor, and also took away the unwillingness of Ye Family's second bedroom.

Aunt Ye Er looked at the far away manor and thought to herself that I would definitely come back.


H Empire Jiangcheng Southern Star Airlines.

Bo Xingzhi is holding a regular meeting with a group of executives.

Just after the meeting, I saw Song Yan stepping in from outside. The man raised his eyebrows and heard Song Yan's voice, "Master, they moved away."

Bo Xingzhi sneered, "You deserve it."

Now just after the new year, many airlines have carried out some new year gift packages, or some special ticket promotion activities.

Southern Star Airlines is no exception, and Beifeng Airlines is also on the list.

Everyone is making corresponding efforts to compete for the peak of tourists in the new year.

Jiangcheng is in the south, and the four seasons are like spring. Unlike the capital, it is still cold and windy.

This is Bo Xingzhi's first flight after passing various medical examinations.

So after the regular meeting, he walked towards his crew office.

Ning Jie wore a stewardess uniform, a beret with the same set on her head, and a silk scarf with a vintage pattern around her neck.

She wore a Cartier diamond watch on her white wrist, and the watch flickered and dazzled as she walked.

The makeup on her face is exquisite, and although the corners of her lips are curved, the flustered eyes have betrayed her anxiety.

She took a few flight attendants to sit at the desk nervously, glanced at the pointer on the watch from time to time, and waited very anxiously.

"Crew chief, is it really the day for Captain Thin to fly again?" He Qiuqiu rushed over. She was also in a stewardess uniform with expectation on her beautiful face.

Ning Jie's anxious eyes were reduced, and her gaze towards He Qiuqiu was extremely calm, "Yes, Captain Thin will come soon. Our team has not cooperated with Captain Thin for a long time. I hope everyone can show the most professional standards. To welcome this flight."

"But, doesn't it all say that he has bipolar disorder or something?" A flight attendant had just been transferred from an internship and was assigned to Ning Jie's group.

She carefully inquired about Bo Xingzhi.

"The experience report provided by Captain Thin shows that he is in good health and there is no mental illness." Ning Jie fiddled with the bangs on her forehead lightly. "So, don't make unnecessary guesses. He is a very professional pilot."

At the end, she added another sentence. "Whoever flies with is work, there is no difference."

Bo Xingzhi walked over at this moment. He was handsome and tall. He was wearing a black captain's uniform. There was a Southern Star Airlines LOGO on his chest with a faint golden light. The necktie was black with no creases. , Holding a captain's cap in his hand.

Extraordinary temperament, high-cold abstinence, precious and cold.

He Qiuqiu stared at him for a few seconds before looking away. He was always so dazzling and could easily make a woman's heart beat faster.

Her heart thumped and thumped.

She thanked herself again. Although she said she was resigned and wanted to leave, she held it back at the last moment. Cheng Ziyin was no longer able to do it, but she was okay.

Her dream of becoming Mrs. Bo remained unbroken. She finally waited until Bo Xing stopped!

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